❝❝This does point out one weakness of identity politics. The label trumps things like ability, character, and fashion sense. It's always going to be about who is first in the victim hierarchy this week. No members of unapproved victim groups need apply.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ victim hierarchy ∙ victim group ∙ identity politics ∙ labels
❝❝Yes, some humans systematically are denied human rights.
Most of them are not American.
The most successful rights movements in history have not divided people into victims groups. They've said that people deserve rights because they are human.❞❞
— NeoWayland
Tags: maxims ∙ rights ∙ American ∙ victim group
Friday - 23Feb2018 Filed in:
Morality & Modern Life&PoliticsOnce you start using force and the rule of law to go after your "enemies," what's to stop you from going after us next?
Read More...Tags: tyranny ∙ progressive ∙ conservative ∙ libertarian ∙ dissent ∙ rights ∙ rules ∙ labels ∙ game ∙ victim group ∙ let me help ∙ crusade