Thursday oversized roundup
“Having allowed the issue of women in the workplace to be hijacked by lunatic feminists bent on poisoning relations between the sexes, ordinary women are now finding their careers are suffering. Maybe they should have policed their own ranks a little better?”If they are trusted employees, why the constant checks?
Tags: Intelligo ∙ privacy ∙ trusted ∙ employees ∙ background checks ∙ Jews ∙ tech companies ∙ EU ∙ copyright ∙ World Wide Web ∙ Emmanuel Macron ∙ France ∙ prohibition ∙ alcohol ∙ climate ∙ Intervene ∙ taxes ∙ Bill Clinton ∙ Hillary Clinton ∙ Les Gilets Jaunes ∙ deep state ∙ secrets ∙ United Nations ∙ climate summit ∙ DJIA ∙ stock market ∙ women ∙ workplace ∙ taxpayers ∙ stadium scam ∙ Camden ∙ New Jersey ∙ insect ∙ disease ∙ DDT ∙ global warming ∙ Donald Trump ∙ G20 ∙ poker ∙ pop culture ∙ conservatives