KYFHO now & forever
❝❝You are perfectly capable of making your own decisions. That is your right, that is what makes you human, and fuck all to anyone who tells you different.
KYFHO now and forever. The only protection you should get is the certainty that NO ONE ELSE can use government to control you.
But, if you expect that right for yourself, you’d better damn well defend if for others. Even if you don’t like them. Even if you don’t trust them. Especially if you don’t trust them. Otherwise you will lose your choice.❞❞
— NeoWayland
The free market is more free
❝❝Keep your freakin' hands off!❞❞
— NeoWayland, FAQ - KYFHO: Keep Your Freakin' Hands OFF!
NeoNotes — About the guilt
❝❝First, not all feminists. And not all lesbians.
Now with that out of the way, these particular females (I will not dignify them as ladies) do have a big problem.
It's all about the guilt. If the guys don't feel guilt, there is no way these females will get their way. I for one am tired of it. I've been lectured to about the need for keeping silent when the RadFems are speaking. I've been lectured for pointing out that environmentalism makes no sense while ecology does. I've been lectured for saying #AllLivesMatter. And I have been lectured to when I refused to change my lifestyle because it is not acceptable to feminism.
I make the same stand against them that I make against some of the conservative Christians. My life is my own. My choices are my own. My responsibility is my own.
Unfortunately, that's not enough for some conservative Christians.
They want to meddle. For the greater good, of course.
And that means taking lives and responsibility away from other people.
If you bother to read my comments, you'll find I don't try to hide what I am saying. After all, I am a pagan libertarian posting openly on a conservative mostly Christian board.
If you had asked me about the "culture wars," I'd tell you that war is the wrong way to think about it. War is backed by force. If you can't convince someone that your way is right without resorting to force, you're doing it wrong.
What you believe isn't important to me. Your freedom to choose what to believe, that is vital. That is what I will defend.❞ class="ghoster">❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.