Better than this
Two and only two alternatives
❝❝When someone starts offering two and only two alternatives, that's the cue to look for the fourth, fifth, and sixth choices.❞❞— NeoWayland NeoNote — Abortion is not about women's rights
NeoNote — The urge to meddle
❝❝Within our borders, absolutely we should have Truth, Justice, and the American way.Read More...
Outside, no. We should be an inspiration, not a hegemony.❞❞
Political orientation
❝❝Political orientation isn't the problem. Politics is.❞❞
❝❝Measure a man in the lives he touched.❞❞
NeoNote — Not right or left
❝❝Rather than citing examples of "rightness" being a mental illness, I think I will just cite the old idiom Moderation in all things.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
I will say that from my perspective it's not "right" or "left" that is wrong per se, but the desire to control others while avoiding the consequences of your own actions. The reasons and the justifications change, not the actions.
Just where do you think the "left" learned the self-righteous, sanctimonious posturing?
Frankly, I don't care who did it first, second, or most recently. Or what the scoreboard says.
You're playing the game, perpetuating the problem. And I have absolutely no assurance that if "your guys" win, my life will be better. Just your promises, which are worth exactly nothing based on past experience.
After all, you've just admitted that you can't stand dissent and disagreement.
If I've no investment in the ideology and your side "breaks the rules" to suppress dissent, then there is no benefit for me to support "the system" no matter which side "wins."
I'd be better off bringing down the whole mess and helping people pick up the pieces afterwards.
That's the stakes you're playing for. Not if your side wins, but if there will be a game left to play, or even if there will be recognizable sides.
So thought experiments aside, are you willing to play with these stakes?
The rules of the game mean you can't win. Neither can they. Oh, each side trades advantage with the other, but the conflict goes on and feeds on itself.
That's not being heroic, that's being damn stupid. What good does it do to protect the widows and orphans when there is no safe place to go?
Of course there are rules of the game, number one being winner take all. Number two being that the "truth" of the argument is determined by the winner of the conflict. Number three is that winning the conflict grants the power to silence dissent. Number four is that the conflict is far too important to allow ordinary people to ask questions.
This isn't Darwin, this isn't the nature of man, this is an artificial construct.
Should I go on?
I never claimed that I didn't answer. I implied you were asking the wrong questions. When anyone reduces things to an either/or premise, that is usually the case.
There you go again, assuming the only response is either/or.
You think winning is the answer.
I want to remove the possibility of either side winning and starting the conflict all over again.
Because after you win, after you put down your sword and gun, after you take a deep breath on the field of battle, I and those like me will be there.
Pointing at you.
And you won't be able to touch us.
Sometimes you don't have to win. Sometimes it's enough to keep the other guys from crossing the finish line and claiming their bloodstained glory.
If you think the socialists winning means that the President, Congress, and the courts have unrestrained power, then you already lost.
And they have exactly as much power over you as you choose to give them.
Either/or is a self-imposed trap. It presupposes that there are two and only two alternatives.
The greatest single expansion of the Deep State was signed into law by a Republican.
Would it help you understand my point if I (truthfully) told you that since a month or two after the handoff, I've said that Hong Kong will be remembered in history as the City That Ate A Country?
It's not a matter of free market DNA. It's the fact that Hong Kong has the most capitalist and competitive society on the face of the planet.
I agree we're talking at cross purposes. You see it as all wrapped up and I see a Gordian knot. In the case of Hong Kong, a free Hong Kong has a greater value than the Chinese military.
But for now, let's agree that we do disagree and move on.
And that is when you change the game.
Did you accept the rule set before you started playing?
Well, that is a interesting philosophical premise.
I'd agree that for most purposes, there appears to be an objective reality. From my purely subjective perspective of course. But pursuing that goes way beyond our conversation here.
Are the units autonomous? Well, that's another philosophical bit. For example, is the planet aware? Restricting our conversation to humans, are humans autonomous? I'd have to say that most individuals are not. No matter what the politics.
Are humans and specifically "leftists" dangerous? They can be, and mostly want to be. Are they more dangerous than "rightists?"
As I said political orientation isn't the problem. Politics is.
I prefer Nolan's chart to the right-left dichotomy.
Politics is controlling the other.
I've spent a lifetime dealing with those who want to control others. Some do in the name of environmentalism, some do in the name of Divine moral authority, some do it for the "greater good." The justification changes, but the methods don't.
One of my biggest frustrations in today's politics is that people overlook what "their" side does even as they denounce the "other" side for doing the exact same thing.
We've reached the point where what is done is not nearly as important as who did it.
Meanwhile liberty takes a hit.
My problem here is once you've won, then what? Especially if in victory you claim power and authority that you never should have had.
Earlier you told me that if the socialists won in 2020, I'll personally lose. My response was to point out that if the EEEEEVVVIIILLLL forces of government already had power to screw me on some technocrat's or politico's whim, then there is no point in me supporting your side because freedom is already gone.
Sure, you promise to fix it, you promise to Do The Right Thing, and I should believe that why?““The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.””
Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan between them escalated the "War On Drugs" and enabled the narco-state. Mandatory minimum sentences were made possible by the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984. Wide scale civil forfeiture including sharing funds and proceeds with local police agencies was made legal by the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. The 1208 program and the militarization of local police dates to 1990, although it was changed to the 1033 program and was expanded in 1996. The USA PATRIOT Act was signed into law by Bush League.
This is only a small portion of things that have happened on a Federal level.
I ask for nothing except the freedom to live my life as I choose while accepting responsibility for my choices.
Who is the "right" to deny me those things?
I'm going to point out again that you're willing to overlook the abuses of "your guys" while going after the "other guys."
I want less government than absolutely necessary. What I see is a long history of Republicans and conservatives who want to expand government, regulation, and spending. The Deep State owes just as much to Republicans than to Democrats.
I don't care who is "in charge." I don't care who is to blame.
I want less government than absolutely necessary.
I gave specific examples of Republicans abusing power in ways that rival anything that Democrats have done or will do.
You are stuck on the label when you should be looking at the institution.
“Nothing R's have done in your lifetime can compare to the damage of the D's.”
Ford's pardoning of Nixon.
Ford's "Hail Mary" pass to save the CIA and his nomination of George H.W. Bush to director. Since it was before my birth, we'll ignore the rumors about Bush's CIA related activities between 1959 and 1964. Also before my time but I'm doing extra credit, the question remains why Bush was pretty much the one American in his generation who could not "remember" where he was on November 22, 1963.
Changing of banking laws and regulations during the early 1980s, leading to the savings and loan crisis, the eradication of regional banks, and the consolidation of American banks and investment firms into selected giants.
The USA PATRIOT Act, literally the climax of decades old Deep State wet dreams. Start with Inslaw and PROMIS, look at the Danny Casolaro murder, and then look at what has happened the last twenty years.
I could go on and on. I haven't even touched on what happened with the Contract With America, or how the leaders of both major parties colluded and conspired against the Tea Party.
The vice or virtue is not in the label. Democrats and the left are not especially evil. Republicans and conservatives don't get a free pass because they are doing the wrong thing for the "right" reasons.
I wanted to make this about government, the abuse of power and politics in general. You were the one making the case that Democrats and the left were irredeemably evil while Republicans and conservatives were mostly good.
First, stop blaming "leftists" for the evils of government.
Second, accept that the label Republican, conservative, or "rightist" doesn't make you saints or even the best qualified.
When you've done that, I'm ready to talk about the next bit.
I gave you examples, including Republicans who actively broke the law.
As for Republicans being the lesser evil, is there a one of them since Eisenhower who did anything other than go through the motions?
Start by admitting it is a government problem and not a Republican or Democrat situation.
Stop making excuses because some of your interests happen to line up at the time.
Until you do that, you're not ready to have this conversation.
You're treating a premise as an Article of Faith Not To Be Questioned.
As long as you hold onto that, you won't believe what I say or accept any solution that I propose. Because under that premise, it's absolute nonsense and can't possibly be anything else.
Or the premise is invalid.
That is not true.
There has to be a commonality to build on, especially for deeply held beliefs.
For example, I don't think humans need to be saved. So talking to me about a guy nailed to a cross isn't really going to resonate. Likewise, unless you accept anthropogenic climate change, the notion of a climate crisis won't make sense.
As for giving my views and the solutions, I have.
“There has to be rationality.”
Since when? Empires have risen and fallen without rationality. Trade agreements have been negotiated without rationality. Probably fewer than ten percent of Americans living right now are rational by any definition except they obey the rules they've been given.
Just to point it out again, I have stated the problem and the solution repeatedly. You reject the premise and therefore don't believe me. Government is the problem, even if it is a "friendly" government controlled by people you like. As long as you look to government for solutions, you make the problem worse.
Case in point, you've mentioned several times that we need to remove the left ideology from public schools and universities. Our public school system was created in part so that government could control what was taught. Did it never occur to you that as long as schools were publicly funded and government controlled, you can never remove the ideas that you don't like? Rather than taking control of schools and universities, maybe the answer is let the schools compete in a free market. The schools that can deliver value will thrive, the others won't. It's worked for everything from rye flour to smartphones, there is no reason to think it wouldn't work incredibly well for schools.
I haven't said anything about moral equivalence.
I just don't think that we should trust politicos to store and transport nuclear sludge in Hefty bags.
Don't tell me about the "virtues" of Republicans. Tell me why, despite their claimed support of smaller government, they haven't done anything substantial since JFK.
And he was a Democrat.
You've been telling me how virtuous the Republicans are. I'm telling you that based on their behavior, they aren't. There's less than a handful of effective Republican politicos on a national level who demonstrate honor and character. It's not because they are Republicans, it's because they have honor and character.
I gave you specific, catastrophic, and freedom destroying examples of highly placed Republicans turning government against the people. Some were felonies, and some weren't felonies only because no one had enacted laws against them yet.
I have offered solutions, you just don't like what I offered since it doesn't give conservatives legal and "moral" advantages that can be exploited against "leftists" because they are leftists.
“Just as we don't want other ideals imposed on us, we shouldn't impose our ideals on others. No matter how convinced we are that we are right.”
“The only thing they are really giving up is the power to compel behavior in others.”
You can't depend on government to do it for you.
Before Trump, who was doing it?
After Trump, who will continue doing it?
And that is assuming that Trump is a net benefit, something I do not believe.
All I've said is that Republicans aren't saints or "the better choice" because they are Republicans. The evidence supports my claims.
You've said that Democrats are more inherently more evil than Republicans. The evidence doesn't support your claims.
Show me people of honor and character and I will consider supporting them.
Show me Republicans and I will insist on honor and character. Show me Democrats and I will insist on honor and character. The label doesn't get a pass.
A man is measured in the lives he touched.
BTW, mandatory minimums, civil forfeiture of property without criminal convictions, and the militarization of police are hardly minor, superficial issues.
Your entire argument boils down to government is worse with Democrats in charge.
My argument is that government threatens liberty and rights no matter who is "calling the shots."
I gave you specific examples during Republican presidencies that have led to massive abuse of power.
I am not saying that Republicans are as bad as Democrats. I am saying that government is bad and it's time we reduced it's power and scope.
Otherwise we're fighting over who gets to be in charge with no evidence that Republicans are better or Democrats are better.
As long as we have government, let's make it too small to screw up our lives.
We have conditioned generations to believe that government is all wise and mostly benevolent. That government is the first, best, and last solution. That any problem can be fixed with more money and government expertise.
Provided no one asks inconvenient questions.
Me, I think government is radioactive and corrosive. I think it is occasionally useful in extreme circumstances but only if it is behind thirteen layers of protection. I think the risks of invoking government outweigh the benefits by several orders of magnitude.
And I do not trust anyone to use it wisely.
As far as the criminal abuse of the alphabet agencies, why do you think it began with Obama against Trump?❞❞
The question changes
❝❝If government is not a net benefit, then the question “What can government do?” changes to “How do we limit costs?”❞❞
Some works
❝❝Some works speak to the ages, and some whimper to the egos.❞❞
Culture is syncretic
Why are taxpayer dollars collected by force being spent on a playground? Any playground?
Read More...Between you and tyranny
❝❝Do you really want to live in a country where the only thing between you and tyranny is the whim of the chief executive?❞❞
Power to abuse
❝❝Again, the "problem" isn't who ever is occupying the office. The problem is that we give government power to abuse and then act surprised when the alphabet agencies take it "too far."❞❞
Making your own choices
❝❝You're perfectly capable of making your own choices.The real question is why politicos don't want you doing that.❞❞
❝❝Let's fix problems caused by government with… more government!❞❞
Allowed economic choices
❝❝The economic choices allowed by government to most American citizens are meant to control them, not to free them.❞❞
NeoNote — Flow of value
❝❝Remember when I said that economics was about the flow of value? It's like piping water in a swamp. Yes, you can clean it up the water and direct it where you want, but there is still a lot of water flowing around. The more water, the more it seeps and looks for lower ground. You can only" fix" that by draining all the water and taking away what used to be widely available.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Now let's change that phrasing that a bit.
Yes, you can clean it up the value and direct it where you want, but there is still a lot of value flowing around. The more value, the more it seeps and looks for lower ground. You can only" fix" that by draining all the value and taking away what used to be widely available.
That's a whole new different perspective. Economic activity and free markets create more value. The flow of value and value in the wrong hands threatens the central systems and the elites. As the elites see it, their best interests are served by controlling value and directing it where they see problems. They want their choice to supersede the choices of others, particularly the unwashed masses who don't know when something is being done for the Greater Good.❞❞
Break the myth
❝❝Let's break the myth that government is the first, best, and last solution.❞❞
"Controlling" an economy
❝❝"Controlling" an economy is like putting plumbing in a swamp. You have to take the existing water away before you can bring water back. The plumbing always leaks and bursts because there is nothing stable to work with.❞❞
Corrosive government
It always bothers people when I answer the implied question and not what they actually said.
Read More...Mutual respect
Defining conservatives
❝❝A conservative tends to value economic freedom over personal freedom. Usually this means removing government obstacles to business while advocating a common moral belief system to join people together, even if someone has to sacrifice in the name of that system. In it's more extreme forms, that can mean dictating the personal behavior (and occasionally beliefs) of individuals through government actions. The bottom line and results take precedence over feelings.❞❞— NeoWayland, Pagan•Vigil FAQ
Defining modern liberals
❝❝A modern liberal can range from what used to be called a "progressive" to socialist. Roughly speaking, a modern liberal is all for personal freedom but feels that economic freedom and opportunity should be controlled by government action so that everyone "benefits equally" in the name of "social justice." In it's more extreme forms, it can mean that good intentions and lofty goals are judged over results.❞❞— NeoWayland, Pagan•Vigil FAQ
Do good
❝❝People don't do good because of the law. People do good because it's the right thing to do. People choose good because it makes the World a little better than it was. It's the choice and the action that makes a responsible adult.❞❞
❝❝Public pressure had nothing to do with it. Like most great moments in American history, ordinary people chose the right thing and to hell with what the elected officials thought or did. Americans have been doing that for almost 250 years. It's a part of our mythology. How many of our great stories and films are about the underdog taking a stand and winning?❞❞
History changes
❝❝History changes not because of Great People doing Great Things, but because of ordinary people choosing extraordinary things.❞❞
"People of color"
❝❝"People of color" don't need me to make them victims, they are too busy doing it themselves.❞❞
One single person
❝❝If one single person means you can't honor your country, then you probably never honored it to begin with.❞❞
Professional academics
❝❝In my experience, professional academics are appallingly ignorant outside their fields, and often ignorant of their field outside their specific school of thought. Especially in the humanities or the soft sciences.
Outside of the real world, success is measured by publication and complication, not the practical application. Shakespeare is not just a dead white guy's words on a page, it's about understanding character and narrative and the blossoming of human nature. It's about passing on stories and showing the future what worked for us and those who went before.
There's a reason why the "dead white males" stuff stuck around, it's because it worked. That doesn't mean it excludes all other possibilities, it means we start with what we know worked so we can learn to see what else could happen.❞❞
Power from victimhood
❝❝If you teach people to only take power from their victimhood, all you're really doing is teaching them to stay victims.❞❞
Greet the sunrise
❝❝I also greet the sunrise every day that I can. That's something I learned from my Baptist deacon grandfather. Granted, I do it with a bit more ceremony than he ever did. He was content to do it from the front porch with a cup of coffee.
Oh, and I've been known to dance naked in the light of a full Moon.
You can't embarrass me for following rites and rituals, anymore than you can embarrass a Christian for taking communion or an orthodox Jew for keeping kosher. My faith isn't my politics, and it doesn't matter to me what others think about it. It's between me and the Divine.❞❞
If the American government were a car…
❝❝If the American government were a car, you would have patched three tires, overhauled the transmission, replaced the electrical system, and washed the windows. Meanwhile it still leaks oil and has a disturbing habit of catching fire every once in a while.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments on Progressives collude to prevent investigation of attempted coup
Break the myth
❝❝Let's break the myth that government is the first, best, and last solution.❞❞
❝❝The allegations against Trump described the Clintons' behavior.❞❞
American medical costs
❝❝American medical costs started outpacing inflation right after Medicare and Medicaid become law. If that doesn’t convince you, remember those costs rose drastically every time the Federal government tried to “fix” the problem.❞❞
Trump's one virtue
❝❝Trump's one virtue is that he's a disruptor.❞❞
Mark of monotheism
❝❝Christians over the years have killed a lot more people in the name of their God or for the Greater Good than anyone else. It seems to be a mark of monotheism, and something the rest of us wish the monotheists would grow out of of.❞❞
Blind spots and authority
❝❝I know that expertise does more to define blind spots than establish authority.❞❞
We don't agree with each other
❝❝We don't agree with each other, not entirely. Just because someone is religious doesn't automatically mean that they are defective. If nothing else, that faith gives them a different perspective. It doesn't mean it's right or wrong, more or less, just different. Sometimes that's good, sometimes not. It depends on the individual and circumstances.
Religion is bad is just as big a trap as science is good. There was an author named Isaac Bonewits who wrote on the limitations of dualism. Either/or thinking can trap you. One example is that if something is ACCEPTABLE than everything else is NOT ACCEPTABLE. It becomes easier to define what doesn't work for you as not fitting your worldview instead on it's own characteristics. If all you are looking for is WHITE, than anything else including fuzzy pink becomes NOT WHITE. I'm sure you'll agree that while black and fuzzy pink are NOT WHITE, neither are they the same thing. And we still haven't touched on semi-sweet.❞❞
Not part of the climate crisis crowd
❝❝I'm a pagan who is not part of the climate crisis crowd. Two of the biggest reasons are the climate changes on Mars during roughly the same period and the fact that the models haven't been accurate yet (and had an 18 year gap). Long story short, we don't know enough about the climate to even say what the baseline is, much less fiddling with the thermostat.❞❞
Government gets involved
❝❝When government gets involved, count on costs going up, quality going down, and availability diminishing.❞❞
Outside the law
❝❝I don't think government is the first, best, and last solution.
I don't think the emergencies are really emergencies. As long as there is a mechanism for government to act outside the law, government will act outside the law.❞❞
Fear mongering
❝❝Democrats have been fear mongering too. Especially since Trump announced.
I'm not going to say who is right or wrong, but I am going to point out that both major parties have done fear mongering over decades. If that is one behavior you're questioning, you should ask why is it bad when "They" do it and good when "We" do it?
I too get tired of the dualism. But I don't see it limited to one party.
My blocked follower on this site would tell you that I am oversimplifying. I don't think I am. Both parties do it. Both parties are contributing to the problem. Both have media allies who sing their praises.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Pagan Community Notes: Religious harassment at Florida Gathering, Calif. school removes Bible verse, and more!
Here's what you haven't been told about ethanol
❝❝Since ethanol is heavily subsidized in the United States, the price at the pump does not reflect the actual cost to produce. Extra costs are buried in taxes and the Federal general fund. These costs include collecting the tax, administering the tax, administrating the production and distribution of ethanol, and actual subsidies. It's nearly impossible to accurately calculate these costs, much less contain them.
Even with substantial subsidies, the technology doesn't exist to make ethanol economically from anything except food crops. Theoretically, almost any plant material can be used. Practically we haven't reached that point yet.
Government mandates and artificial demands for ethanol raise global food costs. The more crops required for ethanol, the bigger demand on food crops. The more ethanol that is required by law, the less food the poor can afford.
Mixing ethanol with gasoline makes fuel with less energy. More fuel must be used to move the same distance. There is ever growing political pressure to increase the ethanol and decrease the gasoline in the mix, which means even more fuel is needed.
Ethanol does not burn "cleaner" than gasoline. Ethanol does produce fewer greenhouse gases, but science hasn't yet found significant evidence that human-caused greenhouse gases significantly change the climate.
Ethanol is much more chemically reactive. Special (expensive) measures must be taken to transport and store ethanol. It doesn't "keep" as well as gasoline.
Farming crops to produce a gallon of ethanol takes more than a gallon of gasoline, especially considering the soil additives needed.❞❞
What would Walt think?
❝❝There's a part of me that can't help but wonder what ol' Walt would have thought about a bunch of stormtroopers marching around the Disney parks. Even if it is May the Fourth.❞❞
Too much power
❝❝I'm going to say this again. If the Democrats are afraid of what Republicans do with government power…
…if Republicans are are afraid of what Democrats do with government power…
…if independents don't trust either the Democrats or the Republicans with government power…
…and if libertarians don't trust government power…
…maybe, just maybe, the government has too much power.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Leaks and Barr
NeoNote – “What I do is not up to you.”
Not what they wear, not who they live with, not what they eat, not what happens in the bedroom, not what they read, not how they do it, and not who they do it with.
Read More...Women's rights
❝❝The first and most important "women's right" is the right to vote. Then comes the right to earn, to keep what is earned, and to hold property. Free speech and the rest listed in the Bill of Rights come next. Reproductive "rights" don't even make the top ten. Especially since the last time I checked, sex is supposed to be a consensual activity.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from The “no news is good news” open thread
Racial justice
Worker rights
❝❝If you don't have the right to walk away from any organization, it is not freedom. Meanwhile, there's always the option of finding another job. If there are no other jobs, then chances are that's a government sanctioned monopoly. There are plenty of other ways to protect worker rights, many which work better than unions. ESOPs are one example.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from The “no news is good news” open thread
❝❝Just to point out the obvious, previously language changed without being mandated or legally sanctioned or morally correct. It worked because people used it and decided that it worked.❞❞
“Coolness was never conservative.”
❝❝Coolness was never conservative.
It grew out of the jazz age and into the Las Vegas and West Coast aesthetic personified by Hefner, Sinatra, and Bruce. It was always about pushing the envelope with just a touch of rebellion. It was always about the show over substance and the deeds better left unmentioned.❞❞
Works for religion
❝❝People are looking for something, and some of them are not finding it in churches. Some are, but there never was a one-size-fits-all solution. Competition keeps us honest. It works for peanut butter, smart phones, and politics.
And it most certainly works for religion.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Pagan Community News: Twin Cities man charged with child exploitation, SCOTUS decision, and more!
Say what you want about Republicans
❝❝The perception and focus of the Democrat party is that there are groups who have been disenfranchised by society at large and that it is time to "get theirs." It's not about rights, it's about the politics of victimhood. Interests aren't addressed, certainly not in a larger context of all rights for all people. It's about slights and injustices, even if those have to be manufactured.
Say what you want about Republicans (and I often say a lot), at least they don't define rights in terms of politically approved sub-groups to exploit victimhood and the divisions between people.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from That time when Democrats were responsible for low Black unemployment
One tenth the effort
❝❝If the mainstream media spent one tenth the effort looking at Democrat misconduct that it does looking for Republican misconduct, the nation would be far better off.❞❞
NeoNote — The grand distraction
❝❝I'm not going to talk about Trump and his failings or if he is substantially worse than the other presidents.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
What I am going to talk about (again) is that all these efforts to nail Trump show that the Federal government has too much power and that rogue elements and actors are not held accountable.
Yes, Trump's office was bugged. But that is just part of a surveillance state that has been in turbo boost since 9-11. And 9-11 isn't a good excuse, it just codified and focused secret plans that had been drifting around since the 1970s.
The issue is not Trump. The issue is not the Republicans. The issue is not the Democrats. These ongoing struggles over which party is on the side of the angels and public perception over crimes and misdeeds, that's just the distraction. While we're arguing over who did what, there are unelected and unaccountable elements in government and high finance who are taking power and freedom away from you.
No, you didn't win. The game hasn't stopped. We are still being screwed. And the next bit will make this look like robbing a kid's lemonade stand.❞❞
❝❝Islam is a faith. Criticism of Islam is not racism.❞❞
NeoNote — Unjustified privilege
❝❝You're making unjustified assumptions.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Is the climate crisis a thing? To some (like most pagans), yes. To others like (not conservative) me, no. It's an article of faith, not far removed from monotheism or forgiveness of sin. The issue is that because of the alarmism, those who believe in the climate crisis don't tolerate dissent because of the "urgency" of the problem.
At their best, American Christian conservatives are extremely community minded. A child lost in the woods? They are there looking. Death in the family? Somebody is bringing meals by. The problem is who they identify as being part of the community. Something that is not helped by some like pagans setting themselves outside the acknowledged community.
Most claims of conservative racism are because the conservatives involved didn't see any reason to grant special privilege when people already had rights recognized by law. It doesn't help when conservatives are routinely accused of white supremacy simply for being the wrong skin color regardless of their words and actions. There is a vast difference between not supporting the claims of groups like BLM and being racist. Because conservatives (and libertarians too) see rights as individual and not collective, the idea of identity politics is repugnant. You have rights because you are human, not because you are Hispanic, female, wore a pink hat in a march, or consider yourself non-binary.
What's more, the idea that only "whites" can be racist because of something that was done in their great-great-great grandparents time just doesn't fly. Racism comes in all colors. I've seen casual racism my entire life. I've also seen most people reach out for no other reason than someone else needed help.
Finally, judging people by label is a mistake. The label has no inherent vice or virtue. It's the individual who makes the label mean something through their words and actions, not the other way around. Power from victimhood depends on the pity of others and will make you less than you are.
Here are some of the demands for privilege I've seen during my life.
The idea that one skin color and one skin color alone can decide what is and is not racism. I still know people who try to convince me that a "black" minister saying "Hymietown" is not racist.
The idea that inner-city poverty is a more important than reservation poverty.
The idea that a person whose family came from Nigeria two generations ago has a claim on the success of a person whose family came from China five generations ago.
The idea that skin color should trump evidence in a crime.
And as long as we keep qualifying the legal definition of who is and is not allowed to marry, that problem will not go away. Previously I've pointed out in discussions on this site that somehow in the call for marriage equality poly marriage wasn't even a consideration. That selectivity is a consequence of defining rights by group instead of individual.
Pardon, but the bit about how some threw poly people under the bus should be stressed. Because the "struggle" wasn't about marriage in whatever form it could take between consenting adults, it was about "gay marriage."
It wasn't about rights. It was about privilege for some taken at the expense of others.
No, there wasn't a "polyamorous community" fighting to be recognized. I had some LGBT activists tell me emphatically that poly people didn't deserve marriage because they hadn't fought for it.
That is where my issue is. I'm perfectly willing to fight for equal rights. But I hear demands for "black" rights, Hispanic rights, women's rights, gay rights, and for all I know rights for people with ingrown toenails. Not to mention Christian rights, pagan rights, Muslim rights, atheist rights, and pastafarian rights. That doesn't even count the constant efforts of government to define government powers as rights (police rights, Congress has the right…). It seems that everyone wants to carve out their own piece but no one is willing to help carve out a piece for any group but theirs. Especially if they don't agree with other groups.
It's not about rights. It's about privilege for some taken at the expense of others.
Oh, and by the way, "white" cis males are guilty for all the troubles in the world. Especially when they don't abase themselves to the demands of self-identified victims-of-the-week. No matter what they personally have done or said, "white" cis males are undeniably and collectively guilty. Or so I am told. Again and again and again.
How that is not racist is beyond me.
Meanwhile "people of color" tell me that they are fighting for the rights of the victimized. And they are. But not if those victims live almost invisibly and don't advance certain causes. And definitely not if those victims have different politics. If there is an oil pipeline that gets TV coverage, the "champions" are all over it. But every day poverty on Amerindian reservations, well, that just isn't important enough.
So tell me, when is it reasonable when some victims are deliberately overlooked? Maybe it's not about rights. Maybe it's about privilege.
Human rights are the only ones worth fighting for. Maybe we should worry about the rights we share instead of a place in the pecking order. It's not a right unless the other has it too.
“I still wouldn't characterize them as privileges.”
I know. That's what's so frustrating. Human rights get moved to the back seat, then to the bicycle with a flat tire thirteen rows back.❞❞
Personally I'd be willing to live and let live with Christians.
❝❝Personally I'd be willing to live and let live with Christians. But that works two ways. If my beliefs don't control the actions and beliefs of monotheists, then theirs don't control mine. That means that the law must treat every faith (and even no faith) equally. Neither help nor hinder. No special consideration or privilege. But at the same time, some Christians act as if their religion must be raised above all others, even by those who do not practice it. Freedom of religion does not mean putting Christianity first. It means choice, even if that choice is one you do not agree with.❞❞
Pet peeve
❝❝Government, government agencies, and agents acting on behalf of governments do not have rights. Governments have powers. Just governments have powers to protect and defend individual rights. Unjust governments have powers to protect and defend privileges.❞❞
NeoNote — This tragedy does not reflect on Heathens.
❝❝Kudos for not mentioning the shooter's name.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
The shooter had absolutely nothing to do with Heathenry or pagan beliefs. I don't understand why any group should change their language, practices, customs or actions when the shooter was not part of the group or the community.
Guns are not the problem. There are many more responsible gun owners than crazy people. The people who pay attention to gun laws are not the ones you should worry about. I say this as a reluctant gun advocate. I hate guns and I would ban them if I could eliminate every gun.
This tragedy does not reflect on Heathens. I understand that you have issues with how some Heathens speak and act. I respect that and I expect that you should speak your conscience. This terrible event should not justify wholesale changes in Heathenry just to satisfy your political desires.❞❞— comments from Column: After Christchurch, Declarations or Deeds?
NeoNote — Religion & morality
❝❝There is nothing that prevents people from following religious law. But there is nothing that demands others follow those same religious laws.❞❞Read More...
NeoNote — Brand D
❝❝Are you going to insist that Democrats are Democratic again?NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Actually given the actions of the Democrat party leadership over the last century or so, Democratic is the last thing they should be called. It's always been about establishing an elite outside of the laws and rules that apply to everyone else. Often with veto power over the words and actions of others.
One recent example are the superdelegates. That is about as anti-democratic as you can get.
Just Newspeak in action. Again.
And you clearly didn't get my reference to Newspeak.
It's a brand name. It's no more democratic than Acme Company is "the best there is." Progressives and Democrats have a long undeniable history of coopting words into something that means the exact opposite. "Liberal" used to mean what we Americans call "libertarian" today.
And there we go. That's Democrat Tactic #45, Alinsky #13, and PeePeeTape #4.
Shift the focus away from the argument and towards the person who made the argument.
As I said, "with veto power over the words and actions of others."
Tell you what. I'll call them Brand D. That way you can ever so conveniently ignore the attempts to usurp language without being too obvious about it.
Do you really think you have the power to dictate my actions or words?
Do you really think that there is one person reading this site that will have any doubt whatsoever just which group I mean?
Brand D it is then.❞❞
NeoNote — Naturally Good
❝❝As far as I am concerned, you have no business going after Republicans until you at least acknowledge that Democrats aren't perfect and are just as good at messing things up.❞❞Read More...
NeoNote — Wiretapping
❝❝To me, the interesting thing is that most of the mainstream media is willing to ignore things like this so long as it's a Democrat doing it to a Republican.❞❞Read More...
Maybe the fault isn't in the "Right" or "Left…"
❝❝Maybe the fault isn't in the "Right" or "Left," but in the idea that other people's behavior must be controlled For Their Own Good and For the Good of Society. Rather than teaching people that freedom comes with responsibility, we condition people to obey the duly delegated Proper Authority for the sake of perpetuating the institution.❞❞
NeoNote — Politicos want problems they can stage-manage
❝❝I know people don't want to hear this, but I am posting it anyway.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Maybe the fault isn't in the "Right" or "Left," but in the idea that other people's behavior must be controlled For Their Own Good and For the Good of Society. Rather than teaching people that freedom comes with responsibility, we condition people to obey the duly delegated Proper Authority for the sake of perpetuating the institution.
Politicos want problems they can stage-manage.
Personally I find progressives more intolerant than conservatives. Conservatives, once they accept the idea, are willing to live and let live even if they don't approve.
It's not conservatives telling me I can't watch a pretty girl. It's not conservatives telling me that I have to get permission before I can touch another. It's not conservatives who tell me my every personal interaction is subject to approval, ex post facto if political advantage can be had.
I know you personally don't think politics should be separated from faith, but when do I get to practice my faith without being subject to politics? Do I really need to consider the intersectional implications when I greet the dawn? When I see people whimpering in their safe spaces, why can't I tell them about the strong ones who gained power overcoming adversity? Do we really have to examine the psycho-sexual implications of a cup and dagger before using it?
I probably wasn't clear. When I was speaking of 'live and let live," I did not include the "leadership." I was talking about the people on the street. That's not to say that I don't encounter plenty of Christian conservatives who are determined to control everyone else because "God told them so." It's just that these days, there are more progressives convinced that they know what is best.
It's one reason why I annoy conservatives and progressives both. I don't accept that either has the Wisdom of the Ages and I don't think people should be controlled For Their Own Good.
On this site I tend to be more critical of liberal ideas because that's mostly who is here. I could point out that Wilson was responsible for the drug wars, that Obama took the surveillance state far beyond what his predecessor did, and that certain high profile politicos and celebrities (most of them Democrat) took sexual advantage while claiming to be feminist allies.
Or I could just point out that power corrupts, just as freedom without responsibility does, and that it's in our best interest to make sure that government and the self-appointed elites have as little power over us as possible. No matter how much we agree with the politico of the day, government power will be used against us.
If you can't trust your worst enemy with government power, why in the name of all the gods do you think you can trust your best friend?❞❞
Perfect solution
❝❝We don't have a perfect solution. But we don't need one. We just have to make today better than yesterday.❞❞
Expertise and understanding
❝❝Language is defined by usage, not expert decision and proclamation. It's why there are new words like smartphone and LOL. It's why there are obscure words like gelogenic and aretaics that most people don't know.
Now, do I know science? Yep, I know the scientific method. I know that science works by explaining past phenomena and accurately predicting future change. I know that there is a difference between physics and chemistry, although hardcore physicists will insist that every thing in chemistry is only a subsection of physics. I know that expertise does more to define blind spots than establish authority.
And I know that insight and understanding is not defined by degrees and publication, but by who can explain and predict. I also know that disparaging the source without considering the argument moves from scholarship to dogma. I know that the institution doesn't have value except in that it can produce results.❞❞
Science doesn't work by consensus
❝❝Science doesn't work by consensus. Science works by explaining existing phenomena AND accurately predicting what happens next. Scientists are people too and they can see where the money and power are coming from. Very few want to speak against that. Sometimes the ones who have disputed the consensus have been attacked and discredited without the argument ever being addressed.❞❞
❝❝For the Official Record, I didn't dispute that climate change is occurring. I disputed the measured changes were significant, if they were unusual, and if they were human caused. There's also the questions if the changes are bad, if humans can stop or reverse it, and if we should mess with a climate system that we have yet to understand.
For these reasons I dispute the climate change crisis.❞❞
Not a defect
❝❝Consider this. Is it possible that the corruption and graft are a function of the system and not a defect?❞❞
Education should not be pre-chewed
❝❝The classes teaching socialist and Marxist ideology aren't labeled as such. They are in fact part of the general education requirement. That wouldn't be so bad, except those classes are the only ones allowed. No one is allowed to dissent from the orthodoxy.
Once upon a time, university meant debating things that you disagreed with or that made you uncomfortable. You learned to think and defend your reasoning even if the words and thoughts you faced offended you.
Now, we have safe spaces to protect overgrown children from triggering because they shouldn't have to face something that actually makes them think and grow.
Education should not be pre-chewed. Education should be hard. Education should challenge you to be something more than you are right now. Education should be about understanding what you oppose. Education should be about finding what works.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from De-toxify America by pulling federal funds out of higher education
It's never enough
❝❝Bottom line: the politics of victimhood always depend on the guilt of others AND avoiding personal responsibility. And no matter what the "guilty" might "sacrifice," it's never enough. Equal rights and equal opportunity is one thing, special privilege because of "past wrongs" is just asking for trouble.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from The Assault Smirk and Scary Leftist illustrated edition
Not about who is better
❝❝It’s not about who is better, it’s about what we can do together.❞❞
Utopian ideas
❝❝Many utopian ideas aren't based in reality and require unwilling sacrifice (otherwise called theft). The utopian definition of injustice is always how society is just evil, without considering that society mostly works. So rather than correcting the injustice, society must be corrected.❞❞
Truth, liberty and the rule of law
❝❝I honor truth, liberty, and the rule of law in that order.❞❞
You see, I've done this before.
❝❝You see, I've done this before. When True Believer Christians told me I was damned and a mortal threat to their children. When conservatives told me that only one way could save the country and anything else threatened their children. When progressives told me that capitalism and individualism were dead and should stay that way for the sake of the children. When well-fed third wave feminists in designer clothes told me about how they were oppressed by the patriarchy and wouldn't have children. When pagans lectured me on the evils of monotheism and how love would save the world. Always, always, ALWAYS the pattern is exactly the same. In the absence of understanding, triviality dominates. The enlightened demand sacrifice from everyone else. "For the children" is for those living and in charge. Anyone who offers an absolute won't brook dissent. Experts are uniquely qualified to fuck the situation up beyond any hope of repair. Government is not your friend.
So you have a chance here to change your behavior, change your pattern and accept responsibility. Your choice.❞❞— NeoWayland, from the comments of The Climate Change Watermelon Juggernaut & The Prescience Of Michael Crichton
It's not love, it's passion
❝❝Most importantly, it's not love. It's passion. We're not "wired" to seek out positive emotions over negative emotions. What our bodies want is the intensity, the peak, not the direction. What we choose to do with that passion, that's up to us. We can create or we can destroy. We can use it to rise above our fellow humans, we can use it as a means to cut ourselves off, or we can use it to give a hand up. Sometimes, each choice is necessary. There's no one answer that will serve in every situation or for every person. We have to trust that they will make a good choice.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Column: Come Darkness, Come Light
Justification for control
❝❝Despite their poetry, many monotheists expect others to sublimate their faith to the monotheism. They aren't interested in what we share except as a justification for control.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Column: Come Darkness, Come Light
“Love is reciprocal.”
Last resort
❝❝I'm telling you to stop expecting the law to save you. And I'm telling you that law should be a last resort.❞❞
❝All religions are not equal…❞
❝I can't be responsible for them…❞
❝❝Christianity, the Nation of Islam, atheism, Paganism, these are labels. Now people may use those labels as justifications for their actions, but it is not the label that is responsible. As a Pagan I'm not responsible for the actions of every Pagan out there. I'm responsible for my actions. Since I believe strongly that the measure of a man is in the lives he touches, I'll even accept some of the responsibility for the actions of the people I know and love. But someone I've never met? I can't be responsible for them, no matter what the label they choose. The label isn't responsible, the individuals are.❞❞— NeoWayland, Redux: Christians & Pagan Tolerance
Must not be questioned
❝❝The problem isn't the opinion or the what the SPLC says.
It's when what the SPLC says must not be questioned.
There are many people in the country I disagree with. It's when they think I am not allowed to argue that it infringes on my rights.❞❞— NeoWayland, comments from Bookworm Beat 11/12/18 — the post-election counting edition and open thread
Some monotheists
❝❝Some monotheists think that their religion belongs on top and take offense when you disagree.❞❞
What people could put into their bodies
❝❝While Leary definitely complicated things, let's not forget that it was the Federal government who seized the power to decide what people could put into their bodies and under what circumstances.
Of course that never would have withstood a constitutional challenge. So initially it wasn't about outlawing, it was about taxing. And then about crossing state lines so it fell under "interstate commerce."
This reminds me of the fuss over the Native American Church and peyote use. Yes, some use it as an excuse to get high. But more use it as part of a spiritual path. Government should not have the power to control either.❞❞
— NeoWayland, comments from New books explore entheogens
Hexing justice
❝❝As I said before, apparently the motivation for hexing Kavanaugh has moved from justice to attack.
This will have consequences, regardless of who did what where and when.❞❞
— NeoWayland, NeoNote — Political hexing
Carbon neutrality
Cloaks itself in science
Geniune Tree Hugging Pagan
❝❝Regulations exist so politicos can evade responsibility for unpopular choices.❞❞
— NeoWayland, technocrat
When politics define your personhood
❝❝And there are those of us who ask why is it OK to bind Republicans but it wasn't OK to bind Democrats.❞❞Read More...
— NeoWayland
Obligatory libertarian rant
Government Is Not Your Friend.
When government acts, there will always Always ALWAYS be less liberty afterwards.
Do we really want politicos and technocrats deciding what is and is not available based on a morality that was defined between the two AM sex party and the prayer breakfast?
==>Obligatory libertarian rant over. We now return you to your regularly scheduled comments.<==❞❞
— NeoWayland
Because I can't be trusted
And then 9-11 happened.
❝❝And then 9-11 happened. That would have destroyed most other nations. It just pissed us off. By October 1st, 2001, Americans were ready to take the world apart and put it back together in our own image. And we almost set out to do exactly that and be damned with the consequences.
But no, we had to be multi-lateral and multi-national and multi-phasic and multi-tasking and multi-cultural and multi-apologetic.
Freedom and liberty have always been our beacons. That's when Americans are at our best. That's when we change the world for the better.❞❞
— NeoWayland, Why does your enlightenment demand that I sacrifice?
Making the personal political
❝❝There's a vast difference between a character who happens to be X and a X character.
The emphasis should be on character, not the label. Character is about the human condition, the label is about the labeled condition.
Next, it's acting. Fictional. If the actor is good enough, they can play the heavy and the hero. They can play the pauper and the prince. And they can play whatever sexual orientation is necessary.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Define reality
But they are hypocrites when they declare that they support free speech while applying selective censorship.
Read More...Republican racism
What's the point?
Great and destructive evil
❝❝More and more I'm convinced that one of the greatest and most destructive evils humanity has produced is Meddling For Your Own Good.❞❞
— NeoWayland, Discussion on morality, sex, nudity, and pagan festivals
My theory
Essence of libertarianism
It's only shame if I accept the premise.
❝❝It's only shame if I accept the premise.
As I see it, the vice or virtue isn't in the label. It's in how you touch the lives of others. The honor is in giving truth when needed, helping when you can, and leaving the World a little better than how you found it.❞❞
— NeoWayland, comments from Column: What of the Christians?
Run out of people
❝❝What I'd like to point out is that if you keep throwing people you don't agree with into the "Them" pile, you're going to run out of people in the "Us" pile.
And no, I don't include myself in your "Us" pile.
Disagreements happen. People should decide if they want a Grand Crusade where every one agrees (or is afraid to disagree) and nothing gets done. Or maybe where you go for the smaller battles that you can win with allies, instead of waiting for perfection.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Mutual consent
❝❝Mutual consent is the only factor I've found that makes any sense.
I would no more try to control someone's sexual activities than I would try to control their diet or clothing. And for pretty much the same reason. Now I personally may not prefer sheep's brains or orange polka dots on purple plaid, but that gives me no reason to stop the other guy.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Religion enshrined in law
❝❝I'm not demanding that you give up your faith.
I'm asking why religion should be enshrined in law.
Faith is between you and the Divine, no other person can change that. It's up to you and your choices.
I'm asking for no sacrifice unless you believe that your religion should govern the faith and religion of others.
And if that's the case, I'm asking why.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Wholly remarkable
❝❝The U.S. Constitution doesn't mention the Christian God except in the date.
It's wholly remarkable in that it may well be the first document in history that didn't claim government power derived from the Divine.
Men of faith and men of reason deliberately chose not to make a public declaration of religion even as they acknowledged it's role in individual action.
They knew that faith must be chosen, not compelled.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Right choice
Law is not moral
Deliberately forgetting
❝❝Pardon, the shooter took advantage of circumstance. It doesn't take much to look around and see where you might kill the most.
I still think we'd be better off if as a society we deliberately didn't publicize the names of these shooters. The notoriety is part of what drives them.
Imagine listing all their victim's names and deliberately forgetting the twisted scum who did it. He sacrificed his humanity to be famous, let him be forgotten.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Rabble rousing
Crazy tax scheme
Asking to be abused
I don't have an easy answer.
❝❝I don't have an easy answer. I do think a nation is obligated to protect it's borders and I do think it should be able to expel immigrants or visitors who break the law. I do think that part of the problem are government benefits, I think that anyone who comes here should be able to pay their own way. Beyond that… *shrugs*❞❞
— NeoWayland
KYFHO now & forever
❝❝You are perfectly capable of making your own decisions. That is your right, that is what makes you human, and fuck all to anyone who tells you different.
KYFHO now and forever. The only protection you should get is the certainty that NO ONE ELSE can use government to control you.
But, if you expect that right for yourself, you’d better damn well defend if for others. Even if you don’t like them. Even if you don’t trust them. Especially if you don’t trust them. Otherwise you will lose your choice.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Republicans against Democrats
Live free
Pretend selectively
❝❝I've been telling politicos for years that they've been stupid about immigration. The Democrats want to pretend that the law doesn't exist and the Republicans want to use it selectively.
A nation should protect it's borders. No one has a "right" to immigrate. That being said, the whole idea of so many allowed from this country and none allowed from that country is idiotic.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Honest dissent
No one asked
Process over goals
Practical philosophy
❝❝You know, in this day and age the term philosopher is disparaged. There are a bunch of academics debating the works of people long dead, trying to stretch writings and sayings to fit their own worldview. They argue over punctuation and the implication of what was not said in which edition. Most of the people called philosophers today are little better than research librarians. They don't think about the practical application, you see.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Mala prohibita
❝❝Bad because it is prohibited. Something is mala prohibita if and only if the state has forbidden it. I would add regulation as well. Driving without a license or insurance, unusual sex, public nudity, profanity, recreational drug use, opening a small business without the "proper" permit, all these are included. The key concept here is "forbidden." Mala prohibita means that the government will impose morality and ethics by force.
It's no secret that I believe most of the problems in American society are because of too much government and mala prohibita laws.❞❞
— NeoWayland, mala prohibita
Mala in se
❝❝Bad in and of itself. Something is mala in se if and only if it threatens or results in measurable damage to life, liberty, and property. Murder, violent attacks, rape, kidnapping, and theft are included. The key concept here is "measurable damage."❞❞
— NeoWayland, mala in se
❝❝Kafkatraps are THE keystone of victimhood politics and most identity politics. Without someone recognizing or assuming blame, kafkatraps cease to work.Kafkatrapping centers on guilt. Don't accept it. Don't reject it. Act as if the accusation is so silly and undeserved it's not even worth discussing. They will repeat, and you still shouldn't pay any attention to the claims. Go on as if the accuser had said nothing of importance. Indeed, go on as if you are trying to keep them from embarrassing themselves further. You're doing them a favor if only they were rational/sober enough to know it.Kafkatrapping came by way of certain Christian denominations and mala prohibita laws. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."❞❞
— NeoWayland, kafkatrap
Better government
The Great Secret
❝❝You can’t hoard freedom. It’s not really liberty unless you share it.❞❞
— NeoWayland, Lady Liberty
Political Opportunism
Truthful answers
❝❝What I do know is that sometimes I wander in where I am not wanted and give truthful answers. I'm the pagan that tells Christian conservatives that they don't get to dictate what others worship or how others worship. I'm a male who tells feminists that not all men are guilty. And I'm the libertarian who tells the climate crisis crowd that the climate models don't work.
I appreciate the warning, but I've been troublemaking for a long time. It's one of Coyote's gifts and I'm honor bound not to squander it.❞❞
— NeoWayland
I promise you this
❝❝I promise you this, the second after America starts exiling, imprisoning, or permanently disenfranchising people for political opinions, conservatives will be kicked out the same as progressives. That "solution" depends on who controls the politics. What makes you think it will be people you trust who trust you?❞❞
— NeoWayland
One weakness of identity politics
Rape culture
❝❝Madam, you don't know what rape culture is!
What's more, you demean the experiences of women and children who do suffer living under rape cultures by comparing yourself and your experiences to them.
You're not helping them, all you are doing is guilting people into giving more privilege.
Please, if you do nothing else, stop exploiting their experiences for your agenda.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Getting better
❝❝The thing is, we're getting better. Americans especially. We're practically hardwired to help. Show us something that we can do something about and we will do it. Not because we're obligated to, not because of some government edict, but because we genuinely want to. Child fallen in a well? We're there, not only with (mostly unofficial) rescuers but with people feeding the family and the rescuers. New Orleans flooded? We're there with fan boats carrying supplies and the most efficient trucking network on the planet bringing in more. Notably the fan boats got turned away because they weren't "official." You should watch for that, it's a repeating pattern.❞❞
— NeoWayland
What the politicos and historians tell you
❝❝You can't trust what the politicos and historians tell you. They each have their separate agendas. They need you to believe the Great Man on a White Horse myth. If ever there was a time when the ordinary person made a profound, undeniable, and fundamental change in society, it was in the 20th Century civil rights movement. It didn't happen in the Capital building. It happened when a woman refused to give up her seat on a bus. It happened when a group of well dressed and well disciplined men faced down a mob and armed police officers. It took place at the Lincoln Memorial in front of a huge crowd. It happened when one man stood in front of a police squad and said "No." Congress and the Federal government had nothing to do with these acts. These actions and thousands more along with the faith of all those people, that's what changed the world.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Government action displaces private action
❝❝Government action displaces private action. If government does something, it's not because they do it more efficiently or more humanely or whatever the justification is. It's because government uses the law and the implied use of force to keep anyone else from doing it.
We know that choice and the free market work because even a partial free market over time delivers things faster, cheaper, and with a wider distribution. The same can't be said for government❞❞
— NeoWayland
Government WILL abuse power
Abortion & contraception
❝❝I have mixed feelings on abortion. The one thing I am sure about is that it should not be paid for by government. There are many reasons, but the main one is that it's always easier to spend someone else's money.
Contraception is less complicated. Sex is (or should be) a voluntary act. You choose to have sex. Your neighbors should no more pay for your contraception than they should pay for your designer shoes. This is an example of what I was talking about. If government gives you benefits at the expense of others, it's privilege.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝If you want to tell me about specific injustices done to individuals, that's one thing.
If you want to tell me about generalized injustices against a given class of vaguely defined people, that's something completely different. Especially when that group routinely excludes many people and constantly redefines who is a REAL member.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Deserve rights
Human rights
❝❝Depends on what you are calling a right.
Personally I think there are no women's rights, no pagan rights, no Hispanic rights, no men's rights, no black rights, no gay rights.
There are human rights. Human rights are shared by everyone. Anything else is a privilege, taken at the expense of others by force.
I will fight for and support human rights.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝Because I assume that people are amazing unless they prove otherwise.
Because I prefer asking questions to arguing.
Because I'm not defined by my gender.
And because not everyone is a bigot.
As I said, I look for the Divine in every woman I meet. Can you think of a better way to find people who are honorable, passionate and reasoning at the same time?❞❞
— NeoWayland
Is it most men
Some men
Look for the Divine
Fighting for
People are amazing
❝❝I prefer to assume that people are amazing unless they prove otherwise. Individuals may be awesome or terrible, but men as a group aren't guilty because of the behavior of some.
Treating all men as if they are guilty will not only cost you allies, it means that some good men will stop listening just because being called perpetually guilty is tiresome.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Open and free
No, boys aren't broken
❝❝Me, I think men protect their own, and stand between innocents and danger. I'm sure there are hundreds of other ways. I just don't buy that manhood is validated by the gender of the people you might sleep with.❞❞
— NeoWayland
“Peter Wang died a 'hero' in Florida shooting, wearing his ROTC uniform. Petition seeks a full honors military funeral”
“JROTC students use Kevlar pads to shield classmates from Florida shooter”
“Hero boy shot five times shielding classmates from Florida school gunman”
“Florida school shooting: Football coach shot, killed while protecting students hailed as hero”
“A heroic geography teacher died protecting his students from the Florida high school shooter”
Read More...“I can do better than that!”
❝❝The free market is built on two very simple principles. The first is the voluntary exchange of goods and services between consenting adults. The second is hardly ever acknowledged but just as important. Someone will see something and think "I can do better than that!" Most will fail, some spectacularly. But the ones who succeed change everything. There's no way to tell who will succeed in the free market now or in the next decade. It can't be controlled or predicted. Nor should it be.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Training wheels
Million different ways
16th Amendment
❝❝\s\ In a TOTALLY unrelated fact that has nothing to do with government abuse of power, including weakening 4th & 5th Amendment protections to the point of uselessness, today is the anniversary of the 16th Amendment and the modern American income tax.
Your government needs to know what you are doing so it can protect you. No need to worry, Citizen, government knows what is best for you at all times. \s\❞❞
— NeoWayland
Will we be allowed
❝❝If we can't question the science, then will we be allowed to question the new regulations, taxes, and fees?❞❞
— NeoWayland, from crux № 12 — climate change
Moral absolute
The free market is more free
My mother was amazing
❝❝I'm not allowed to share her story while she still lives, but my mother was amazing. While other women were complaining and expecting someone to save them from Terrible Injustice, Mom faced down the obstacles and changed things. Not by protesting, but by quietly demanding the same respect she gave. I learned the aunts and grandmothers theory of history by watching her. She's retired now (for the fifth time) and I am now her caregiver. I'm still terribly proud of her.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Syncretism happens even if it offends
Concede the war
Destroyed their own brand
❝❝When the NFL players are on the field, that's not their time. They're being paid millions to play and put on a good show. That's millions by the fans in the stands and the viewers on TV. The NFL is selling a product, it's not something holy. If the fans and viewers don't like what they see, they will take their money elsewhere. And then where will the players be? Off the field on their own time, who cares what the players think? That's their time. Off the field, they have to prove their ideas just like anyone else. But when the players made their paid time political time, they destroyed their own brand.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝Celebrate your beliefs and cherish your faith. All I ask is the same. Just don't demand that my beliefs and actions are bound by yours. Live and let live.
What you believe isn't important to me. Your freedom to choose what to believe, that is vital. That is what I will defend.❞❞
— NeoWayland, A Pagan looks at “Christian America”
Liberty demands
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories.
Read More...What's with all the quotes?
One. At. A. Time.
The good news is that it's done and the new quote templates work fine. You can't see it unless I use it, but the quote templates already have A HREF already there so I can attribute the quote.
Anyway, just like Technopagan Yearnings, I'm updating the code. I'm using classes with my copy-paste templates instead of individual copy-paste templates. That's so I can change the class definition in one spot and it will change every use site wide. I won't have to change the individual blog entries. Or the individual elements in the sidebar. Or any of the special pages.
When I get it done, which is going to take a while. The new stuff will have the cleaner code, the stuff that catches my attention and the oldest entries will get the code as I plod through it.
Tolerance & control
Common sense
Begging government
Taken stands
Single issue
Bind me
What faith
Pay attention to laws
Colony organism
Answers & questions
Hate crime
In terms of minorities
Minority rights
Nature of government
Let people choose
Society is not Christian
Virtue or vice
American pluralism
❝❝As long as there is a rule of law that doesn't raise one faith above all others, we can deal with the mess. That's one reason I'm grateful for sectarianism. When they argue among themselves over truth, they don't have time to take on the rest. American pluralism grew out of the English Civil War and the American colonists trying to practice their faith as they saw fit and not as dictated by another sect or church.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Path to freedom
Find things we share
❝❝We need to find things we share rather than using faith to define the morality of our society. We can agree to outlaw theft and vandalism, we can't agree on marriage. We can agree that people shouldn't drive under the influence, we can't agree to ban all intoxicants. We can agree that people should be free to make their own choices, we can't agree which choices should be eliminated.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Eliminating choice
❝❝Rather than eliminating choice, we should make sure that the consequences are clear.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Measurable damage vs. forbidden
❝❝Mala in se means "bad in and of itself." Something is mala in se if and only if it threatens or results in measurable damage to life, liberty, and property. Mala prohibita means "bad because it is prohibited." Something is mala prohibita if and only if the state has forbidden it. I would add regulation as well.
To prove mala in se, you have to show measurable damage. Mala prohibita means that the government will impose morality and ethics by force.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Right choice
❝❝If you have to make the "right choice" for someone, you're taking away their freedom. You're taking away their right to be wrong. You're taking away their opportunity to learn from their mistakes. You're taking away their judgement. You're saying they aren't fully human. You're saying that they can't be trusted.
And you're saying that your beliefs can't compete.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
National motto
❝❝We should go back to the original national motto. "In God We Trust" is so divisive, and it takes the responsibility away from the individual citizen and puts it in the hands of an unseen overlord. That is a big part of what led to this nonsense. I always preferred the original National Motto. E Pluribus Unum is Latin for "one from many parts" but I prefer another translation.
“United we stand.”❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Honoring your faith
❝❝Honoring your faith is admirable. Demanding that I honor your faith is despicable.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
❝❝If ethics have to be forced, that's pretty immoral right there.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Choose your beliefs
❝❝Free choice. Choose your beliefs, just don't choose mine. And I will do the same. Faith imposed is no faith at all. The only faiths and beliefs worthy of freedom are those freely chosen.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
❝❝If someone wants to forbid gay marriage, what would they do if the law only allowed gay marriage? If someone wanted Bible study in schools, what would they do if the law only allowed the Koran in schools? If someone wanted a Christian president, what would they do if the law prohibited a Christian president?❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
❝❝It's the old parity test again. And it is the surefire method to tell if a law is mala in se or mala prohibita. ❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Live under their beliefs
❝❝Why should I be expected to live under their beliefs if they aren't willing to live under mine?❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
We can't agree
❝❝We can agree on the mala in se but we can't agree on the mala prohibita.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand - Dragging religion into politics
Science doesn't work on consensus
Religion is the excuse
Moral harm
Politicos lie
We're allowing ourselves to be manipulated
Speak for me
Please do not salt the Earth
Distrust government
We let it happen
Fighting and living
Church Militant
My faith
Seeking power
Politics corrupts faith
People who challenge my thinking
Denying global warming
❝❝I'm notorious in online pagan groups for denying global warming and saying that environmentalism is a failed cause that should be replaced with ecology.
I'm rather proud of that.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Good person
Mark 12:17
❝❝One of my professors pointed out that Mark 12:17 could be interpreted to keep politics out of religion and religion out of politics. It's probably not true, but I like the thought. Politics is about controlling others and we know it corrupts almost everything it touches.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Syncretism happens
Human Choice
❝❝I'm certain that these people do not have demonic hordes from realms infernal on speed dial, nor are they in direct contact with your Prince of Lies.
I'm equally certain that there will not be a heavenly host to put right what once was wrong, and that you didn't get marching orders directly from on high.
The manifestation is human.
The problem came from human choice and the solution has to come through human choice.❞❞
— NeoWayland
For Your Own Good
Tragedy of the “American Century”
❝❝That is the tragedy of the “American Century.” We forgot that liberty can't be imposed by the top down, it has to be seized from the bottom up.
As long as our government plays the games of international brinkmanship and global politics, we lose.
We're best when we protect our own freedom and inspire others though our example. People in other nations have to crave freedom and demand their own rights. It's the only way it will take root.
As a nation, we can't take out another government except by invading. Historically, that has not worked out well for America. It certainly destroyed our prestige.
But building trade, private investment in local economies, that delivered wonders.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Casting stones
The Bible, tain't mine
❝❝Do you know how many cultures and nations Western Civilization borrowed from? Syncretism, it's not just for religion.
It's not necessary to claim WestCiv as “white.” Just say it's a collection of extraordinarily proven good ideas that have worked time and time again. Claim it as “white” and you're invoking tribalism and rousing people's natural defenses. Claim it as “white” and in a very patronizing way you grant permission to join.
Invite people to join because “they can make it better” works with more people. And it makes your life better too.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Truthful answers
Behind the curtain
Politics is not about reform
Legislation and morality
❝❝Legislation is not morality, and morality certainly isn't legislation. The distinction must be made. Otherwise politicos wrap themselves in the flag AND hide behind the most convenient faith/moral code they can find. Arguing over morality keeps us honest. We're better when we verbally defend our ideas to people who don't necessarily share our beliefs.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Show virtue
❝❝It's not liberalism, it's the label. And it doesn't matter if the label is progressive, conservative, Christian, atheist, or United States Senator. The label has no virtue or vice, no morality, and no inherent worth. It's the individual that owns the outcome of their thoughts, words, and deeds. It's the individual and the individual alone who can take responsibility.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Can't give liberty
Institutional churches
❝❝I think it has a lot to do with how connected someone feels to their church/temple/circle/whatever. I think that big institutional churches appear more interested in putting butts in pews than any genuine mission. The church members just give a little time every week and put some cash in the offering. Easy peasy. I really don't understand how those “megachurches” work. To me, if a normally-sighted person can't see the pulpit clearly from the back row without a huge television screen, then it's not really a church. It's an entertainment palace.
What can I say? My own practice demands personal involvement. Even without that, I've got a bunch of preacher ancestors who would disapprove.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝At this point, I don't think anyone can stop the collapse. Nor do I think that's bad. There are how many laws on the books? How many regulations in the Federal Register? We've been conditioned to depend on government to help us. Cut spending, but not national defense. Cut spending, but not aid to Israel or Saudi Arabia. Cut spending, but not Social Security. And some banks and unions are Too Big To Fail.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Core of Christianity
Choice & consequences
Meetings and updates
Answers that work
Science is a process
❝❝If I choose to give, that is charity and can be celebrated. If I am manipulated or threatened into giving, that is extortion. I don't care how good the cause is, if I am required to give without my consent, that threatens my freedom. I shouldn't be tricked into it “for my own good” or “for the greater good.” I want to know WHY, and I want an honest answer. I demand the choice to walk away.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Inspire me
Entitled because of your pain
Blood of the unbelievers
Science is the bastard child of magick
Fewer weapons
❝❝If your moral self worth is defined by either your victimhood or your compassion, then those will be the things you defend. Even principles will take a back seat if “it's for the greater good.” Taking a stand is less important than reversing current oppression or preventing future oppression.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tit for tat
Razzle dazzle
Do more with less
Ecology vs. environmentalism
Aunts & grandmothers
One side
Conservaties, progressives, & sex
A person's worth
A woman's sexual behavior
Words matter
Honor expects
Ease your pain
One thing
Everyone shares a right
❝❝It's one of the simplest human guidelines. Everyone shares a right. You don't have it unless the other does.
Privileges exclude people. Only some get privileges. Privileges are not rights, and rights are not privileges.
It's why there are human rights. Most muddy the waters and call privileges rights. Black rights? Christian rights? Police rights? These do not exist. These are privileges that rule out whole classes of people.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Secret of life
Wrapped in the flag
Pattern in the universe
❝❝The patterns we see in the universe may be nothing more than longing and human conceit. But if using those patterns give us a desired result, then the patterns are a useful fiction. The “ultimate reality” or even our belief doesn't necessarily matter, if we behave as if we believe and successfully reach our goals.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Choice of faith
Last, best hope
A god of love
Faith & threats
Pick and choose
❝❝You do realize that if “the Bible is all one piece,” you can't pick and choose bits and pieces to quote, don't you? If you eat all your veggies and are especially nice, I won't demand that you start following all those bits in Numbers and Leviticus. We won't talk about the deleted texts now.
How do you suppose those disciples did it? They had to work without a New Testament.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Less government
Some people I trust
Age of consent
Without using the Bible
Keep people from dealing
Strong women
Rights do not emanate
Message & passion
Angry guys
American secret
Free market
❝❝I believe that the free market is the most potent force for organizing and creating yet discovered by humans. It cannot be managed, predicted, directed, or controlled.
It rests on choice without coercion. And to keep customers happy, you have to at least do as well as your competition, better if you want to expand.❞❞
— NeoWayland
The goal is freedom
Moral people
Definition of liberty
Just in case
Make the rules
I recognize Masculine & Feminine in Divinity.
Who I am
What frustrates you
Christian message
Free to choose
Move beyond
Dark forces
Faith cannot be given
Laugh at ourselves
Better human
❝❝Go tell three really dirty jokes. Share a piece of fruit with someone you can't stand. Cuddle with someone you care deeply about. Leave the place a little nicer than when you found it. And greet the sun when it wakes up.
No, that isn't all that there is to be a pagan, it's just a taste of how to be a better human.❞❞— NeoWayland, How to be Pagan for a day
Change the universe?
Free to choose
White knight
On some issues
Control how we touch other people
Dreams seem small
Morality is based on selfish interest
❝❝I can make a case that our morality is based on selfish interest. It's the Ethic of Reciprocity. You don't do bad things to others because you don't want them to do bad things to you. You do good things to others because you want them to do good things to you. If they cross the line, you're not bound to tolerance and courtesy.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Governments make lousy banks
They should be heard
The message was clear
❝❝The message was clear. There are problems but your Government Is Taking Care Of It. You don't have to worry. It's Somebody Else's Problem. You don't have to be responsible. Just put the right people in charge. Give more money. Give more authority. Sacrifice more rights. Repeat until we get it right. And don't ask too many questions.❞❞
— NeoWayland
One thing I wish I could literally pound into Christian heads
❝❝If there is one thing I wish I could literally pound into Christian heads, it's this: Christianity is not the source of all that is good and righteous in our society. Other cultures and other faiths have contributed heavily. It's amazing that I even have to mention this where one house of the national legislature is called the Senate and the other has a ceremonial fasces. Even The Magnificent Seven was a remake.❞❞
— NeoWayland
When politics are at stake
Morality & character
“Who said I don't believe in gods?”
❝❝Who said I don't believe in gods?
If anything, I don't believe in your beliefs. But that's okay, you don't believe in mine either. I could qualify it and say more specifically I don't believe in your understanding of your beliefs (and I'm pretty sure you don't either), but that is complicating things far beyond what is needed for the conversation here. Not to mention being incredibly self-referential.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Supervillian territory
❝❝George Soros wants to disrupt society so government steps in and he can profit. The man is a secret lair away from supervillian territory.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Won't knife you in the back
❝❝In my experience, conservatives won't knife you in the back. They'll scream in your face, they'll tell you that you're wrong, but they're usually facing you.
Certain progressives will trot you out for the dog-&-pony show, drape an arm over your shoulder, smile for the cameras, and then slide the knife in so smoothly you never feel it until after you start bleeding and they've moved away.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Thou shalt not dissent
❝❝One rule of thumb is that all things being equal (which they usually aren't), the side working to control who gets to speak is the one you should worry about.
"Thou shalt not dissent" should a be red flag with a siren.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Before I've eaten breakfast
❝❝I've read enough of your stuff to understand why you misuse Science as a Higher Authority, One That Must Not Be Questioned. I can advocate science without being "scientific." I don't need test tubes, a microscope, or a Geiger counter to lend credibility.
I can defend human rights without being gay, a woman, Navajo, disabled, or a money-grubbing politico.
I can promote religious freedom without being Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Buddhist, or atheist.
I can even type a few replies before I've eaten breakfast. Not before my tea though, I'm good but not that good.❞❞
— NeoWayland
The label tells me almost nothing
❝❝I've met bad Pagans and good Christians, rotten agnostics and good atheists, decent Satanists and iffy heathens. The label tells me almost nothing, but the individual behavior tells me almost everything.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝There's no virtue or vice in the label. It's our words and deeds that define us.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Olympic committee
Make it better
Moral responsibility
Itemized deductions
❝❝Itemized deductions are extortion. Government takes your money. You beg for it back. Government might give it to you.
If you are especially nice and if you do as you are told.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Standard deduction
Free to be bigots
Biggest and hardest lesson
That's the excuse, not the reason
❝❝Here's the dirty little secret that you're avoiding. The evil is not in a belief system. That's the excuse, not the reason. No book has ever committed genocide. No song has ever burned someone alive. No long lost chant has ever raped.
It's people who speak and people who act. It's people who do good, and people who do evil.❞❞
— NeoWayland
I can't stress this enough
❝❝I can't stress this enough.
The state is not a moral entity. Government is not your friend, at best it is a bad servant.
Religion can not be allowed the coercive power of the state and the state can not be allowed the moral justification of faith.
You can't trust law to do the right thing. You have to watch it. You have to argue with it. And sometimes you have to fight it.❞❞
— NeoWayland
from crux № 11 — Ultimate truth
❝❝I've seen the arguments in enough other contexts to distrust anyone who claims rationality prevents any opposing view. Even more so when they dismiss any other possibility unheard because they have the Ultimate Truth That Must Not Be Questioned.❞❞Read More...
— NeoWayland
NeoNotes — government requires
❝❝There's a very real question why there should be any government grants, but I will leave that for another time.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Assume for a moment that you ran a bookstore. Should you be required by law to carry the Bible even though you were not Christian and did not believe Christianity was a valid faith? What if someone complained because you didn't have it?
Should a vegan restaurant be required to sell pulled pork BBQ?
Should a health food store be required to sell pipe tobacco?
Except we know that government does mandate that some products and services be sold or provided.
Let's take another example or two, shall we?
Imagine you are a lawyer or accountant. You know a specific businessman is crooked and can't be trusted. Should you be required to provided services?
Imagine you are an employer. Should you be required to verify the immigration status of each of your employees?
Most importantly, why should prior marginalization get a higher priority when it comes to the rule of law? Doesn't that lead to abuse of it's own when the formerly victimized class games the system?
Ah, so you are going to stick to "class of people." That's the problem. People aren't their labels. Or at least they shouldn't be.
Someone doesn't have higher moral authority because their group has been marginalized in the past.
And just in case you hadn't noticed, "American identity politics" is all about oppressing everyone else. All of which is predicated on the guilt of the former oppressor.
Black Lives Matter. All too ready to go after "white" cops, but doesn't want to address the problem of "black on black" crime. Nor does it want to address the major underlying problem, single parent families. Something that was encouraged by government, effectively relegating inner city families to poverty. Nor do they accept any criticism of their movement.
Much of third and fourth wave feminism. Apparently feminism is no longer about equality, it's about forcing men to sit down and shut up. And if a man complains, he's accused of rape.
The recent kerfuffle over the "redesigned" rainbow flag that put black and brown stripes at the top so that "people of color" had "representation." Literally "my victimhood is more important than your victimhood."
Identity politics is built on a carefully maintained hierarchy of victimhood. You're not allowed to speak unless you rank high enough with your victimhood or have demonstrated sufficient "compassion," usually by drawing attention to the "problem." But never actually solving anything.
And you are not allowed to question the victimhood.
Step back. You are excusing their behavior.
Look at what has been done, not at the justifications.
Look at what is allowed within the groups.
Your enabling is just one example of what has locked people into their victimhood.
What you've given is excuses why people can't be held accountable.
Black Lives Matter is pushing a narrative that all police interactions with minorities but especially with "blacks" are racist. That's not true. And as I said, they overlook "black" on "black" crime that does not fit with the narrative.
It's victimhood I don't like, especially when perpetuated by bad government policy and "community outreach" that exploits the victims by keeping them victims.
And the courts were wrong.
Not because interracial marriages were wrong (they aren't). But because government can't be trusted to make individual moral decisions for you.
If you didn't choose your morality and if you do not commit to your morality, is it really yours?
Or did it just get sacrificed for the greater good?
Remember, most of the complaints against the current President are because he is doing the wrong moral things. Or at least, according to some people. Such as pulling out of the Paris accord.
Frankly there are people I want to discriminate against. There are evangelical Christians I want nothing to do with. There are radical feminists that I also don't want anything to do with. My list also includes some of the climate alarmists, the man-boy love crowd, anyone associated with a child beauty pageant, the extra-devout followers of Silver Ravenwolf, pretty much any organized political party, and a few dozen others.
Should government protect those people from my discrimination?
Actually we don't know that pulling out of the Paris accord is dangerous for the planet.
Here's what we do know. The "debate" about climate change has been heavily weighed on one side. A recent study has some of the most prominent climate alarmists admitting that the predictions didn't match the reality. President Obama committed the US, but the G20 and Obama didn't call it a treaty so it wouldn't have to go to the US Senate for approval. These aren't exactly moral actions.
Commerce is based on voluntary economic transactions between consenting adults. There's no “public service” about it. A company improves it's product or service (and lowers the price) because it wants to keep business from the competition. The "moral good" is based on pure greed. Nothing government demands from a business won't impose greater costs on the customer. Government relies on force. When government acts against people, it distorts the economy and morality.
It's not about public service, and commerce shouldn't answer to corrupt politicos.
The data was fudged. The people who fudged it knew it. The people who sought to make it a political issue beyond the control of any single government knew it.
If it's not about "saving the planet," then you have to ask what it is about. Especially when there is an everchanging deadline and No One Is Allowed To Question the failed predictions.
The entire movement is built on computer models, not science. I can't emphasize that enough. Models, not science. If the models have bad assumptions and/or if the data has been changed, the models aren't accurate.
But, "the science is settled." So you aren't allowed to dissent. You wouldn't accept that from a Creationist, why accept it from people who benefit financially and politically from forcing their agenda?
That wasn't what I said.
The models haven't been accurate in more than a dozen years. Even before that, the models had to be "goosed" to show a link between the past and the present.
I've said before that I can create a spreadsheet that makes me a millionaire in a week. That doesn't mean that the spreadsheet is accurate. And it sure doesn't mean I should wave cash around.
If the model isn't accurate, if we know it's not accurate, and if the people pushing the model hardest know that it's not accurate, don't you think it's time to ask why we should use the model?
No, that is what you have been told that the model is.
I strongly urge you to take a closer look. And I would remind you that there is no science in history that has ever been considered holy writ and beyond criticism.
For example, if I wanted to know the average global temperature right now this very minute, I'd have to accept that most land based measuring stations are in developed areas, many in highly urban areas that influence the readings. Satillite measurements are better, but don't go back further than about sixty years. And most of the ocean is a mystery below a mile deep.
So what exactly is the global average temperature?
I'm not shy about it. I don't approve of their life choices. I especially don't approve when *insert group name here* demands that it is not enough for to acknowledge their words and actions, it must be celebrated as the only accepted truth.
I don't want them on the ballot. I don't want to do business with them. I don't want them in my town.
And I think they are corrupting society.
Again, should government protect them from my discrimination?
I may not be a pure libertarian when it comes to the Zero Aggression Principle, but I don't usually initiate force. It's sloppy and takes too much energy.
“How many NAMBLA neighbors do you have, anyway?”
I've been a corporate VP and I've run my own business.
Can you point to the spot in the Constitution where it defines the powers of the Federal government to control who I can and can't do business with? How about the spot where it defines that I must do business with everyone who wants to do business with me? Because under the Tenth Amendment, there isn't one.
If government isn't defending my ability to choose as long as I accept the consequences, then government has failed.
Even if my neighbors don't approve of my choice.
Especially if my neighbors don't approve of my choice.
If I am not free to discriminate as I choose, then government is discriminating against me. And that is what we see now. Some choices are more equal than others.
Not really.
That clause is the most abused in the Constitution, largely because it does not place significant restrictions on the Federal government. By some interpretations, the government can do what it wants when it wants and despite what people want. When you consider that everything from FDA approval to requiring transgender bathrooms is shoved through that loophole, it's a wonder that there is anything left of the rest of the Constitution.
Even in your flawed interpretation, public accommodation only applies in certain cases. Some are more victimized than others, remember?
Volumes have also been written against it. For generations in fact, right back to to the Anti-Federalist Papers
And then there is always the practical common sense approach. Here's the clause straight from Article 1 Section 8.
“To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;”
I can tell you know many Diné, Hopi, Havasupai, and White Mountain Apache who think that "Great White Father speaks with forked tongue." Just look at what the Interior Department did when it came to mineral rights.
You've tried to tell me what the consensus says, but you haven't disputed my conclusions. The commerce clause has been used to expand Federal power far beyond the scope of the rest of the Constitution. The only other comparable Federal power grab in American history has been the USA PATRIOT Act and the open-ended declaration of hostilities that happened after 9-11.
Or we could just stop handing out government grants and do something radically different like lower taxes, reduce government spending, and let people decide what to do with their own money.
Church playgrounds aren't national religious issues unless government is funding them.
The First Amendment is very clear: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
Neither help nor hinder. It's the only way to win this particular battle. Otherwise you have things like a Faith Based Initiative (for certain faiths approved by law) and school prayer.
I think we do. And it's right there in the First Amendment.
If there is one thing worse than a politico wrapping themselves in the flag, it's a politico standing on religion wrapping themselves in a flag.❞❞
Faith & religion
Always right
Talking about the common good
Sierra Club: The Big Problem With Environmentalism Is ‘Unsustainable Whiteness’
❝❝Claims that environmentalism is racist and needs to embrace social justice by appointing “people of color” as leaders have become increasingly common in the modern green movement.
“Simply put, NGOs [non-government organization] and foundations in the green space are still overwhelmingly white at all levels, especially top leadership — and that’s limiting their effectiveness, especially in addressing issues that affect frontline communities,” Swaminathan wrote. “Still, nearly three-quarters of staffers are white. And the numbers indicate less inclusiveness as you move to higher rungs in those outfits: Only 15 percent of the leaders are people of color.”
“White privilege and racism within the broader environmental movement is existent and pervasive,” Aaron Mair, the Sierra Club’s first black president, told Grist. “The current is not maintainable — we’re becoming a brown nation. It’s not about a one-off. It’s about sustainability.”
“That’s where the internalized racism and oppression is, and if I can help shift that Mount Everest and change its direction,” Mair said. “It becomes harder for other environmental organizations to maintain their way.”❞❞
— Andrew Follet
Our best
Hits the fan
Inspire not require
Allies not servants
Age of Wonders
Worthy of freedom
Wisdom of government
Trust you
Shame game
Fight for equality
Politicos want problems
All it will cost
Return the favor
Defend the inoffensive
Freedom demands
Victim hierarchy
❝❝Keep your freakin' hands off!❞❞
— NeoWayland, FAQ - KYFHO: Keep Your Freakin' Hands OFF!
Right choices
I want to talk about the curious restrictions of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Read More...Enlightenment
❝❝Why does your enlightenment demand that I sacrifice?❞❞
— NeoWayland, Why does your enlightenment demand that I sacrifice?
Bilingual futility
Freedom of religion
Absolute morality
Not your friend
from crux № 9 — Testing ideas
Official Solution®
“Because FREEDOM demands more than just black or white”
Government & religion
❝❝Religion cannot be allowed the coercive power of government. Government cannot be allowed the moral justification of religion.❞❞
— NeoWayland, United We Stand
NeoNotes — Divine intervention
❝❝Your issue with me isn't about what I say. It's that I don't recognize Christianity as the "obviously superior" choice. It's that I won't give Christianity the hand up you think it deserves. It's that I don't think Christianity is the "universal" choice.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Am I attacking you? No. Am I attacking Christianity? No. Am I suppressing Christianity? No.
If Christianity is what you believe, then it should be able to hold it's own AND MORE against any other set of ideas with no special advantage.
Which means there’s no need to explain human behavior because of Divine intervention or devilish activity.
It’s choice.❞❞
Women in combat
❝❝Speaking only for myself, I want the U.S. armed forces to be the toughest, most capable sons of a gun on the face of the planet. Especially the elite units. I want them to make other national leaders nervous, even if they are half way across the globe. I want whispers in the darkest shadows of just what happens when someone dares threaten freedom if an American serviceman can do something about it.Read More...
Any female who can fill the physical and mental requirements without any allowances for their sex has my respect. All the more so if they show the warrior virtues. But by all the warrior gods they'd better damn well hold their own and more.❞❞
— NeoWayland
❝❝Does that person threaten you or yours?
Does that person take or damage your property?
Then why are you trying to control them?❞❞
— NeoWayland
NeoNotes — I wish more people were.
❝❝I'm for live and let live.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
I wish more people were.
You should live your life as you choose. Just don't expect me to celebrate it because it is your life after all. And don't go after your neighbor because of the lawn he planted or the socks he wears or where he spends his Tuesday nights.❞❞