Why does government think it can choose someone's religion?
Virtue signaling…again
Chilling. Do you really want Google deciding what you can see on the 'net?
Literally taxes are theft
This is probably seven types of illegal.
Follow the money
Beyond surreal
The SPLC is heavily biased against conservatives, and moderately biased against libertarians
Why we need a free and open internet
Blacks, Hispanics, and women hit hardest
Why should any company be shielded from the taxes that other companies pay?
Yes, it's BuzzFeed which I don't like using as a source. It's also accurate.
Funny how only one side of the debate is hitting the national media
Exaggerating, but not by much
There is very little doubt that this was an attempt to derail an elected President
If the tables were turned, don't you think a business would be shamed into servicing Democrat voters?
What? You mean Brexit was not an isolated event?
“Trump's embrace of gun control is consistent with his views before he ran for president.”
There's no reason voters shouldn't know the details
“San Francisco rent control reduced affected rental housing by 15 percent while boosting citywide rents by 5 percent”
Excellent question
Capitalism holds the roots of freedom
“Telling others to 'get on the right side of history' is not just a form of intellectual bullying.”