Tuesday roundup
Tuesday - 06Mar2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Politics&Free SpeechAll you need to know about the victim disarmament movement
It doesn't work. And that's before anyone decides who is going to pay long term.
Valid criticisms from a very conservative outlet
No, but he says some things that need to be said
Watch this carefully. It could be the greatest change in Constitutional law since the American Civil War.
Government is not your friend. Especially when politicos promise that it is
All other things being equal, the side that can't stand dissent is usually wrong.
“Three companies to control 60% of world’s seed and pesticide markets.”
This could explode the banking industry and centralized currency
Government never should have been involved
Yes, it does.
This is how it should be, working it's way through the states
“The right to keep and bear arms ought to be interminably linked with the right to vote.”
Tags: gun control ∙ Facebook ∙ 2nd Amendment ∙ vote ∙ social justice ∙ oppress ∙ exploit ∙ Alabama ∙ marriage ∙ food ∙ Democrats ∙ DACA ∙ Obamacare ∙ diversity ∙ Tenth Amendment ∙ Google ∙ Twitter ∙ internet ∙ Donald Trump ∙ goverment ∙ victim disarmament ∙ Oscars ∙ armed guards ∙ universal basic income