❝❝Your issue with me isn't about what I say. It's that I don't recognize Christianity as the "obviously superior" choice. It's that I won't give Christianity the hand up you think it deserves. It's that I don't think Christianity is the "universal" choice.
Am I attacking you? No. Am I attacking Christianity? No. Am I suppressing Christianity? No.
If Christianity is what you believe, then it should be able to hold it's own AND MORE against any other set of ideas with no special advantage.
Which means there’s no need to explain human behavior because of Divine intervention or devilish activity.
It’s choice.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
Tags: Christianity ∙ commenting ∙ Divine intervention ∙ devilish activity ∙ choice & consequence ∙ maxims