Sunday - 04Aug2019 Filed in:
Politics&Quotes & Thinkums❝❝Again, the "problem" isn't who ever is occupying the office. The problem is that we give government power to abuse and then act surprised when the alphabet agencies take it "too far."❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ goverment ∙ power ∙ alphabet agencies
❝❝If you teach people to only take power from their victimhood, all you're really doing is teaching them to stay victims.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ power ∙ victimhood ∙ victims
Friday - 22Feb2019 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums““The very same people who say that government has no right to interfere with sexual activity between consenting adults believe that the government has every right to interfere with economic activity between consenting adults.””
Tags: Thomas Sowell ∙ government ∙ power ∙ Interfere ∙ consenting adults ∙ sexual activity ∙ economic activity
❝❝Science doesn't work by consensus. Science works by explaining existing phenomena AND accurately predicting what happens next. Scientists are people too and they can see where the money and power are coming from. Very few want to speak against that. Sometimes the ones who have disputed the consensus have been attacked and discredited without the argument ever being addressed.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ science ∙ consensus ∙ explaining ∙ phenomena ∙ predictions ∙ money ∙ power ∙ discredited ∙ argument
What we do know is that there are loud politicos who want to take freedom, power, and money from people "for the greater good."
Read More...Tags: climate change ∙ climate models ∙ predictions ∙ climate alarmist ∙ politicos ∙ celebrity ∙ global cooling ∙ global warming ∙ climate science ∙ Intervene ∙ natural process ∙ freedom ∙ power ∙ money
Sunday - 03Feb2019 Filed in:
A voice of sanity.
Another attempt to panic you. Seriously, why does anyone listen to this man when he has been wrong so many times?
One advantage of fifty states is so we can experiment and find alternatives that might work better. The Constitution does not grant power over education to the Federal government.
Pretty accurate analysis.
Why is this accepted?
“John Bogle's life is a reminder that in capitalism you can make a fortune by saving your customers money.”The implications are staggering. You'd better believe that this is getting a lot of attention.
A good step. So why wasn't this done years ago?
So why isn't this a major story?
“Technology extracts at least 2,000 liters of water per day from the atmosphere at a cost of less than 2 cents per liter.”When people don't buy what you are selling, change the label.
Elites don't like it when the populace make their own choice.
“Why were there more FBI agents sent to arrest Stone than Navy SEALs sent to kill Osama bin Laden? Why jackboots in the morning in America? Here is the back story.”Then there is the obvious question, why does the economy have to be "run?"
“So long as there is peace and political stability in Cambodia, the future is looking bright for this growing economy.”Amazing how no one talks about cutting spending.
Tags: humanitarian ∙ interventionism ∙ Cambodia ∙ entrepreneurship ∙ spies ∙ gun control ∙ Houston ∙ police ∙ Facebook ∙ iPhone ∙ Apple ∙ EU ∙ Brexit ∙ Theresa May ∙ FBI ∙ Roger Stone ∙ Howard Schultz ∙ Elizabeth Warren ∙ France ∙ red scarves ∙ theft ∙ South Carolina ∙ civil asset forfeiture ∙ Europe ∙ climate change ∙ water ∙ power ∙ trash ∙ sugar ∙ subsidies ∙ Ted Yoho ∙ Democrats ∙ Medicare ∙ vote fraud ∙ Pennsylvania ∙ Texas ∙ Nancy Pelosi ∙ Donald Trump ∙ Virgina ∙ late term ∙ abortion ∙ VA ∙ private providers ∙ Venezuela ∙ bitcoin ∙ currency ∙ John Bogle ∙ Robert Mueller ∙ gag order ∙ no-knock raids ∙ 16th Amendment ∙ income tax ∙ Ron DeSantis ∙ Florida ∙ Common Core ∙ Pete Buttigieg ∙ South Bend ∙ endless war ∙ Bill Nye ∙ cIimate panic ∙ renewable ∙ fossil fuels ∙ nuclear power ∙ severe winter
Wednesday - 07Nov2018 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums&Politics&LawI called the U.S. House election wrong.
Read More...Tags: maxims ∙ trust ∙ enemy ∙ goverment ∙ power ∙ friend
❝❝I'm telling you as a Genuine Tree Hugging Pagan that anthropogenic climate change is a scam designed to seize money and political power.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ anthropogenic climate change ∙ pagan ∙ scam ∙ money ∙ power
Wednesday - 22Aug2018 Filed in:
NeoNotes&Law&Politics&Free Markets
Saturday - 07Jul2018 Filed in:
NeoNotes&Liberty&LawWhen the press shows that it can't be trusted with even some truths, why should the press be trusted?
Read More...Tags: rights ∙ privilege ∙ power ∙ goverment
Thursday - 22Mar2018 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums❝❝Government WILL abuse power. The only long term answer is reducing the power that government has.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ government ∙ power ∙ abuse ∙ reduce
Tuesday - 20Feb2018 Filed in:
Gallery&Politics&Quotes & Thinkums““Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.””
— Frederick Douglass
Read More...Tags: Frederick Douglass ∙ memes ∙ power ∙ submit ∙ injustice ∙ tyrants ∙ oppress
❝❝There comes a time when the only way to win is not to play.
Just pointing out again that if you don't like government power, maybe the real answer is taking the power away from government.
At that point I'd have to stand and say no.
You can't exile someone because of what they believe. It's what they want to do to you. That doesn't make it right.
We need to have our ideas challenged by people we don't agree with. If the ideas are good, they will stand on their own merit.
Maybe it's time the libertarians (small l, not the party) were in charge. We could start by abolishing any political party, reducing the total amount of taxes to ten percent and making the politicos pay for anything government spends above that amount.
Then we can talk about who is allowed to have influence.
And organizing everything from the words anyone is allowed to say to the calorie count of a pizza slice, just how well is that working out?
The problem isn't who is calling the shots. Experience has shown that no matter what promises someone makes, as soon as they have power they will be just as tyrannical as the opposition. Look at this discussion. You are literally writing about who is and is not allowed to have influence. And making sure that capital L Libertarians are on display, but not allowed to influence policy. That's better for people how? We are supposed to trust in the benevolence of conservatives?
The answer is massively reducing the size and scope of government. Let people make their own choices.
Can you do that without pointing a gun at people?
Do you have enough courage in your convictions to do it without force?
And I am not convinced that conservatives can be totally trusted. As I rule, I trust conservatives more than I do progressives, but I don't trust you that much.
It's not easy to do it without a gun, but it's possible. The thing is, progressives don't start with guns. They start by establishing Moral Authority. You can do more by taking that away than you can with guns. Hurting them or killing them just makes martyrs to the "cause."
The Left doesn't like it when I do a lot of things. That doesn't stop me much.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Tags: goverment ∙ power ∙ exile ∙ believe ∙ challenged ∙ ideas ∙ libertarian ∙ political parties ∙ taxes ∙ spends too much money ∙ tyrannical ∙ conservatives ∙ progressives ∙ gun ∙ Left
Friday - 16Feb2018 Filed in:
Morality & Modern Life&LawIt's not a right unless the other guy has it too.
Read More...Tags: goverment ∙ power ∙ rights ∙ America
Monday - 29Jan2018 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums&Politics&LawIs it moral for the state to compel a product or service?
Read More...Tags: Ursula K. Le Guin ∙ individual ∙ state ∙ power
Wednesday - 20Dec2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums““The problem isn't the abuse of power; it's the power to abuse.””
— Michael Cloud
Tags: Michael Cloud ∙ power ∙ abuse
Monday - 18Dec2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums““Giving money and power to politicians is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.””
— P.J. O'Rourke
Tags: P. J. O’Rourke ∙ money ∙ power ∙ politicos ∙ whiskey ∙ car keys ∙ teen age boys
Saturday - 30Dec2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums““Power will always be misused. Give good people the power to do good and that power eventually will be in the hands of bad people to do bad.””
— Harry Browne, Principles of Government
Tags: Harry Browne ∙ goverment ∙ power ∙ misued
Thursday - 21Dec2017 Filed in:
American classic&Liberty&Law&Politics
““We need the iron qualities that go with true manhood. We need the positive virtues of resolution, of courage, of indomitable will, of power to do without shirking the rough work that must always be done.””
— Theodore Roosevelt
Tags: Theodore Roosevelt ∙ man ∙ manhood ∙ iron qualities ∙ positive virtues ∙ resolution ∙ courage ∙ indomitable will ∙ power ∙ shirking ∙ rough work
Saturday - 25Nov2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums&Politics❝❝Politics is about power over people. Once you understand that government is not your friend and the politico only wants to get re-elected, you’re on the path to freedom.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ power ∙ politicos ∙ re-election ∙ freedom
❝❝A Church Militant with willing martyrs doesn't serve the glory of a god as much as the personal power of princes, potentates, and priests.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ Church Militant ∙ martyr ∙ power ∙ princes ∙ potentates ∙ priests
Saturday - 25Nov2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums&Politics❝❝History shows that politics corrupts faith. It's not the Divine who stirs up politics, it's the priests and priestesses seeking power.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ corruption ∙ faith ∙ priests ∙ priestesses ∙ power ∙ Divine
Thursday - 04May2017 Filed in:
I suspect that sexual orientation is not as hard wiblurb as some believe, but that is still individual choice.
Read More...Tags: shaming ∙ groups ∙ Christianity ∙ priests ∙ generals ∙ emperors ∙ justification ∙ religion ∙ property ∙ wealth ∙ power ∙ poverty ∙ unemployment ∙ Pagan ∙ victimhood ∙ Utah ∙ Navajo Nation ∙ Mexico ∙ racism