FAQ-Does NeoWayland have any relationship to the word neoconservative?
This is a page from the original version of Pagan Vigil. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at www.paganvigil.com/C1252147800/E20060720074156
Quick answer to an interesting question
The long answer is that I was using NeoWayland online long before George W. Bush was elected to office. I was also using it before The Matrix was released, so it has nothing to do with that either.
While it is not my only online identity, it is my primary one and the one that I use in many Pagan forums.
The prefix neo means new. Wayland (sometimes spelled Weyland) was a legendary smith. I prefer to work with ideas and words rather than metal, but the idea is the same. New Idea Smith = NeoWayland. It has other meanings to me, but those are rooted in esoterica and I don't think I could explain well.
Despite my reluctant support for the War on Terror, there really isn't that much else I share with the average neoconservative.
Posted: Thu - July 20, 2006 at 07:41 AM