Wednesday roundup
“There is something quite ludicrous about a political party raising the alarm over the spreading of falsehoods during an election campaign”Prostitution laws are vice laws and based in religion. As long as it's consenting adults, why should it matter what people exchange? One lesson from Prohibition is that making something illegal creates most of the crimes associated with that thing. Tip of the hat to
The Honest Courtesan.
There are reasons to doubt what you are being told, especially since it appears the U.S. is dead set on intervention. But Cuba may be part of the situation and not in a good way.
“While it's creepy to imagine companies are listening in to your conversations, it's perhaps more creepy that they can predict what you’re talking about without actually listening.”Beware any security device that keeps it's records somewhere you don't control. If it's a free service, chances are you are the product.
The entire report should be publicly released. And yes, the DoJ should follow up with investigations into what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did.
Well worth reading. Socialism doesn't work, full stop. It destroys lives. This is from a "true believer" who watched it crash in Venezuela.
Government is not your friend. Any politico who says so is lying. Government solutions ALWAYS cost more than expected and seldom do what is promised. Politicos and technocrats measure success by how much is spent, not by objective results.
“Or the $22 trillion (and counting) national debt. Or the entitlement programs that will continue adding to them.”“The president talks a good game about driving into the future, but his eyes are glued to the rear-view mirror.”It's getting harder and harder to hide financial secrets. Does this mark the end of central banking?
Just whose victimhood takes priority?
Tags: Women's March ∙ global warming ∙ life expectancy ∙ SOTUA ∙ Donald Trump ∙ deficit ∙ national debt ∙ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ∙ green new deal ∙ Bolivarian Revolution ∙ incompetence ∙ corruption ∙ irresponsibility ∙ truth ∙ Robert Mueller ∙ special counsel ∙ Justice Department ∙ Barack Obama ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ home security ∙ cameras ∙ data mining ∙ privacy ∙ Venezuela ∙ Cuba ∙ interventionism ∙ prostitution ∙ New Hampshire ∙ legalization ∙ prohibition ∙ Maggie McNeil ∙ fake news ∙ campaign ∙ lies ∙ political parties