The Hunger of the StateIn this week's opinion piece, I examine
the roots of tyranny.
One of the threats to freedom this last week was
that President Bush claimed power to open mail without a
Absolutely deplorable. A sure sign of tyranny. Our privacy is threatened. And the one new thing is that Bush has admitted it. Emergency powers are nothing new. This excellent piece by Jim Bovard shows that while President Bush expanded the power of the FedGovs to track your banking, the roots of the problem go back decades. Who remembers the political operatives who had access to FBI and IRS files during the Clinton Administration? Or even Nixon's "enemies list?" It doesn't stop with the presidency. Part of the debate in the waning days of the last Congress was over non-profit campaign contributions. Never mind that the very idea clearly attacks free speech and a free press, the non-profits had to be properly registered and controlled. Or in the first days of the new Congress, when "ethics reform" was clearly aimed at lobbyists and not Congressmen. This is the power of the State, hungering for more and more control. Why does the Federal Government need to look at your mail? To protect the homeland. Why does the Federal Government need to know your bank transactions? To keep you paying taxes. Why does the Federal Government need to track political contributions and speech? To monitor dissidents and suppress dissent. Here's one for you. With the two hundred plus years of law and thousands of pages in the Federal Register, why does Congress need to meet more than ninety days a year? To control you. We don't need new laws, especially when Congress can't be bothered to read them before voting on them. But it sure gives them power. The government assumes you are guilty. All these laws are predicated on your guilt, if only the State can find out. That is what it comes down to, ladies and gentlemen. We've raised a ravening monster hungry for freedom and our property. It's spawn have infested our lives from cradle to grave. There is no hero we can call. No exterminator can handle the job. It's just us and our neighbors. Attacks on privacy are a symptom, not the problem. It goes beyond the Post Office, beyond the Presidency, beyond Congress, and to the very concept of a powerful, centralized government unchecked by the citizens. It didn't happen over night, or even over a decade. No one human is responsible. The only ones who can destroy it utterly are the American people. And then only over the objections of the "leadership." So what can we do to stop it? Just remember that the system depends on you to do what you are told and ONLY what you are told. Americans have been tying authority figures in knots since before the Mayflower. By the way, I am not an authority figure and I have no desire to be one. But I have one response to an ever intrusive government. KYFHO. It is the only thing that can stop an ever growing government in it's tracks. It's the only thing that can reclaim stolen freedom. It may be the only thing besides me and mine that I am willing to fight for. Posted: Sun - January 7, 2007 at 05:51 PM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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