Monday - 15Oct2018 Filed in:
HeadlinesHeadlines that don't merit their own entry
How about that? They paid more than their fair share.
Al Gore is capitalizing on the news and fear. The jet stream hasn't changed.
From the Ukraine
Golly gee whilikers, could Facebook have an agenda?
Technically, isn't that an invasion?
They have decided that he is guilty and they are going to be very public about it
Strange doings in Kentucky
“With Saudi Arabia one of Britain's closest allies, diplomats are treating the alleged death of Jamal Khashoggi very carefully.”This won't end well
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was designed to be unaccountable.
Tags: income tax ∙ fair share ∙ Al Gore ∙ fear ∙ jet stream ∙ Donald Trump ∙ Dianne Feinstein ∙ conservative ∙ 9th Circuit Court ∙ Mary Robinson ∙ Italy ∙ gun rights ∙ Ukraine ∙ bitcoin ∙ Facebook ∙ censorship ∙ libertarian ∙ police ∙ accountability ∙ Afgan ∙ migrants ∙ Europe ∙ Turkey ∙ Greece ∙ invasion ∙ witches ∙ Brett Kavanaugh ∙ racism ∙ Venezuela ∙ sociaism ∙ police misconduct ∙ China ∙ housing ∙ Kentucky ∙ Fusion GPS ∙ GOP ∙ hospital ∙ euthanasia ∙ Saudi Arabia ∙ transhumanism ∙ Jamal Khashoggi ∙ subpprime mortgages ∙ white nationalism ∙ hatred ∙ CFPB
But some progressives have been saying it doesn't make a make a significant difference
What happens when diversity is more important than public safety
Public spectacle doesn't mean you'll get respect. See also
Dear David Hogg, You’re a Lying, Opportunistic, Insufferable Little Toe RagThis alone should be enough to show the judge's bias
Completely rewriting climate history
The important thing is NOT that the EU is going after these companies. The important thing is that "traditional businesses" pay 23.2% in taxes.
It was never about reducing CO
2. It was about the United States paying through the nose.
Labels, pronouns, and power over speech.
I still think the Obama and Clinton Russian connections should be investigated.
“Four out of five voters agree that Washington has a spending problem, but a new omnibus spending bill will add yet more to the national debt.”
Let kids be kids
Targeting conservative people and groups
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. All government agencies should answer to Congress.
This could make the succession movement very interesting
All other things being equal, the side that can't stand dissent is usually wrong.
The free market is economic activity between consenting adults. Funny how governments don't like that, "for your own good" of course.
Government took too much power and mismanaged the assets
I'm not even sure this is legal against a sitting Attorney General
Another headline grab for politicos
Tags: sports ∙ viewers ∙ FBI ∙ Attorney General ∙ Jeff Sessions ∙ FOSTA ∙ prostitution ∙ crimminal probe ∙ sucession ∙ Elizabeth Warren ∙ CFPB ∙ Southern Poverty Law Center ∙ conservative ∙ Congress ∙ budget deficits ∙ free range kids ∙ RussiaGate ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ Barack Obama ∙ Donald Trump ∙ special counsel ∙ labels ∙ pronouns ∙ power over speech ∙ Google ∙ Amazon ∙ EU ∙ Facebook ∙ NOAA ∙ climate change ∙ adjusted temperatures ∙ lawsuit ∙ David Hogg ∙ speech wars ∙ digitalships ∙ double standards ∙ diversity ∙ public safety ∙ Florida ∙ Palm Beach County
Tuesday - 20Mar2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Free Markets
Friday - 23Feb2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Politics&Law&Free SpeechThe simplest solution is allowing more private schools unbound by most government regulation
There is a political agenda, even if the kids are not crisis actors. See also
CNN Scrambles: Denies ‘Scripted Question,’ Invites Pro-Gun Student to AppearIt's looking more and more like Michael Flynn was blackmailed by the special prosecutor's office
No governmental agency should be unaccountable.
This contradicts the government narrative about privacy. That is the biggest reason you should pay close attention.
Government is not your friend, especially when it is pretending to be.
I didn't expect that
The professional
It doesn't fit in the normal market segments
“It is only when people are confronted with speech they don’t like that we see whether these abstractions are real to them. ”
“Safe driving is now a reason for police to pull you over, check the inside of your car, demand your papers, and stomp what is left of the 4th Amendment into the ground.”
“In the War on Cash, a rare defense of physical money by an ECB Board Member.”
Why does this look more and more like blackmail?
Using the process against itself
Sometimes even asks the right questions
Tags: public schools ∙ CNN ∙ Robert Mueller ∙ Paul Manafort ∙ scripted question ∙ bad cops ∙ safe driving ∙ Fourth Amendment ∙ special prosecutor ∙ crisis actor ∙ Andrew Napolitano ∙ Michael Flynn ∙ CFPB ∙ unaccountable agency ∙ Wendy McElroy ∙ privacy ∙ crime ∙ money laundering ∙ Amazon ∙ Idaho ∙ Obamacare ∙ teachers ∙ armed
Tuesday - 12Dec2017 Filed in:
Headlines&Politics&Free Markets
Monday - 11Dec2017 Filed in:
Friday - 08Dec2017 Filed in:
Monday - 24Jul2017 Filed in:
Friday - 21Jul2017 Filed in:
HeadlinesOf course the media covered this, right?
If you can't repeal, then just let it collapse. Smart move. The Washington elite keep underestimating Trump.
Does anyone doubt that the Obama administration tried to fix the 2016 election anymore?
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) should be abolished as quickly as possible. It does not answer to anyone, and yet has tremendous power over business and consumers.
From the first, the
really interesting stuff has been excluded. The entire 2016 election, including the efforts of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign, should be investigated.
Notice how Robert Mueller is staying away from investigating the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign. This investigation is not about possible crimes or justice. It's not even about the 2016 election. It's an open ended, unlimited, and unaccountable taxpayer funded effort to bring down the legally elected President. I don't like Trump, I don't trust Trump, BUT he was legally elected. Why isn't this called what it is, a
coup d'état?For a man who is incompetent and unfit to be President, he seems to be doing quite a bit.
I would love to see a civil asset forfeiture case hit the Supreme Court. Right now I think there's an excellent chance it could be overthrown.
Tags: Syria ∙ covert program ∙ CIA ∙ Obama Administration ∙ jihadist ∙ Obamacare ∙ Donald Trump ∙ 2016 election ∙ CFPB ∙ Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ∙ unmasking ∙ Clinton campaign ∙ President ∙ Robert Mueller ∙ regulations ∙ Clarence Thomas ∙ Jeff Sessions ∙ civil forfeiture