It's not love, it's passion
Thursday - 27Dec2018 Filed in:
Quotes & Thinkums❝❝Most importantly, it's not love. It's passion. We're not "wired" to seek out positive emotions over negative emotions. What our bodies want is the intensity, the peak, not the direction. What we choose to do with that passion, that's up to us. We can create or we can destroy. We can use it to rise above our fellow humans, we can use it as a means to cut ourselves off, or we can use it to give a hand up. Sometimes, each choice is necessary. There's no one answer that will serve in every situation or for every person. We have to trust that they will make a good choice.❞❞
Tags: maxims ∙ love ∙ passion ∙ intensity ∙ peak ∙ create ∙ destroy ∙ rise above ∙ cut ourselves off ∙ gIve a hand up ∙ good choice