““The first law is that the desire of authorities in charge of security for information will continue in a straight line with no limits in time and space short of the heat death of the universe. The second law is that the willingness of their authorities to supply them with the budget they need to do that has very definite limits, both in time and space. Hence the third law, which is the one we are now operating under. The information assembled by security authorities invariably overwhelms their ability to analyze the information. They are, in effect, suffocated by their own insecurity.””
Tags: David Weber ∙ authority ∙ security ∙ information ∙ budget ∙ overwhelm ∙ analyze
Wednesday - 19Dec2018 Filed in:
Thursday - 25Oct2018 Filed in:
Monday - 01Oct2018 Filed in:
““There are two basic kinds of terrorists. The amateurs will be deterred or detected by even basic security measures. The professionals will figure out how to evade even the most stringent measures. I've repeatedly said that the two things that have made flying safer since 9/11 are reinforcing the cockpit doors and persuading passengers that they need to fight back. Everything beyond that isn't worth it.””
— Bruce Schneier, Don't Fear the TSA Cutting Airport Security. Be Glad That They're Talking about It.
Tags: Bruce Schneier ∙ terrorists ∙ amateurs ∙ security ∙ professionals ∙ cockpit doors ∙ passengers ∙ fight back
Wednesday - 21Feb2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&Free Speech&Ecology
Monday - 04Dec2017 Filed in:
HeadlinesBecause government can't get it done
Calls to punish skeptics rise with links to climate change, hurricanes
Because denying climate change AS THEY DEFINE IT should be a heresy punishable by law
Golly gee wilikers Mr. Weatherman, you mean we can't perfectly predict disaster?
Maybe government doesn't know better than parents
This makes sense. Which is why the politicos oppose it.
Because government can't keep your data safe
Seems this discount chain is a government informant
He's right, and it's already showing.
Perpetual victimhood can make you very tired
No regulation prevents innovation? First time I've seen that line.
There's no problem with speaking for the Democrat party AS LONG AS you tell people that is what you are doing
Yep, the election
was hacked. Just not by the people you've been told
Some things come full circle. Employers started offering health insurance and other benefits because the government imposed salary caps.
Even the United Nations can be right sometimes
And the truth will set you FREE
Obamacare was never designed to provide healthcare. It was designed to screw healthcare up so badly so that people would demand massive permanent government intervention.
Spain can't afford to let Catalonia go
What government can do if they don't like what you say
When the facts don't stand up, make it a moral case.
They want access to your house so they can watch you and deliver things
Tags: Flyers for Fairness ∙ Walmart ∙ Leonardo DiCaprio ∙ Andy Ostrowski ∙ Spain ∙ protesters ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ fake news ∙ modernize ∙ ATC system ∙ Catalonia ∙ climate change ∙ heresy ∙ Hurricane Irma ∙ free range kids ∙ blockchain ∙ voter ID ∙ iPhone ∙ security ∙ Motel 6 ∙ politcal correctness ∙ comedy ∙ Mel Brooks ∙ alt-left ∙ red pill ∙ Donald Trump ∙ Obamacare ∙ self driving car ∙ Jimmy Kimmel ∙ Chuck Schumer ∙ Democrat party ∙ election ∙ hacking the vote ∙ health insurance ∙ pollution ∙ United Nations
Tuesday - 22Aug2017 Filed in:
Headlines&Free Speech&Ecology