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Wednesday roundup

The Government Loves to Make Us All Criminals

When the ordinary becomes illegal

Chicago Police Union Trying To Stop New Use-of-Force Policies

Police power beyond constraint

Electric bike crackdown spurs delivery worker concern

"Electric bikes are illegal to operate on city streets and those at the top of the food chain need to be held accountable."

Regulator tells Vermont hospital to dial back surgeries, revenue

“That's a problem for the Green Mountain Care Board, which has come down on Copley for making too much money and doing too many surgeries. Copley's success is seen as a violation of the Board's master plan for managing health care costs in the state.”

Using the Blockchain to Fight Corruption

A promising approach to fight election fraud

ONE-THIRD Of U.S. Homicide Spike Coming From 5 Chicago Neighborhood

Conservatives would point out that Chicago is a victim of liberal polices.

"Wealth Effect" = Widening Wealth Inequality

Not sure I agree, but worth thinking about

Words We Didn't Hear


President Trump Cuts Funding to UN After Israel Vote

Actions have consequences> Or at least they should.


NeoNotes — Ordinary

Most of the ordinary are already great.

Even their day to day actions produce wonders.

That orange juice in your fridge and in fridges all over the country? Absolutely wonderful and put there by everyday people doing everyday things.

That smartphone you use? We were barely reaching for it twenty-five years ago. Made possible by ordinary people wanting things just a bit better than they were yesterday.

That food bank downtown? It's only there because some folks decided to make things a little easier for their neighbors.

All great things. All wondrous things. All made possible by ordinary people.
NeoNotes are the selected comments that I made on other boards, in email, or in response to articles where I could not respond directly.


Ordinary people doing ordinary good

These last couple of weeks I’ve had things that have needed to be taken care of. Nothing major, just things that claimed my time and attention.

Well my companions (bless ‘em both) knew how stretched out I was. They also knew how important my semiannual Hair of the Bear thing was. Especially for someone who isn’t naturally social, a gathering can be a real lifeline. So they took care of it.

I’ll admit it threw me to be “hosting” and not actually cooking. And there were more people there than I would have invited on my own.

But (and this is the important bit), those marvelous ladies saw that I wasn’t going to be able to pull an event together at the last minute. So they did something about it.

When the histories are written, it’s always the Great Man on the White Horse. It’s the grand speeches. It’s the Glorious Deeds on an epic scale.

No one talks about what really holds our culture together. Ordinary people doing ordinary good. The small kindnesses given without a hope of reward. The things folks choose to do out of their own hearts because it’s the right thing to do.

There are many more of the small kindnesses than there are of the grandiose hooplas. It’s not the impressive things that we must cherish, it’s the the everyday actions. The things that people will do without being asked.

Ordinary people doing ordinary good. That’s the moral choice.

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