❝❝The classes teaching socialist and Marxist ideology aren't labeled as such. They are in fact part of the general education requirement. That wouldn't be so bad, except those classes are the only ones allowed. No one is allowed to dissent from the orthodoxy.
Once upon a time, university meant debating things that you disagreed with or that made you uncomfortable. You learned to think and defend your reasoning even if the words and thoughts you faced offended you.
Now, we have safe spaces to protect overgrown children from triggering because they shouldn't have to face something that actually makes them think and grow.
Education should not be pre-chewed. Education should be hard. Education should challenge you to be something more than you are right now. Education should be about understanding what you oppose. Education should be about finding what works.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ education ∙ universities ∙ general education requirement ∙ Marxists ∙ socialist ∙ ideology ∙ dissent ∙ defend ∙ reasoning ∙ safe spaces ∙ triggering ∙ children ∙ challenge ∙ finding what works
❝❝If you never leave the echo chamber, you never learn to defend your arguments.
It's a big reason why libertarians are better than average at debating on certain subjects. Nobody agrees with us entirely and we get plenty of practice.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: echo chambers ∙ defend ∙ argue ∙ libertarian
Friday - 21Jul2017 Filed in:
Monday - 26Jun2017 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums❝❝It’s not freedom if you only defend the inoffensive.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ freedom ∙ defend ∙ inoffensive ∙ banner