Tuesday roundup
Tuesday - 20Nov2018 Filed in:
Headlines&Law&Politics&Free Speech“Officially, the gold standard is regarded as superstitious nonsense, especially by academics. The fact that it worked very well for centuries, produced results that nobody seems able to achieve today, and – unlike any other “superstition” in the history of human civilization – has been shared by the ancients and moderns, Chinese, Romans, Persians and Aztecs, apparently means little to these people.”“In 1960, six years before the start of Medicare and Medicaid, America spent about $27 billion on health care. That figure represented just under 5 percent of an economy that was about $543 billion in total. By 2016, combined public and private spending on health care had reached more than $3.3 trillion, or nearly 18 percent of the total economy, with almost half the bill paid by government. Now, thanks to factors such as increased drug prices and an aging population, official projections have health care spending increasing indefinitely.”“Censoring politicians' racist, sexist, and abhorrent behavior on social media does a big favor to racist, sexist, and abhorrent politicians.”
Tags: caravan ∙ crimminals ∙ ritualized apologies ∙ Obamas ∙ sex offenders ∙ rights ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ mall retailers ∙ email probe ∙ title ∙ sexual assault ∙ investigate ∙ Eastern Michigan University ∙ transgender ∙ The Vagina Monologues ∙ healthcare ∙ economy ∙ Donald Trump ∙ bigotry ∙ Facebook ∙ Pentagon ∙ audit ∙ Toronto ∙ gold standard ∙ Chinese ∙ Romans ∙ Persians ∙ Aztecs ∙ Google ∙ surveillance ∙ smart city