Tuesday roundup
Good news.
Mandatory minimum sentences don't work
Just so there is no misunderstanding, Congress oversees the DoJ and the FBI. If Congress asks questions, the DoJ and FBI are required by law to answer truthfully.
Watch this closely. It's looking like Obama has violated the Logan Act at least three times so far.
This isn't about tax, it's about extortion.
People are people
Why some want to forget the Goldwater Rule and why that is a really bad idea
Interesting take
Tags: Donald Trump ∙ Goldwater Rule ∙ national monuments ∙ Utah ∙ racism ∙ anti-racism ∙ EU ∙ taxes ∙ extortion ∙ Barack Obama ∙ Logan Act ∙ Wyoming ∙ robbery ∙ cops ∙ opoid crisis ∙ mandatory minimum sentences ∙ Devin Nunes ∙ Congress ∙ DoJ ∙ FBI