A tax revolt would be highly illegal

So you shouldn't even consider it. Not for a moment. Don't even think about not paying your taxes.

Understand, I can't recommend this. It could have serious legal consequences. Emphasis in original.

I'll tell you what would be change.  Since it appears that a huge percentage of the current and former Congressional delegation has cheated on its taxes - after all, what are the odds you only picked the tax cheats, if you want me to believe in your idea of CHANGE you will immediately order all member of Congress in both Houses to undergo full IRS audits all the way back to the Statute of Limitations (three years), along with all of their staff.

You and I know know it won't happen, but I'll tell you what - I keep hearing people say they're going to file absolute crap this year.  Utter garbage.  "The Dog ate my Schedule C."

If The American People do this, Mr. President, government funding will collapse.  The IRS can't possibly audit everyone and we all know it.

Your administration is dangerously close to creating a full-on tax revolt among Americans.  You would not believe how often I have heard this among people both online and off in the last couple of weeks.  The anger, especially when the people who are cheating are folks like Daschle and Geithner, is VISCERAL - these are the people who both wrote the tax code and were involved in the bailouts and handouts which you expect we the people - ordinary Americans - to pay for.

Yep, a tax revolt would be highly illegal. It could have serious consequences, including imprisonment. It could lead to the collapse of the American Government.

I could not possibly suggest you think about it. Not at all.

Hat tip Sunni and the Conspirators.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - February 12, 2009 at 02:50 PM  Tag

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