Thursday - 22Nov2018 Filed in:
“ so we become aware of who might be dangerous.”
““Megafires” are now a staple of life in the Pacific Northwest, but how we talk about them illustrates the tension at the heart of the western myth itself.”
Another 3000 strong caravan
Tags: SNAP ∙ Social Security ∙ dead people ∙ Obama Administration ∙ Guatemala ∙ China ∙ internet of things ∙ NBC ∙ sexual misconduct ∙ censorship ∙ speech police ∙ online hate ∙ #WalkAway ∙ liberalism ∙ megafires ∙ Pacific Northwest ∙ deficit ∙ trillions ∙ debt ∙ caravan ∙ Big Brother ∙ Amazon ∙ DoD ∙ ICE ∙ CIA ∙ Pittsburgh ∙ murder ∙ Oregon ∙ gun sanctuary ∙ New Hampshire ∙ privacy ∙ Google ∙ Mexico ∙ benefits ∙ massacre ∙ virtue signaling
Tuesday - 14Aug2018 Filed in:
Friday - 27Apr2018 Filed in:
Tuesday - 23Jan2018 Filed in:
Wednesday - 22Sep2010 Filed in:
Monday - 24Jul2017 Filed in:
Friday - 23Jun2017 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&LibertySo if seizing cash doesn't work, why do it?
Another of my maxims applies here.
“Government authority tends to be used against those least likely to resist.”Behold the victim hierarchy,
“my victimhood is more important than yours.” They took something that was inclusive and made it about race. What's more, the black and brown stripes are on top. Do you really think that just happens to be the way it turned out? See also
There's Controversy Over The Addition Of Two New Colors To The Gay Pride FlagWhy can't progressives build effective groups from the ground up?
Utter catastrophe is not strong enough for what Illinois faces. This may well be the only way out.
I'd say Team Hillary, but at least they are calling it a myth.
There's no evidence that the Russians helped the Trump campaign, but that doesn't stop the government lawyers.
It's still crony capitalism, an unholy alliance between a company and government.
Tags: DEA ∙ cash ∙ billions ∙ asset forfeiture ∙ authority ∙ government ∙ gay pride ∙ rainbow flag ∙ victimhood ∙ victim hierarchy ∙ progressive ∙ Tea Party ∙ Illinois ∙ Russia ∙ Team Obama ∙ Team Hillary ∙ Trump campaign ∙ lawyers ∙ crony capitalism ∙ Carrier ∙ unholy allliance ∙ Mexico ∙ Indiana
I suspect that sexual orientation is not as hard wiblurb as some believe, but that is still individual choice.
Read More...Tags: shaming ∙ groups ∙ Christianity ∙ priests ∙ generals ∙ emperors ∙ justification ∙ religion ∙ property ∙ wealth ∙ power ∙ poverty ∙ unemployment ∙ Pagan ∙ victimhood ∙ Utah ∙ Navajo Nation ∙ Mexico ∙ racism