☆ This last week in free speech
Let’s talk about the mess that took over my life this last week. I had a hunch I could be in deep on Friday night when I got some phone calls asking me what libertarians had to do with Charlottesville, Virginia.
Some know I don’t like email and a few have my number. If I had company over or if I had been watching a decent movie, I probably wouldn’t have answered the calls. This was the first I had heard of Charlottesville. I thought at first they were talking about Charlotte, North Carolina. I poked around on the internet and found out about a torchlit protest. Hey, I told folks, they have a right to free speech too. As long as they don’t burn anything down or do any other property damage, it was no skin off my nose.
I didn’t agree with what white nationalists and neo-Nazis stood for, but that is what free speech is all about. They could protest all they wanted as long as they followed the law.
But, all my callers said, it’s hate speech.
So? I replied. I threw out the quote (from me) I had been using for a few months.
❝❝I am certainly against Nazism, supremacist groups, and misogyny. I just think they SHOULD be heard, if for no other reason than they can be laughed off the stage.I said that no libertarian would support bigotry. I could see the issues about protecting the statues and I thought that deserved a very public discussion. But the racist chants shouldn’t have anything to do with that. It was two different issues and they shouldn’t be mixed.
As loudly and as enthusiastically as we can.❞❞
After the sixth or so call, the landline and the cell were both quiet. “Nice job,” I thought to myself. Another crisis averted. The folks I talked to would know that libertarians and Libertarians weren’t neo-Nazis or white nationalists. I patted myself on the back.
Then came Saturday. And I got flooded with emails. By Saturday night the phones were ringing.
I should explain. About twelve years back someone at Stormfront discovered Pagan Vigil and decided that I was something I am not. Some of my writings were passed around the internet. Worse, I was quoted out of context. Then some of my stuff was rewritten to make it seem that I supported certain causes and certain ideas. That took forever to mostly fix. But there are pockets left.
Then there was the mess from Florida. Long story short, white nationalists tried to co-opt part of the state Libertarian party. They were kicked out.
But here I was, a libertarian with supposed white nationalist ties. And a (scary? sexy? spooky?) pagan to boot. What did I have to say about vehicular homicide at a neo-Nazi rally?
Free speech is acceptable.
Unprovoked violence is not.
And you’d better be damn careful about “provoked” violence. Especially at a public protest.
People have the right to talk about their beliefs. People don’t have the right to impose those beliefs on others.
If you use force so others will listen, you’re doing it wrong.
All of the above went over pretty well. Here’s what didn’t.
I said that if the neo-Nazis were wrong to use violence first and not in self defense, so were the BLM members, the antifa, and the black bloc who had been doing exactly that for years. If you were a member of the right group, the authorities were mostly looking the other way. Mob violence had become part of American political culture again, and it wasn’t the neo-Nazis or the white nationalists who had made that happen.
Or for that matter, the Christian right, the Republicans, or the libertarians.
Violence was being used to shut down political discussion. What’s more, some groups were claiming moral authority because they had been victimized by American society. No one would be allowed to criticize if the proper groups were involved.
This. Was. Wrong.
This lay the groundwork for tyranny.
As you can imagine, those last five paragraphs did not go over well.
BLM, antifa, and the black bloc weren’t allowed to be guilty no matter what they have done or what they will do.
Anyone who says different is a racist. A fascist.
A Nazi.
And they must not be allowed to speak. At all. Under any circumstances. They must be silenced.
That’s when the pagan stuff started hitting the fan. If a pagan did not IMMEDIATELY drop everything and denounce the neo-Nazis and link them AND ONLY THEM to unprovoked violence, why, they were no better than the Nazis.
And therefore they must not be allowed to speak. At all. Under any circumstances. They must be silenced.
Suddenly free speech was only for the Morally Favored.
This made me angry. Not only was paganism getting dragged into a political situation (AGAIN) that favored progressives, but people were literally talking about Those Who Should Have Free Speech and Those Who MUST NOT BE ALLOWED Free Speech. Violence was ACCEPTABLE against Those Who MUST NOT BE ALLOWED Free Speech. The whole mess was pushing my buttons. I’m afraid I wasn’t always polite about it.
So that was my week. It cropped up again and again. Phone calls, face to face talks, internet discussion boards, and gods, the emails. People couldn’t or wouldn’t accept one simple idea. Take away someone else’s free speech today and you will lose yours tomorrow. Not might, will. The only sure way to protect your free speech is to protect other’s free speech. Even if you don’t like what they are saying.
Especially if you don’t like what they are saying.
Noam Chomsky (of all people) said something very similar.
““Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.””
That’s who I am. That’s where I stand. A right isn’t a right unless the other guy has it too.
— NeoWayland, pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part time troublemaker
☆ Circus of hate
When I first read about Charlottesville, the first thing that flashed in my head was an image of an ex-military type grabbing an antifa and a neo-Nazi by the necks and shaking. There should be an adult right there disciplining the misbehaving children. Except we were told that the antifa were fighting the good fight. We kept hearing about how terrible the neo-Nazis were and how they should be forcibly removed. We didn't hear about how bad the antifa were. And when some of us pointed out that antifa also attacked people, well, that rated an attack right there. “False equivalence!” we heard. Nazi ideas were so very much worse than anything antifa said.
Apparently no one could possibly oppose the neo-Nazi violence and the antifa violence at the same time. If you did criticize the antifa, you were lumped in with the Nazis. Not because of what you said or did, but because you didn't support the struggle against the forces of racism and fascism and marginalization. The antifa were brave despite the institutionalized oppression they dared to fight in the name of victimized people everywhere.
Except the antifa have heavy political support. Some of their funding comes from Soros organizations. Some politicos look the other way when it comes to illegal antifa activities.
Charlottesville specifically looked like a setup. The antifa heavily outnumbered the neo-Nazis. The governor and the mayor didn't seem interested in keeping the peace. Police weren't acting like police. Some officers even said they were ordered to stand down.
It was a Roman circus, a spectacle to distract the crowds. The neo-Nazis looked scary, but the noble antifa would soon dispatch them. Once again the heroic forces of good would triumph over the unenlightened. Blood would flow into the sands.
Yep, it was almost as if it were scripted. A myth for the ages.
Grand spectacle.
For your amusement.
With clearly defined winners and losers.
Morality would win, even if it meant breaking the law in the name of the greater good.
Nahh, I thought. You're imagining things. Even you couldn't be that paranoid and cynical. That would require a level of political manipulation unheard of since…
Since the last presidential election. Since the ongoing media campaign against Donald Trump. Since the astroturf effort to convince Congress that campaign finance was a grassroots demand for change. Since the climate change alarmists. Since the introduction of gender fluidity in public school curriculum.
Well, blistering blue blazes.
I had bought into it. While I had focused on saying that violent protest was unacceptable, the media had established the new Utterly Despicable Villains in American myth.
And if you dared hesitate too long before denouncing the Utterly Despicable Villains and all they stood for, well then, you lost your Moral Authority™ to speak at all.
And like a fool, I walked into it with my eyes wide open.
I had been had.
I'm sure there was no central office planning it. Just a bunch of like-minded opportunists who saw a chance to prove that the American Dream was fatally flawed. That the song of freedom draws on an Unpardonable Sin that persisted to this very day! That the American flag was eternally stained with the blood of the oppressed. There could be no hope in liberty. It was all a lie.
Something stinks.
We still have time to fix this. We can't let this deceit become the prevailing myth.
America still does have a Dream. We can make a better World for ourselves and our children. Sure, we'll make mistakes, but we'll fix them. Nothing is carved in stone except the promise of a better tomorrow if we try hard enough. Our sins and our mistakes are our own. Recognizing those mistakes, fixing those mistakes, learning from those mistakes, that's the foundation we need. We're not locked into the sins of our fathers. Blame does not lead to the future.
Hope and liberty do. Take yours, if you dare.
☆ Soundbite politics
Barack Obama is a big reason why Donald Trump was elected President.
But I'll get back to that.
Read More...☆ Sins of the skin
Why is it that everyone is allowed to be proud of their ethnic heritage unless you're "white?"
And then there's "white privilege."
"If you can't see it, you've got it."
Guess what. That's racist.
Yes, you read that right. It's racist. People are being blamed because of their skin color. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, They Are Guilty and Can Not Be Redeemed. You can't get more racist than that.
They are not only guilty, but they are responsible for the actions and attitudes of people long dead.
Well, isn't that a kick in the pants. I can only speak for me.
I won't humble myself and acknowledge the sins of my skin color.
I won't abase myself.
I won't sacrifice my pride and power before their “need.”
Why not? Because I didn't do anything. You want to be a victim? Fine. Go do it somewhere else.
You want some help so you can stop being a victim? Then let's talk. Let's see what we can do.
Yes, the United States was not perfect when it was founded. There were a bunch of rich, "white" men running around controlling everything. Things got better. The US helped destroy the international slave trade. Women got the vote. Some of our greatest today aren't rich, "white", or male. Things got better. It's not perfect now. But we're getting better. That's the promise.
If you are not responsible for the sins of your ancestors, then neither is anyone else. Neither am I.
If you take pride in your ancestry, then so can anyone else. So can I.
Because I am not guilty for my ancestors.
My skin color doesn't make me racist.
Can you say the same?
We're human. Let's build on that. Let's start with today. Let's limit our judgement to what the individual has said and done.
Let's not blame the skin color. Or privilege. Or what we think they think.
Just what is said. Just what is done.
Can you live with that?
I can. Do we have a deal?
☆ Our permission society
““Everything not forbidden is compulsory.””
— T. H. White, The Once and Future King
Today I want to recognize two societies, the liberty society and the permission society.
The liberty society assumes that people take responsibility for their choices. Unless it harms someone or their property, you are free to do what you choose, when you choose, and how you choose. You choose.
But you are responsible for the consequences.
The permission society forbids people from acting without permission. Or license. Or approval.
Sadly, America has moved well into being a permission society. And our politicos want to move us further.
Your income must be reported under penalty of law. Spend too much, and it is reported. Save too much and it is reported. Take it out in cash and cross state lines and it is confiscated.
You're free to take what drugs you need as long as you have a doctor's permission. Except some drugs can't be legally sold. And some you must sign for because government assumes you might be making other not so legal drugs.
You can buy alcoholic beverages usually. But some states require that you buy from the government. And some wines and beers can't be sold across state lines.
You can buy insurance if your state government has approved the policy in advance. Don't like what's offered in your state? Sorry, you don't have permission to buy anything else.
You can carry a gun or not as your state decides. You might or might not need a license. You might or might not be able to carry a concealed weapon. Oh, and just because you can do it in your state doesn't mean you can do it in another.
You can start your own business. If you get the proper permits and occupational licensing. And sometimes, if your would be competition doesn't object.
You can rent out your house. If the local hotels and motels don't raise a fuss.
You can use your car to drive people. As long as you don't charge them if you don't have a taxi medallion.
How is this freedom?
Where is the harm?
Why do you stand for this?
☆ Government should be governed
Government exists for one reason and one reason only. Government exists to protect freedom. Not to govern, but to protect.
That's a different way of looking at things, isn't it?
Take education. There is not one blessed thing in the Constitution about the Federal government controlling or influencing education. Which means under the Tenth Admendment, it isn't allowed to do so.
Marriage? Not one thing.
Approving of medicines and medical devices? Not one thing.
Yet our legislatures and our President think that it is within government's power.
There were 115 Public Laws passed by Congress in 2016. Do you know what they are? I don't. And by the way, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."
I know that under Obama, there were more than 21,000 regulations added to the Federal Register. That's not pages, that's actual regulations. I don't know what more than a fraction of those are.
Do you think we might have just a little bit too much government?
According to politicos, every problem has a government solution. Including the problems caused by government. Yes, the Official® Solution to government power is More Government. More law! More rules! More technocrats!
Less liberty.
That's how it really works. Every time government acts, you are less free. Every time that government acts, it costs you money. Every time that government acts, government grows.
Every time. Every single time.
And when someone comes along and says government should be smaller, why, that is a Threat to the American Way of Life!
Except, when did more government become the American Way of Life?
Shouldn't we have smaller government?
Shouldn't we have more freedom?
Shouldn't we have more personal responsibility?
Your choice.
☆ Media utopia
It wouldn't be every story. But it would be the big stories, the ones that everyone would be talking about. So if you wanted to stay ahead of the curve, you'd read those three papers every day you could. The three papers were The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Oh, The Economist was good too, but I couldn't always find that.
These papers set the agenda that the rest of the nation's press followed. Not always the opinion, but definitely Which Stories Were Worthy. Even newsweeklies and the television news magazines followed the stories that these three newspapers had pointed out.
Telling people what has happened, that's reporting. But the best reporters went beyond that, they put it into context. If the President rapped his knuckles on the desk, they'd tell you what his predecessors did, when, and why. You'd understood how it fit.
There never was journalistic objectivity, but that was okay. As long as some differing opinions made it to press, the public would learn what happened. Reporting was the priority.
Over the years, the Washington Post grew convinced that it had taken down a President. Maybe setting the agenda wasn't enough. Maybe they could shape world events with their reporting. If they said it happened, maybe enough people would believe and the Elected Leadership would react. It worked kinda-sorta with Ronald Reagan, and it worked well with George H. W. Bush.
Then came Bill Clinton who wanted to change the world. So he cultivated and seduced the press. He convinced them that his administration together with the press could change the world if they only tried hard enough. And before the press admitted that there were all sorts of juicy tidbits in Clinton's background, it worked out pretty well. It also cemented belief that the press had a Higher Calling, and it was up to them to turn ignorance into enlightenment.
After Billy-boy came George W. Bush, Bush the Younger. Or Bush League as I eventually called him. Bush the Younger would have been a tolerable President, but then we had 9-11. And the press didn't want a war. Or at least, they didn't want an Official War® with heroes and patriotism and Amazing America riding to the rescue. So they decided to control the agenda. Most of the heroism coming out of 9-11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan never made the headlines. The failures, real and imagined, did.
Yeah, about that imagined bit. It was the Higher Calling. American ideas couldn't be allowed to succeed, especially on a world stage. America had to have more failures if only because America had more success. For most of his administration, George W. Bush could do no right according to the popular press.
And then came Barack Obama, the Imperious Leader, He Who Could Do No Wrong. The press loved this guy. For the first time ever, a president mostly played along with what the press said. The press didn't have to report it, they could create reality. That's what happened for eight years.
By 2016, the press had forgotten that their primary job was reporting what happened. No one realized that while the Grand Vision was put in place, they were losing Democrat lawmakers and elected officials to keep it into place. Meanwhile many people resented being dragged into a Utopia without their consent. Especially when Utopia was more expensive and more tyrannical.
So Donald Trump happened.
The press completely missed it. What happened wasn't nearly as important as what was supposed to happen.
The truth was a prison. The answer was to do what had worked for eight marvelous years. Reality had to change. Legality didn't matter. Morality didn't matter. Only the Utopia.
The untruths came fast. No one was going on record but it was obvious that Trump would fail if he got pushed. He couldn't hope to succeed. So stories of high-level meetings that never happened came out. Stories about sex orgies and golden showers in Russia. Stories about Trump hoarding the White House ice cream. None of these stories could be verified. The answer was to accelerate the news cycle. That was easy enough with the internet. Literally hours after each story was released came the debunking, new stories followed minutes after that.
We've reached the point where most of the “news” about President Donald Trump and his administration can't be trusted. The newspapers and news sources I used to trust can't be trusted.
I hate admitting it, but Trump is right about the press. And it's because the press won't report the news. The press wants the Utopia.
Truth doesn't matter.