☆ Sins of the skin
Why is it that everyone is allowed to be proud of their ethnic heritage unless you're "white?"
And then there's "white privilege."
"If you can't see it, you've got it."
Guess what. That's racist.
Yes, you read that right. It's racist. People are being blamed because of their skin color. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, They Are Guilty and Can Not Be Redeemed. You can't get more racist than that.
They are not only guilty, but they are responsible for the actions and attitudes of people long dead.
Well, isn't that a kick in the pants. I can only speak for me.
I won't humble myself and acknowledge the sins of my skin color.
I won't abase myself.
I won't sacrifice my pride and power before their “need.”
Why not? Because I didn't do anything. You want to be a victim? Fine. Go do it somewhere else.
You want some help so you can stop being a victim? Then let's talk. Let's see what we can do.
Yes, the United States was not perfect when it was founded. There were a bunch of rich, "white" men running around controlling everything. Things got better. The US helped destroy the international slave trade. Women got the vote. Some of our greatest today aren't rich, "white", or male. Things got better. It's not perfect now. But we're getting better. That's the promise.
If you are not responsible for the sins of your ancestors, then neither is anyone else. Neither am I.
If you take pride in your ancestry, then so can anyone else. So can I.
Because I am not guilty for my ancestors.
My skin color doesn't make me racist.
Can you say the same?
We're human. Let's build on that. Let's start with today. Let's limit our judgement to what the individual has said and done.
Let's not blame the skin color. Or privilege. Or what we think they think.
Just what is said. Just what is done.
Can you live with that?
I can. Do we have a deal?
Bad ideas
❝A politico-economic system in which most power is held by large corporations, often mistakenly called capitalism. This is the current governing system of most of the world❞
➣ www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=corporatismIf your business model depends on government intervention, you'll ignore the "customer" and focus on manipulating and controlling the government. That's how to get a bigger profit under corporatism.
corporate social responsibility
❝economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations with society has of it's corporations and institutions at any given point in time❞
➣ www.academia.edu/419517/Corporate_Social_Responsibility_Evolution_of_a_Definitional_ConstructAs hard as it may be for some to believe, corporations have absolutely zero social responsibility. A corporation is responsible to it's shareholders first and last. The way that a company keeps and makes more customers is by selling what the people want in a way that is equal to or maybe a bit better than the competition. That brings more profit which means the owners are happy. Anything else is literally the price of doing business.
Companies don't care, people should. If you don't like what a company sells or how it does business, go to the competition. Under no circumstances should you get government to make a company do what you want. That leads to corporatism, and that means neither the government nor the company has any reason to listen to the likes of you.
There are three rules that companies should keep in mind. If done right, following these rules can put a company in the top twenty percent.A company is responsible to it's ownership. Customers are the ones who pay the bills. Sometimes the real customer is the government, see corporatism.
- Competition keeps us honest.
- Always do what you promised.
- Try to deliver more than you promised.
Just some things to think about.
p.s. It looks WAY better on the other site.