NeoNote — "Race," IQ, and savagery
❝❝That is a phenomenally inaccurate and simplistic view.NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
"Run by blacks…"
They are run by Democrats who have spent the last 50+ years telling minority groups that they are victims and don't have to be responsible.
Gods, the absolute last last thing you should do is blame skin color.
Do you want to make things worse?
Of course you're blaming skin color.
Those "heritable characteristics" vanish when you start adjusting for quality of education, early childhood environment, and family support.
Next time read the disclaimers andqualitificationsqualifications.
Yes, yes they do. Check the studies again. Better yet, follow it to the inevitable conclusion. If the "heritable characteristics" exist and are not modified by environmental factors, then by your logic "blacks" are inherently inferior.
Think about that very carefully.
The fact that you are relying on IQ tells me quite a bit.
The IQ tests are culturally biased. What's more, studies from the late 1970s forward have shown that the tests are sub-culturally biased. Those scores are significantly linked to quality of education, early childhood environment, and family support.
Yes, those things I mentioned earlier.
What's more, there's evidence of an inner-city sub-culture that is adamantly against doing well in school or on tests.
Look, here's the problem.
You're defining people by skin color, no matter what their individual accomplishments.
Benjamin Banneker, Frederick Douglass, George Washington Carver, Daniel Hale Williams , Booker T. Washington, James West, John J. Jasper, Daniel "Chappie" James Jr., Thomas Sowell, Huey P. Newton, Carter G. Woodson, W. E. B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, those are just some of the remarkable American men I remember off the top of my head.
Those averages only matter if you've allowed for all other factors.
For example, how manysub-Sararansub-Saharan nations have a free market based economy? How many recognize the rights of the individual?
I already told you a third theory. There are significant cultural and environmental differences. What's more, put any skin color in unfavorable circumstances and watch how fast the "average" drops.
Unless a government recognizes & defends individual rights, corruption follows as surely as night follows day.
Those white South Africans you mention had special privilege and exploited people because they had the power to do so. When things changed, there was no living memory of anything except special privileges. The corruption stayed and the exploited targets changed.
A version of the same problem is happening in those Democrat controlled cities that you incorrectly insist on labeling "black run." Recognized rights have long given way to special privilege, and no one remembers anything else.
I didn't say anything about it not being their fault. I specifically said Democrats "have spent the last 50+ years telling minority groups that they are victims and don't have to be responsible."
Not so long ago, the Republican idea of race relations was to get out of the way and tell people to take responsibility. That's no longer the case.
I don't care about blame. I just care about fixing the problem. And you are making things worse.
You're making the Democrat case for them. You're saying that "blacks" will fail if left to themselves.
You mean other than the examples I gave you?
If you are interested in statistics, try the upward mobility of "blacks" between 1900 and 1960, before government interfered. The welfare statistics and the rise of single mother families are particularly telling. These have been well documented.
On the whole, two parent households do better over time. When the immediate cost of having children is reduced by government intervention, then a single parent household is less likely to move up the economic ladder.
I told you some of what was necessary for a society's success. Recognition and protection of individual rights. A free market economy. Those things are rare.
Those things are also not dependent on skin color.
I don't recognize "black" societies, I recognize human societies. Almost every single time when someone talks about "black" societies or "black"nations or "black" cities, it's about racism.
There's one race and it's human.
I said no such thing.
I talked about political systems designed to exploit victimhood and grant privilege.
That has almost nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with denying rights.
People designed those systems. Generations of people over centuries, trading, interacting, arguing, fighting, failing, and trying again. It wasn't because of one skin color even if you could define "white."
Because I said that people designed the systems, for good or ill?
Because I pointed out that it took generations?
Because I pointed out that you can't define "white" anymore than you can define "black?"
You lost this one the second you used skin color as a substitute for individual merit.
You haven't managed to identify any significant differences that aren't environmental in nature.
Instead, you keep focusing on skin color, a poor indicator under the best of circumstances.
There are hundreds of other factors, starting with how many parents the child has and if the child is raised in a loving environment. That doesn't even include the social factors I've already touched on.
As long as you focus on skin color, you're just perpetuating the problems.
The only way the question is reduced to a binary condition is by focusing on insignificant measurements such as skin color.
We've already established that IQ is culturally biased. There are also strong indications that IQ is sub-culturally biased as well. That means that part of what IQ measures is cultural conformity.
That's assuming that IQ is a relevant measure of intelligence to begin with. There are theories that one measurement of intelligence isn't nearly enough.
Like it or not, you have to allow for environmental and cultural factors in IQ scores.
Me and about two thirds of the researchers studying the possibility.
I suggest you do a web search for IQ cultural bias.
First, it's not the "warrior gene." A variant is popularly (and inaccurately) referred to as the "warrior gene." Technically the variant produces lessMAMOMAOA .
Second, the evidences seems to show that the people with a low level ofMAMOMAOA show higher levels of aggression when faced with social stressors such as ostracism, exclusion, or overwhelming loss.
You know, environmental factors.
ETA: Sorry about that, spell check fixed something I didn't want fixed.
With environmental factors, yes.
Would you like a list of genetic variations that are activated by environmental stressors?
I don't lie.
You keep stressing differences that derive from environmental factors.
Yet you keep blaming skin color.
Remember when I mentioned "family support?" Have you accounted for the incredible cultural pressure to succeed at schools and testing?
Yep, Obama was all about skin color. And his solutions worked out just so well for everyone, right?
There's a line I've been throwing around for a couple years now.❝There were so many patting themselves on the back and proud that a black man had been elected President that no one bothered to ask if a good man had been elected President.❞
The politics are a much bigger part of the problem than the skin color.
It's the politics I blame.
And there's your problem.
You think it's about America.
It's about freedom.
Who said anything about pretending it's not there?
I'm disputing why it is there.
Actually I did. I talked briefly about incentivizing single parenthood and telling minorities that they are perpetual victims and how they don't have to take responsibility.
No, it wasn't the same environment.
I specified "telling minorities."
Politics are bad enough, but the politics are of victimhood are just despicable.
Because they don't have the same incentives.
Do you have any idea how much has been written and spoken about this over the last sixty years?
You might start with Goldwater's objections to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
I believe they are indoctrinated to believe that they could only be victims no matter what.
Talked with more than a few. Slept with a couple.
I'm a bilagáana born on the res. I grew up next to the Diné, the Hopi, and the Havasupai. Spent a lot of time in Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego, and Albuquerque.
Still want to lecture me on the "races?"
Gods, you really are so ignorant that you can't be bothered to do a web search.
Roughly translated, bilagáana means "white man." There's more to it than that, especially for one born on the reservation. I'm what happens when Louisiana farming stock takes root in the Four Corners region.
Check again.
I never denied cultural differences, I just pointed out that they alone don't determine IQ or aggression.
I don't think I've done it in this thread, but I have pointed out that there is one race and it's human.
"Peoples" is a completely different concept and doesn't usually rest on minor genetic differences. The term is slightly more accurate than tribes.
Go back and reread what I wrote on this thread. I started by pointing out that what was being passed off as racial and genetic differences were actually due to environmental and cultural factors.
Ah, someone is making the right points.
First, IQ is not an objective measurement. One of my favorite examples is the Diné, their culture doesn't recognize time and distance as linear. With the possibility of multiple intelligences, things get more complicated. Gross motor coordination doesn't translate to spatial mathematical. Yes, I know the theory has problems like leaving out fine motor control, but this isn't the place.
We've not defined intelligence very well. There's a difference between following a recipe and walking in a kitchen just to whip up amazing food. IQ tests look for proven solutions, not for that creative spark. Sometimes that mostly works, sometimes not.
One set of parents can produce a musical genius, a good accountant, and a total slacker. It's impossible to say if a specific genetic line might produce. We know from domesticated animals that some traits will probably breed true, but we have to allow for environment and chance. We can't say that this family always produces good Rotarians and never any gamers. We can't say that every puppy from that Labrador will be good with kids. If you expand it to a group, the uncertainty grows too.
Interesting. You get to keep your preconceptions but I have to give mine up.
Okay, let's go back to basics. Part of science is eliminating variables.
The people we're comparing, are they on the same economic level? Did they have the same number of parents? Did they attend the same or comparable schools? Are they married? Do they have the same number of kids? Is their debt level the same? Is their education level the same? Do they live in the same or comparable neighborhoods?
We know that every single one of these environmental factors can influence someone's mental abilities, their tastes, their chosen activities, and their obligations.
And these are just the big ones.
Otherwise you're comparing apples from last year to next year's bananas. There's no way to establish a baseline.
There's no real comparison until you can account for most of the major variables.
I'm telling you (again) that until you can account for environmental differences, your measurements are useless.
There's a difference between a Walmart special and a finely made bookshelf. You can't just say that the one that is forty-one inches wide is better than the thirty-five inch one. You don't have enough information to judge.
It's a trick question.
It presupposes that there aren't any other variables that matter.
At the very least, acknowledge that the quality of schools makes a difference.Mona Lisa Vito: It's a bullshit question.
D.A. Jim Trotter: Does that mean that you can't answer it?
Mona Lisa Vito: It's a bullshit question, it's impossible to answer.
D.A. Jim Trotter: Impossible because you don't know the answer!
Mona Lisa Vito: Nobody could answer that question!
D.A. Jim Trotter: Your Honor, I move to disqualify Ms. Vito as a "expert witness"!
Judge Chamberlain Haller: Can you answer the question?
Mona Lisa Vito: No, it is a trick question!
— My Cousin Vinny
From my second response to you on this thread, I've pointed out again and again that you can not eliminate cultural and environmental factors.
The differences that you chose to highlight directly resulted in part from the culture and environment.
These are facts that we know and can easily be verified through a web search.
Children from single parent households tend to do worse at school and hold lower paying jobs.
Children from abusive households tend to do worse at school and hold lower paying jobs.
Single parent households tend to stay at lower income levels.
Some schools fail so much that most of their students can't read, write, or do basic math.
If children don't have enough to eat, they don't do well in school.
If people don't have shelter, they tend to have more health problems.
How much did environment and culture play a part? There is no way to know unless you can eliminate variables.
There's no comparison unless you can account for most of the major variables. This is true in science. This is true in statistics. This is true in life.
Your question makes no sense because there can be no comparison.
But you haven't presented evidence.
You've gone out of your way to dismiss the very idea that the culture and environment can have any possible influence on the differences you chose to highlight.
All you've done is lay out a premise that presupposes that no other factors can change what you choose to measure.
It's not science. It's not statistics. It's not even logically verifiable.
It's just prejudice.
You don't have evidence. You have observation, but you haven't shown cause or correlation because you have not allowed for environmental and cultural factors.
It's not even a matter of "interpretation." You've deliberately chosen one measurement and claimed that it defines the whole discussion. Can you say selection bias?
You can put tomato seeds in a salt shaker for nine months. That doesn't mean you'll be harvesting.
But I don't blame skin color at all. That's when I talk about this at all. Most people don't want to deal with uncomfortable truths.
I talk about politics, history, and the lies of government. Also basic economics and self-ownership.
Self-ownership and responsibility are a big part of what I write and talk about.
I also talk about strategy that exploits the politics of victimhood. I point out that the people who don't accept those lies from politicos and technocrats do better over time. Usually better than their parents. Which used to be a measurement of success in this nation.
A significant number of politicos (easily more than half) use the message that people are victims and their friend, the government, can help.
I tell people that government is not your friend, no matter how much the politicos say that it is.
That's not making excuses. That's showing that most politicos want problems they can stage manage. The politicos can't do that by solving problems.
It's a loaded question.
The premise is insufficient.
Neighbor, you're telling me that I am dealing in absolutes when I just listed seven major variables that we know affect intelligence and ability. These variables change everybody no matter what their skin color, nationality, sex, or ice cream preference.
I can stop you with nothing more than a few words.
Think about it. You're taking offense at what I write on a website when all I am really saying is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…"
You would deny that?
I'm not defending today's mess.
I've written against it.
But (and this is the important bit), you're still defining people by skin color instead of what they are individually.
There's a phrase about "content of their character" that comes to mind.
I know, you keep defining people by skin color.
Tell me, what nationality are "blacks?"
If a "Chinese" has been granted American citizenship, when does he stop being "Chinese?" Three seconds after? Three generations? When he changes his name to Jones?
If Jesus Fernandez was born in Michigan and barely speaks Spanish, is he "Mexican?"
Or American?
I didn't say anything about stopping the Left with words.
I said I could stop you.
And I have.
Think you so?
Look at what's happened.
I've held my own against you and your "friend." Along the way, we've discussed history, psychology, morality, biology, and ethics. We've done it in real time for a few hours, and right now you are focused on taking me down, not in proving that "blacks" are inferior.
And all you can do is tell me that I don't deserve my citizenship.
You got stopped.
"The fact that blacks are not us."
Pretty sure my neighbors would disagree. Pretty sure your neighbors would too.
"Wait until your neighbors are Hindus, Muslims, Mexicans, or Asians."
Um, they are.
I could ask my across-the-street neighbor, but I'm pretty sure she's happy with her husband. I don't know their kids that well.
Because they are us.
The commonalities outweigh the differences.
These barriers, these labels that people like you keep using, they separate us. The labels keep us apart.❝Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters, and which they see as they look up to them, though they are ever so far away from us, and each other.❞
— Sojourner Truth
The Hopi are surrounded by all sides by the Diné. Can you tell me the genetic differences between the Hopi and the Diné? Good luck, because they've been intermarrying for a long time.
So what are their national characteristics?
As I said, I'm an American. I'm a mix. Part of my ancestry is Irish, part of it is English, part of it is Creole, part of it is German, part of it is Russian, and there's probably stuff on both sides of the bed that isn't officially acknowledged.
What are my national genetic characteristics?
I'm pretty sure I could father a child with any fertile human female if we tried hard enough. That's sort of how the species works.
And that's the important thing. We're one species, one "race." Throw us together and those distinctions fade. We get down and funky. We rut. We mix our genes.
It doesn't stop there. Ideas mix too. We argue with each other. We try to one up each other. We try. We look at what the other guy is doing. We borrow what works and tweak it a bit.
Synchronicity and syncretism happen, no matter how much you want "purity."
I'm not trying to change the labels.
I'm pointing out the truths.
Those labels are controlling your life."Truth and lies don't miscegenate."
Miscegenation has nothing to do with truth and lies and everything to do with sex and children.
Truth is subject to change. There was a time when people thought the speed of light was infinite. Now we know it's about 186,000 miles per second. In a vacuum. Put it through an atmosphere or water and it's something else.
We're human. That humanity matters more than any "racial" difference. It's why there are children of "mixed race." As time and people go on, the differences fade.
Until we meet a new population and it starts all over again.
I don't lie. I serve veritas.❞❞
Taken stands
NeoNotes — Racism in response to oppression
❝❝My critique wasn't intended to capture the movement.
In the various moments however, I see one group excuse their violence and their racism because of their narrative. This one group gets a pass but others do not. That's certainly privilege and it hurts their case.
I've told people before. You want equality, I'll fight with you. You want privilege, I'll fight against you.
I can't takeBLCBLM seriously when I read or hear the trash-talk some of the leadership directs at "whites." I'm not the only one. I'm against injustice, I don't thinkBLCBLM is.
You know the really ironic thing about this conversation? The motto of my political blog Pagan Vigil is "Because LIBERTY demands more than just black and white."
If group A gets something and groups B, C, and E are not allowed, that's a privilege. If things change and group B gets something and groups A, C, E, and H are not allowed, there is still privilege.
The definition of oppression keeps changing. Arguably things were worse for "blacks" in the 1920s after Woodrow Wilson re-segregated the civil service and the military. Not to mention all the Jim Crow laws that were still on the books. While there are issues today, they are no where near what they once were.
One of the biggest issues today is the prison population. This is usually one key argument about how the US is still a racist society. Before we can really look at that though, we should consider if there are some laws that in and of themselves might be unjust. Personally I think it's stupid to arrest people for being under the influence but not arresting people for being drunk. So if we take out all non-violent drug offenders, that reduces the prison population quite a bit. We're left with the violent offenders.
We know that a strong family, especially one with at least two parents, usually means the kids don't break the law. We also know that "black" inner city children in single mother households used to be about 7%, at one point that rose to well over 70% and is still a majority today. We know that this was made possible by well meaning government programs meant to provide. In other words, "the Man" paid single mothers not to get married and raise kids on their own. Yet any talk of reducing these benefits is immediately called racism. It's privilege, it promotes dependency, and yet it's seen as "compassionate." There's racism and oppression for you, but in popular opinion it's a "right." That doesn't mean that single mothers are evil or wrong. It just means that when a majority of households in a given population are single mothers, the kids (and especially the males) are much more likely to push the boundaries and get into trouble.
These aren't the only two things that put more "blacks" in prison, but they are two of the biggest. Yet instead, we hear how cops are racist. These are also two things that would take years, maybe decades to fix.
There are many other things too. Inner city public schools which are more and more like prisons. Public housing projects that displace neighborhoods and quickly become crime infested. Licensing laws that make it almost impossible for small household businesses to get started. These are real oppressions with absolutely devastating results, and yet we're arguing over who gets a slice of the pie. The oppressed demand action from the government and the institutions that are keeping them down. Star Parker does a much better job explaining this is her book Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It.
Maybe the pie isn't limited. And maybe the person on the street isn't the oppressor.
Peer review? Then the next question will be if the correct peers reviewed it. And that still doesn't answer the real question: Is Star Parker wrong with either her observations or her conclusions?
Look at what happened here. In one reply you've moved from Black Lives Matter to certain Black Lives Matter more than the ones who have not been politically approved. It's Orwell. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
What critical race theory doesn't tell you is the how and why of institutions, particularly those created to fight one cause or another.
I'm not going to assume the collective guilt. That's not my style, and that's not the way to fix racism.
Critical race theory isn't a part of sociology, it rejects much of sociology. It was designed as a political tool to silence dissent from an approved ideology.
I am not discounting peer review which can be a valuable tool. I just do not think that it should be the only tool, nor do I think that the only certain people should be allowed to do peer review.
I've run into abuse of the latter kind in third wave feminism "scholarship" where ideas aren't even considered for discussion unless the author has been approved.
Those are Star Parker's beliefs, she still has the right to write and talk about them. But she isn't hitting people if they disagree with her.
I was trying to find a quote from Thomas Sowell on critical race theory, but I can't seem to find it.
How widespread is critical race theory outside those who study it? Can it produce predictable models of human behavior? How well does it withstand analysis outside the discipline? These are some of the things that mark a science. At one point I was studying to be a Christian minister, that doesn't make Christianity true. These same things could be said about third wave feminism too. Even more in the case of third wave feminism, how well does it tolerate behavior that goes against what it teaches.
But the people in BLM who aren't hitting people aren't denouncing the people in BLM who are. And there have been pages and pages written about how the leaders of BLM are justified in their racism against "whites" with no one calling them on it.
If BLM is going to denounce the neo-Nazis for being racist and violent, shouldn't they be held to the same standard?
We let generations be victims when they deserved to be heroes.
You seem to want understanding and validation for your sexuality. You won't get that from me. But if you want the right to make your own choices as long as you accept responsibility for those choices, count me in.
Which is more important?
I don't care about BLM's "cause," especially since I think it's only cover for their politics. I care about human rights and making sure everyone has them.
Which is more important?
See, I don't think there are as many oppressors as you do.
Nor do I think that people should take a back seat to talking and solving things because of their skin color, gender, creed, political affiliation, sexuality, gym membership, or the coffee they like. If there is a problem, let's fix it together and figure out who to blame afterwards.
I'm sorry, but this keeps getting more abstract.
What I saw was two groups using violence. One was condemned and the other was not. Both have highly racist members. Both have said and done some despicable things.
Why is the one group that has bigger numbers, much better funding, better political connections called the oppressed and therefore allowed violence without comment?
I don't approve of violence, particularly against bystanders. I said that in the original article.
But if you are going to overlook the violence of one group because they are oppressed, those same standards apply even more against the neo-Nazis. BLM is less oppressed by almost every measure you can name.
You keep excusing BLM and antifa's behavior. I don't. Not because I support the neo-Nazis, but because any excuse for violence is wrong. The fact that many BLM leaders are actively and openly racist and that BLM is constantly involved in violence even without neo-Nazis is enough to tell me that BLM is just another gang demanding tribute. Just as people were wrong to support the KKK in it's heyday, people are wrong to support BLM today.
I'm saying that by the standards that you yourself used, the neo-Nazis are more oppressed than BLM is. Do I agree? No. Do I think that the racism and violence of the neo-Nazis is despicable? Yes. Do I think that the racism and violence of BLM is despicable? Yes.
BLM shouldn't get a free pass. Excusing behavior usually encourages more bad behavior.
In this specific case, I think BLM and antifa came spoiling for a fight and they want moral justification.
Pardon, this conversation was never about white privilege.
It was never about me denying that people are oppressed. It was never about me, period. What we have is two groups that have used violence and racism. Violence and racism are terrible things.
One group gets excused and the other does not.
Yet the bigger group, the better funded group, the group with the better political connections, the group with academic support, blames the other for all the violence and racism **People deliberately excuse them from the consequences.** They get what they want with minimal costs. This leads to further bad behavior. Which is then excused.
I've pointed out that it was good intentions of the FedGov that has kept people trapped in poverty and crime. I can't and won't be responsible for something that happened before I was born. As a libertarian, I won't take responsibility for government failure. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, that's the history that I can do something about.
It's not about me. It's about the behavior I've seen and experienced.
There's a story about how after the assassination of MLK, Jesse Jackson came out waving a bloody shirt. The shirt didn't belong to Dr. King, it couldn't have given the timing. Yet there was Jackson, waving the shirt, accusing everyone in sight. Because even if they had nothing to do with the shooting, they should have done something. Even if it wasn't possible, they should have done something, faster, louder.
Jackson was aiming to be the new face of civil rights, and unfortunately he mostly succeeded. He turned it into an extortion racket in the 1970s and 1980s. If Jackson said that company X was racially insensitive, the company paid him off and he said the company had mended their ways.
That's how I see BLM, only with more thugs.
In Shelby Steele's White Guilt, he argues that the real problem is not racial oppression but white guilt. There are many people who have gotten power and money exploiting that guilt. I won't be a party to it.
You seem like a nice enough person. You and I are not going to agree on this issue. We can't even agree on what the issue is. I do think your heart is in the right place.❞❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.
NeoNotes — Who gets to call the shots
❝❝The argument is not over sexual practices but over who gets to call the shots. I disagree with you on this one.
Let’s leave aside the fact that “Judeo-Christian” excludes every person who is not a Jew or a Christian. Let’s leave aside the face that many Jews are offended by the notion of being lumped in with the Christians. Let’s even leave aside the point that “Christians” includes faiths such as Baptists, Mormons, and Catholics who are barely even on speaking terms with each other.
The real question is why should any group be in charge? Why should one morality have the force of law while others do not?
Competition keeps us honest. If you can’t convince people that your morality works without being backed by law, then you’re doing it wrong. “Do it our way or we’ll force you.” “Do it our way or The Officially Sanctioned Authority Figures will point guns at you.” “Do it our way or you’ll be tossed in jail.”
If you don’t like what they are doing, fine. They shouldn’t force you. But that means you shouldn’t force them either.
I’m a big believer in the family. That’s one reason I support the age of consent. I’m from my mom’s first marriage, and I have stepsibs including one from my stepdad’s first wife’s first marriage. I think that the family is the strongest thing is a society.
But people have to make the choice of their own free will and without coercion or it counts for nothing.
Virtue under threat is not virtue, it’s slavery.
I realize you and I are using atheist in different ways. I am no more an atheist because I don’t worship your god than you are an atheist because you don’t worship mine.
If I am reading this right, you want me to rally to your banner and fight in the name of your faith to establish your morality over all in a glorious victory. And then we’ll haggle over my crumbs later.
To which I reply KYFHO.
I think it was yesterday I was reading Limbaugh’s site. He tried to make the point that just because the Republican leadership were a bunch of wimps, that wasn’t a reason to vote Democrat to spite them. He was wrong. Either/or is not a choice, it’s a trap.
Freedom is what matters. If all we fight for is who gets to call the shots, then freedom has lost.
I will not exchange one overlord for another.
And if folks weren't pushing a "Judeo-Christian" rule system for everybody, it wouldn't matter.
We can agree on a public morality without making personal religion the governing factor.
This nation was founded by Christians, Deists, and others, but not on a Judeo-Christian basis. They borrowed from anything and everything they thought would work. And then they argued over it. For years and years they argued. They still goofed some things up. Slavery is the obvious example.
I didn't say anything about the worth of Judeo-Christians values, I just said that they weren't the paramount source of all that is good in our society.
If you reread everything I have said on this thread, you will not find one place where I criticized Judeo-Christian values.
I did say that people should choose for themselves whether to put Judeo-Christian values at the center of their lives. And I objected to anyone choosing those values for everyone else.
Again, my objections are not about Christianity.
It's about Christianity being the "default" choice.
As I said above, either/or is not a choice, it's a trap.
Tell me, what would you do if someone insisted you had to abide by the morality of Confucianism? Would you not speak loudly and say that wasn't your choice?
I of course live in the United States where freedom of religion is the law of the land.
Not freedom of Judeo-Christian religion, not Judeo-Christian religion placed first, but freedom of religion.
The Founders were among the best educated and enlightened men of their time. Why do you supposed they chose to make it like that?
They did accept it.
It took a Civil War to stop it. And even then, Lincoln didn't begin the war with the idea to end slavery.
That came later.
Must have been some Brits.
The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. The Continental Congress adopted the Constitution in 1788.
First, I wasn't the one who started with the "Judeo-Christian" phrase, that was RSM in the original article. It's what started this.
Second (and this is the Really Important Bit), the Founders deliberately did not put religion in the Constitution. It's not because they did not have faith, it's because they believed one man should not dictate the faith of another. It has nothing to do with the merits of Christianity and everything to do with personal choice and responsiblity.
BTW, I don't read either Zinn or Maher. I think the last history book I read was Churchill's autobiography.
Still doesn't change the point.
You wouldn't want to live under the rules of another belief system even if it was a good system and was for everybody.
Your insistence that the Judeo-Christian basis is the only possible choice has made that point very clear.
I answered which makes it responsive.
You might ask yourself why you feel threatened by the merest possibility.
(P.S. I insist on better sound effects)
Pardon, but that's the point. If you put law a rung or two below your religion, you'll expect others to defer to your religion. Even if they don't share that religion.
Would you defer to my religion?
Should any nation embody a religion?
It doesn't matter. Under the terms that people on this thread have set, the religion is immaterial. It only matters if the nation has a basis in that religion.
No matter what yours may be, you must submit.
Most importantly, my religion doesn't require you to submit.
Neither does Christianity, despite what some say.
Even here on this thread, I'm not denouncing Christianity. I'm just telling Christians they can't use the precepts of their faith to rule another.
Some of them are good rules. Some of them are not.
My point is that one religion should never be considered The Moral Authority for a society. Morality is too important. We need to argue over it. Competition keeps us honest.
Once we say that The Moral Authority Religion is what tells the society that murder and theft are morally wrong, it's way too easy to say that TMAR says that this sexual partner is wrong, or that this fabric should never be sewn to that fabric, or that we should only eat from religiously approved diet.
I am totally for live and let live. It's the core of my most deeply held beliefs.
I really don't care about someone else's beliefs or politics unless they want to impose those on everyone else.
Going back to my original post on this thread, if the choice is between the absolute on the left side or the absolute on the right, I am going to pick freedom despite both.
I respectfully disagree with you on that.
I disagree. I think "free to choose" applies to more than just economics. I think ideas work best in a "free market" too.
"Given that, for example, I like the morality embodied in Judeo-Christian law…" But not everyone does.
"…and that we also know that other people would gladly choose anarchy by their own free will…" Oh? All others, or did you have a specific group in mind?
"it seems to me as if a stable culture does need to have reasonable, enforceable codified laws." I agree with the conclusion but not your reasoning.
"Which means that somebody's standard of morality has to set the bar." Yes.
"And I think that if you put to the vote which system of law would people prefer, Sharia law, Judeo-Christian or anarchy…" Why are these the only choices on the menu?
"…most Americans would say Judeo-Christian (given that a large component of that is "don't screw with me and I won't screw with you.")" I wish more people accepted "live and let live," I really do. I think Americans would accept it. But I don't think that's a substantial part of Christianity, especially as it is practiced today.
"Also, I think you confuse the practice of true Christianity with the practices of lying liars who lyingly claim to be Christian because it suits their lying agenda." Some are liars, yes. Some are devout Christians with the best of intentions.
"…the (Judeo-Christian based) Constitutional law as implemented originally for this Republic…" I'm sorry, but I have to stop you right there. It wasn't Judeo-Christian based. Look at the Constitution. Other than the date, there is not a single mention of Christianity. This was very unusual for any government document at the time. This was deliberate.
Christianity was only one of many influences. It's amazing I even have to mention this when one house of the national legislature is called the Senate and the other has a ceremonial mace based on a Roman fasces.
E pluribus unum. The original motto of the United States, roughly translated into "one from many." Or as I prefer, "united we stand." It's not just the people, it's the ideas.
And it is not specifically or even mostly Christian.
And the first question is why didn't the Founders see fit to put it in the Constitution?
The second question is why are people offended when I point out that Christianity may not be the sole source of goodness in Western Civilization?
And would that Christian belief system be the Protestants or the Catholics? Perhaps the Quakers?
Since the idea of democracy predated the "Judeo-Christian" basis we might have to consider a few other things.
Your problem is that I won't acknowledge the "fact" that Christianity is primary source of Western Civilization and of the United States.
Which pretty much brings us full circle to my first post on this thread.
You know, since we've spent so much time on this thread about the Founders, I can't help but wonder if the Brits thought they were being "willfully obtuse."
I know people thought Bill Gates was "willfully obtuse" when he had this crazy idea about copyrighting software and building a company on it.
So it really depends on your point of view, doesn't it?
I'll let you in on a secret.
I try to treat people online as they have treated me. I'm nice until someone shows they don't deserve it.
For life in general, I have three rules.
THE GOLDEN RULE - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
THE SILVER RULE - Do for yourself at least as much as you do for others.
THE IRON RULE - Don't do for others what they can do for themselves.
I think the Founders made a wise choice. They didn't want an official religion but they didn't want to interfere with personal religion.
It ties into individual choice and responsibility. It's bottom up. The Founders wanted individuals to draw from their faith and influence the nation, not the faith to shape national law and policy and so rule the individual.
Most importantly they wanted people of faith to watch government closely.
I didn't say no codified laws.
I just said that I thought we could do public morality without enshrining a religious system as The Moral Authority.
While I agree that religion can be an excellent source of personal morality, I don't think it works on a cultural level if there are multiple faiths in that culture.
So we have to start from another basis.
But not Judeo-Christianity alone.
BTW, many Jews are really offended by that term.
And a lot aren't.
And they are still offended.
Are you accusing the Jews who dissent from your views of being anti-Christian and unAmerican?
I said,
"BTW, many Jews are really offended by that term."
I don't have to be a spokesman for the Jews to know that many resent the term "Judeo-Christian." It implies a continuity which is not recognized by their religion.
So apparently it's either/or. I have to accept that law only has a Judeo-Christian bias or we do without law?
We couldn't just sit down, find out what we and others agree on, and make laws based on that?
So if I disagree that American society had a "Judeo-Christian" basis and that all that is good and wonderful comes from the actions of enlightened Christians, I can take a hike?
It's not me you have a problem with, it's dissent.
You might want to think about that.
Take Daylight Savings Time, that's not moral, just annoying.
Why does a nearly microscopic flake of cannabis on the passenger seat cost someone their car but three "suitcases" of beer in the trunk doesn't?
Why can't you legally buy a high flow toilet?
Laws are not moral.
We should be arguing over them.
"And, like it or not, 51% of the humans will impose its vision of society and its morality on the remainder." Actually I'd argue that most of the Bill of Rights specifically forbids the Federal government from doing exactly that. Not to mention the other checks and balances built into the system. Originally when Senators were chosen by the state legislatures, it was supposed to balance the populism of the House of Represenatives.
"Like it or not, Judeo-Christian ethics and morality have stood Western Civilization and indeed the world in good stead for a long time." Except Western Civilization was never just Judeo-Christian. Nor were it's ideals and morality.
"Personal liberty is more than putting whatever you want into your mouth or finding some new way to excite your genitals." Except I was talking about freedom which implies responsibility. Especially in an American context.
"Again, I defy anyone to demonstrate a social system better at doing that while protecting the dignity of the individual better than those based upon a Judeo-Christian foundation." You mean other than the American one that I already showed was not based solely on that Judeo-Christian foundation?
ETA: Sorry, I missed an important one.
"You say, such choices should be made "individually" and without societal influence," Except I said without coercion, as in no use of force.
But if you adopt a religion's moral code into the law, we can't do that. It's not up to the people. It's up to the leaders of that religion.
Not a weasel word.
Just a point again that Western Civilization did not begin and end with Christianity and Christian thought.
Some laws are not moral. For example, right now many police departments are partially funded by civil forfeiture laws.
Something like 40% of the Export-Import Bank's loans have gone to support one company, Boeing.
Not so very long ago, the Federal government decided that the U.S. should be forced to switch to the metric system.
"That immoral people have taken advantage of it doesn't discount the original intent."
Yeah, it kinda does. Your own religion has some interesting things to say about good intentions.
And no one has yet addressed my macro argument. The real question is why should any group be in charge?
You've all been so busy telling me how much the U.S. has a "Judeo-Christian" basis, not one of you has bothered to say why Christianity is a superior system.
I'm willing to work with people to get an acceptable set of laws. But the second you tell me it's Judeo-Christian based I will walk away. Not because I hate Christianity, but because I do want ANY religion given the force of law.
We need people of faith questioning government.
ETA: Pardon, that is my goof. that should read "…but because I do not want ANY religion given the force of law."
You two had me typing so fast last night that my hands couldn't keep up with my brain.
Thank you. I was waiting for someone to introduce the Ten Commandments.
Number One on the Hits List there doesn't apply to anyone not a part of that religion.
Unless you want to point a gun at my head until I put your god first?
Don't you see? I'm not attacking the Christian faith. I'm just saying you can't use the law to impose it on anyone else. Your choice is your choice, their choice is theirs.
Please tell me again how the Ten Commandments are the "fundamental principles of America."
Please tell me again how me NOT putting the "Judeo-Christian" morality above and beyond my own morality rejects American principles "because of their ethical monotheist origin."
It certainly seems that you have issues with every single American who does not embrace Christianity immediately and on your say so.
And you honestly believe that the Judeo-Christian basis is the only possible source of morality for the Founders?
How curiously limiting.
I called the Founders among the best educated men of their time. I pointed out that the deliberate omission of ANY god in the Constitution. And I told you they argued and debated for years to do the "right" thing even as they made the occasional mistake.
You're right. I'd walk away from the group. I wouldn't walk away from the issue.
You see, I have this thing about freedom…
" You wish to have morality without any consequence." I do not. If you'll check some of my previous posts on other threads, I usually stress choice with consequences.
"Western values have a Judeo-Christian foundation…" Among other things.
You did see the bit above where I stressed how important family was, didn't you?
I never said all systems are equal.
I said people should make their own choices. And if you can't convince people that your system is a good one except by using force, then you're doing it wrong.
No, it's a matter of agreeing on morality instead of saying "the Bible tells me this is good SO THIS IS WHAT WE WILL DO or else!!"
Then why isn't the Christian God specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution?
Why did it take a Cold War to (mistakenly) change the national motto to "In God We Trust?"
Why does the Constitution specifically forbid a religious test as a qualification for office?
Do you get the picture yet? You can be as Christian as you choose.
You just can't choose that OR any other faith for another.
Because government documents of the time routinely did put it in.
I keep telling people. This was not an accident. It was a deliberate choice. It was shocking. It stirred debate in the Continental Congress. It was unheard of.
Articles of Confederation.
You can find a copy at, a very good reference site.
But it wasn't adopted as the national motto until 1956.
The Founders didn't do "givens," they liked to nail things down. If you don't believe me, take a look at the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers.
Yep, I knew that. That's why I mentioned the Anti-Federalist Papers.
Actually if you examine the Constitution you'll find that broad framework has some very specific anchors.
Which makes the omissions all the more important.
Speaking of coinage, have you heard of the Fugio cent?
Designed by Franklin, one face had "We Are One" and the other face had "Mind Your Business."
Whole wars have been fought by Christians on both sides over that "objective morality."
Whatever the Divine perspective, human understanding is limited and very subjective.❞ class="ghoster">❞
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.