Tuesday - 16Oct2018 Filed in:
Politics“The BBC's biased liberal reporting is on full display when it comes to Glamrou, gender, and diversity. Media bias examples abound, but the BBC's state-funding makes it especially deserving of scrutiny.”
Read More...Tags: guest content ∙ video ∙ Roaming Millennial ∙ progressive ∙ propaganda ∙ Glamrou ∙ gender ∙ diversity
““The left has created a macabre myth that runs counter to the whole experience of mankind. The left has persuaded the gullible masses of America, including, sadly, most conservatives, that "discrimination" by individuals and businesses is wrong and that it violates the Constitution.
Precisely the opposite is true. All serious cognition and all honest moral judgments involve discrimination. When individuals and businesses are not free to discriminate, then the power to determine what is true and false and good and bad becomes the sole property of the state – or that even more odious creature, that lobotomized Frankenstein monster, "society."
Instead of diverse opinions and actions freely manifest, which are what happens when the state and society are denied the power to force a certain viewpoint down the throats of private citizens and enterprises, what happens is that all debate, all differences, and all individuality are crushed based upon what those who run the state or manipulate society deem sacrosanct.
”” — Bruce Walker
Tags: guest content ∙ clipping ∙ Bruce Walker ∙ discriminate ∙ left ∙ America ∙ Constitution ∙ individual ∙ business ∙ society ∙ diversity
Friday - 30Mar2018 Filed in:
Wednesday - 28Mar2018 Filed in:
But some progressives have been saying it doesn't make a make a significant difference
What happens when diversity is more important than public safety
Public spectacle doesn't mean you'll get respect. See also
Dear David Hogg, You’re a Lying, Opportunistic, Insufferable Little Toe RagThis alone should be enough to show the judge's bias
Completely rewriting climate history
The important thing is NOT that the EU is going after these companies. The important thing is that "traditional businesses" pay 23.2% in taxes.
It was never about reducing CO
2. It was about the United States paying through the nose.
Labels, pronouns, and power over speech.
I still think the Obama and Clinton Russian connections should be investigated.
“Four out of five voters agree that Washington has a spending problem, but a new omnibus spending bill will add yet more to the national debt.”
Let kids be kids
Targeting conservative people and groups
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. All government agencies should answer to Congress.
This could make the succession movement very interesting
All other things being equal, the side that can't stand dissent is usually wrong.
The free market is economic activity between consenting adults. Funny how governments don't like that, "for your own good" of course.
Government took too much power and mismanaged the assets
I'm not even sure this is legal against a sitting Attorney General
Another headline grab for politicos
Tags: sports ∙ viewers ∙ FBI ∙ Attorney General ∙ Jeff Sessions ∙ FOSTA ∙ prostitution ∙ crimminal probe ∙ sucession ∙ Elizabeth Warren ∙ CFPB ∙ Southern Poverty Law Center ∙ conservative ∙ Congress ∙ budget deficits ∙ free range kids ∙ RussiaGate ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ Barack Obama ∙ Donald Trump ∙ special counsel ∙ labels ∙ pronouns ∙ power over speech ∙ Google ∙ Amazon ∙ EU ∙ Facebook ∙ NOAA ∙ climate change ∙ adjusted temperatures ∙ lawsuit ∙ David Hogg ∙ speech wars ∙ digitalships ∙ double standards ∙ diversity ∙ public safety ∙ Florida ∙ Palm Beach County
Sunday - 18Mar2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&Free Markets&Politics
Friday - 16Mar2018 Filed in:
Thursday - 08Mar2018 Filed in:
Headlines&PoliticsWelcome news, especially in less developed parts of the World
Noble goal, but I am not sure Trump will go along
“The Department of Justice's loophole lets officials seize property without having to get a conviction.”
Tenth Amendment advocate that I am, the states have no power over immigration
“If seven House members had ties to David Duke, they would be forced to resign in disgrace. This is no different.”
This SHOULD years ago
So why should customers use this airline?
Daylight Savings Time is unnecessary. A state doesn't need Congressional approval to change. There are some really silly regulations requiring states to go through the Department of Transportation.
Sometimes diversity isn't the best standard
When it conflicts with the job, diversity should take a back seat
The real answer to "toxic masculinity"
Who is breaking the law?
We should rethink things
Tags: Malthusian ∙ crops ∙ Ben Carson ∙ HUD ∙ Jerry Brown ∙ Jeff Sessions ∙ California ∙ public schools ∙ classical virtues ∙ toxic masculinity ∙ Silicon Valley ∙ diversity ∙ farmland ∙ Federal Reserve ∙ audit ∙ Rand Paul ∙ Ryanair ∙ Brexit ∙ Daylignt Saving Time ∙ Florida ∙ Department of Transportation ∙ Fast and Furious ∙ Donald Trump ∙ DoJ
Tuesday - 06Mar2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Politics&Free Speech