“We need to put the American flag down”
Yeah, about that.
Farrakhan: I don’t get debate over Confederate flag, ‘We need to put the American flag down’
That should sound familiar.
❝Since intentions often matter more than results, solving the problem isn't as important as either defining your victimhood or showing the proper concern and sympathy. Whenever possible, the problem shouldn't be solved (and should be prolonged) just so people can stay victims or show compassion.
This introduces yet another politically elite class who derive their social worth by defining the victimhood of others.
If someone can define you as an oppressor, a person who either personally benefited from making victims of others or a member of a class who benefited from the unwilling exploitation of an underclass, you have no moral worth whatsoever. An oppressor can only redeem themself by sacrificing everything they possess for the oppressed.
No wonder I get annoyed by it, the fundamentals pretty much violate every personal belief I have.
If your moral self worth is defined by either your victimhood or your compassion, then those will be the things you defend. Even principles will take a back seat if "it's for the greater good." Taking a stand is less important than reversing current oppression or preventing future oppression.❞
There are way too many self-proclaimed victims.
❝I’ve been told that my ideas of justice are antiquated.
I’ve been told that my words are code words for other ideas.
I’ve been told that I must watch carefully lest I hurt someone.
I think those people lied.
I think that by limiting the topics we discuss, those people seek power.
I think that’s why they choose the words we’re “allowed” to say.
I think that’s why they redefine the words as needed.
I think that’s why they pick the people who are allowed to talk.❞
Some people want power more than anything.
❝‘Fighting racism’ today isn’t about how you treat people, it’s about how you advance the cause.❞
Identity politics and power through guilt will ALWAYS demand more no matter what is given. It’s not about fairness, it’s not about justice, it’s about total victory through total destruction.