Definining libertarians
❝❝American libertarians want both personal freedom and economic freedom, and they know that always comes with responsibility. Libertarians also believe that the biggest threat to personal freedom and economic freedom is a large government with expanding powers.
There is a very important distinction between a "classic liberal" and a "modern liberal." A "modern liberal" believes that rights are defined by a group and granted to individuals by virtue of their membership in that group. I call this the French model of rights because it's assumptions made the French Revolution possible. A "classic liberal" believes that individual rights exist even if they haven't been defined, and the only restriction should be to prevent an individual from interfering with the rights of another. I call this the American model of rights because it made the United States possible.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ libertarian ∙ American ∙ personal freedom ∙ economic freedom ∙ responsibility ∙ government ∙ individual