❝❝If the mainstream media spent one tenth the effort looking at Democrat misconduct that it does looking for Republican misconduct, the nation would be far better off.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ tweeted ∙ mainstream media ∙ effort ∙ Democrat ∙ misconduct ∙ Republican ∙ nation
❝❝As far as I am concerned, you have no business going after Republicans until you at least acknowledge that Democrats aren't perfect and are just as good at messing things up.❞❞
Read More...Tags: Democrats ∙ Republicans ∙ Barack Obama ∙ White House ∙ Trump Tower ∙ mainstream media ∙ trust ∙ overlook ∙ maxims
Saturday - 09Mar2019 Filed in:
NeoNotes&Headlines&Politics❝❝To me, the interesting thing is that most of the mainstream media is willing to ignore things like this so long as it's a Democrat doing it to a Republican.❞❞
Read More...Tags: Obama Administration ∙ Trump Tower ∙ wiretap ∙ Barack Obama ∙ incompetent ∙ liar ∙ Donald Trump ∙ mainstream media ∙ ignore ∙ rule of law ∙ abuse of power ∙ Republicans ∙ Democrats ∙ good ∙ evil ∙ greater harm ∙ maxims
Wednesday - 19Dec2018 Filed in:
Friday - 19Jan2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&Politics&EcologyNot all is golden
I still want to know where the Federal government gets the power to outlaw cannabis
“In Coachella, Officials Buried A Great-Grandmother In Debt By Mailing Fines To The Wrong House, Then Took Her To Court After She Was Dead.”
I'd say it's time to change banks
Seems like the science isn't settled
This is more important than it looks. The RadFems DO NOT speak for all women. This also confirms a trend I've been watching for five years or so
The politicos want you scared and not asking questions
So why isn't this make more headlines?
Why does this make too much sense?
Competition works
Now that is an interesting idea.
“That would mean the flu vaccine has been ineffective for decades.”
“DEA's use of proceeds acquired through civil asset forfeiture to expand marijuana enforcement makes the already unacceptable practice even worse.”
Tags: California ∙ poverty ∙ cannabis ∙ Jeff Sessions ∙ Coachella ∙ corruption ∙ Congressional servers ∙ Catherine Deneuve ∙ global warming ∙ Wells Fargo ∙ computer glitch ∙ Donald Trump ∙ mainstream media ∙ 48 hour rule
Friday - 22Dec2017 Filed in:
Friday - 28Apr2017 Filed in:
Headlines&Ecology&Free Speech