Monday - 05Feb2018 Filed in:
She used both her Congressional membership and a charity.
As Obamacare destroys the healthcare system, expect smart people finding ways to make it work
Scapegoating on a massive scale
The backlash is inevitable. The question is how hard and how long.
And the backlash begins…
This is long past due. California likes to use it's size and power to meddle in the internal affairs of other states. Almost like they learned it from the Federal government.
Not eminent domain, but almost as bad
I'm not surprised given Moore's history. The sex accusations without proof don't bother me. I'm seriously disturbed that a theocratic Republican with a history of ignoring court rulings is about to be elected to the United States Senate.
Most of the pagans and progressives I know think this is a slam dunk. But they don't like it when I ask if that means that the states can force you to do things that violate your beliefs.
Tags: corruption ∙ Obamacare ∙ Indiana ∙ fine ∙ property rights ∙ Roy Moore ∙ election ∙ healthcare ∙ speech wars ∙ #MeToo ∙ Facebook ∙ California ∙ Supreme Court ∙ eggs
Friday - 23Jun2017 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&LibertySo if seizing cash doesn't work, why do it?
Another of my maxims applies here.
“Government authority tends to be used against those least likely to resist.”Behold the victim hierarchy,
“my victimhood is more important than yours.” They took something that was inclusive and made it about race. What's more, the black and brown stripes are on top. Do you really think that just happens to be the way it turned out? See also
There's Controversy Over The Addition Of Two New Colors To The Gay Pride FlagWhy can't progressives build effective groups from the ground up?
Utter catastrophe is not strong enough for what Illinois faces. This may well be the only way out.
I'd say Team Hillary, but at least they are calling it a myth.
There's no evidence that the Russians helped the Trump campaign, but that doesn't stop the government lawyers.
It's still crony capitalism, an unholy alliance between a company and government.
Tags: DEA ∙ cash ∙ billions ∙ asset forfeiture ∙ authority ∙ government ∙ gay pride ∙ rainbow flag ∙ victimhood ∙ victim hierarchy ∙ progressive ∙ Tea Party ∙ Illinois ∙ Russia ∙ Team Obama ∙ Team Hillary ∙ Trump campaign ∙ lawyers ∙ crony capitalism ∙ Carrier ∙ unholy allliance ∙ Mexico ∙ Indiana
Wednesday - 21Jun2017 Filed in:
“CNN ATTACKS Duke basketball coach for NOT speaking out against new Indiana Religious Freedom law”
“Everybody's Lost Their Goddamn Mind Over Religious Freedom”
“The overblown hypocrisy of Tim Cook's business boycott of Indiana”
“Sounds like Apple’s CEO needs to disable the ‘hypocrite’ app on his iPhone”
Read More...Tags: parity test ∙ religious freedom ∙ Mike Krzyzewski ∙ Duke ∙ Carol Costello ∙ Jack Phillips ∙ Masterpiece Cakeshop ∙ discriminate ∙ free market ∙ skimmed ∙ Tim Cook ∙ Indiana ∙ Apple ∙ discrimination ∙ watching the headlines