Sanctimonious Liberal Accusation

Show me the proof or quit lying

Certain columnists really irritate me.

After looking HARD for any footage from the supposed racist incident last week, I've come up dry. I'm not the only one. If the video existed, CNN would be running it nonstop. It'd be all over YouTube. MSNBC would be doing in-depth specials. The History Channel would be showing programs on racism and voting.

But I can't find anything.

Now, from the footage I have seen, it certainly appears that a group of "black" (gods, I hate categories) Congressmen were attempting to provoke a reaction. Some footage even shows Jesse Jackson holding cameras.

But if the incident DIDN'T occur, why insist that it did?

Why try to provoke it in the first place?

The only answer I can come up with is that the accusations are meant to silence debate and discredit critics.

The official story is that Republicans and conservatives are inherently racist.

Here's what you are not being told and what your children are not being taught.

Overall, the only justification for calling mainstream Republicans racist is because they don't think that government money should go to welfare programs that encourage dependency. That's it. Old style conservatives think that adult humans should be able to make their own way without government handouts because long term entitlements keep people victims.

Now I don't agree with old style conservatives about a lot (starting with "In God We Trust"), but they are right about this one.

Racism has mostly moved out of mainsteam America. I imagine that the Tea Party crowd, like me, gets annoyed every time the accusation of racism is used to quell dissent.

Oh, one other thing. Some folks have very short memories. In the 2000, 2004, and 2008 election cycles, the majority of political hate crimes were directed against Republicans.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - March 29, 2010 at 01:18 PM  Tag

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