Truth, liberty and the rule of law
❝❝I honor truth, liberty, and the rule of law in that order.❞❞
All things being equal, the side that can't stand dissent is usually wrong.
Many many, times.
It doesn't stop it from being true.
I'm not fond of the Republicans or the Democrats. But right now, the Republicans aren't demanding that we break the system and submit to their demands.
So here it is, plain and simple.
If you advocate violence, if you aren't willing to work within the system, you aren't entitled. You don't get respect unless you are willing to give respect.
I don't care what you feel. I don't care how right you believe you are. No one person has all the answers. No group has all the solutions.
And NO ONE has the right to impose their views by force. We agree on the rules or we have nothing.
There's no reason to respect you unless you respect others.
Even the ones you disagree with.
Pinned to the top until further notice.
We've regressed
❝❝Given how some absolutely insist that any accusations of sexual impropriety must be treated as unquestioned truth, I'd argue that we've regressed.
Sometimes people lie. I don't think that is very hard to understand. We shouldn't base justice on lies. That's not hard to understand either.❞❞
— NeoWayland
It's only shame if I accept the premise.
❝❝It's only shame if I accept the premise.
As I see it, the vice or virtue isn't in the label. It's in how you touch the lives of others. The honor is in giving truth when needed, helping when you can, and leaving the World a little better than how you found it.❞❞
— NeoWayland, comments from Column: What of the Christians?
NeoNote — effectiveness of public schools
We're so conditioned to accept public schools as a Good Thing™ that we resist looking at options.
Read More...Truthful answers
❝❝What I do know is that sometimes I wander in where I am not wanted and give truthful answers. I'm the pagan that tells Christian conservatives that they don't get to dictate what others worship or how others worship. I'm a male who tells feminists that not all men are guilty. And I'm the libertarian who tells the climate crisis crowd that the climate models don't work.
I appreciate the warning, but I've been troublemaking for a long time. It's one of Coyote's gifts and I'm honor bound not to squander it.❞❞
— NeoWayland
“Welcome To Progressive Utopia”
“A society afraid of free speech is afraid of itself.
Anyone who needs a safe space from other people’s opinions should be in therapy”
Read More...Modern propaganda
Nothing scandalizes like the truth
““Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth. Point out that women and men are different, that black Americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims, and the Left leaps to its collective feet in openmouthed shock, like Margaret Dumont after a Groucho Marx wisecrack. This is racism! This is sexism! This is some sort of phobia! I’m shocked, shocked to find facts being spoken in polite company!
No one is really shocked, of course. This is simply a form of bullying. The Left has co-opted our good manners and our good will in order to silence our opposition to their bad policies. The idea is to make it seem impolite and immoral to mention the obvious.””
— Andrew Klavan, Of Crudeness and Truth
from crux № 17 — spiritual warrior
All I am saying is that you should check your experience with others who have a different perspective, people you can talk with face to face.
Read More...Monday roundup
Truth and manliness
We are not afraid
NeoNotes - Hearsay
Truthful answers
☆ Soundbite politics
Barack Obama is a big reason why Donald Trump was elected President.
But I'll get back to that.
Read More...When politics are at stake
from crux № 9 — Testing ideas
Hate the truth
““The truth is hate speech to those that hate the truth.””
— anonymous