How government screws up your medical care

Abortion is just one example

This article misses the point. Big time.

The Obama administration's move to rescind broad new job protections for health workers who refuse to provide care they find objectionable triggered an immediate political storm yesterday, underscoring the difficulties the president faces in his effort to find common ground on anything related to the explosive issue of abortion.

The administration's plans, revealed quietly with a terse posting on a federal Web site, unleashed a flood of heated reaction, with supporters praising the proposal as a crucial victory for women's health and reproductive rights, and opponents condemning it as a devastating setback for freedom of religion.

Perhaps most tellingly, the move drew deep disappointment from some conservatives who have been hopeful about working with the administration to try to defuse the debate on abortion, long one of the most divisive political issues.

First, the issue is not abortion or freedom of religion.

The issue is that government is making medical decisions. And it's made possible because government already pays for most some major and minor health care in America, especially long term.

"He who pays the bills makes the rules."

For example, the Federal government regularly prosecutes doctors who prescribe "too much" pain medication. No question about if the patients are in pain, just if the doctors are prescribing too much. My maternal grandmother spent the last thirty-plus years of her life in pain and it changed her personality. It didn't change back until five or so years before she died when she found a doctor who could help with the pain.

The whole issue of fetal stem cells is not over what research can be done, but who is going to pay the bills for the research. It wasn't until Bush stopped funding new programs using existing fetal stem cell lines that private research into adult stem cells took off.

I'll admit, I haven't really made up my mind about abortion. But I do know that the U.S. taxpayer should not be paying for abortions, legal or not, no matter where they take place. Just as government should not be paying for cold tablets or aspirin.

Government makes lousy medical decisions.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - March 2, 2009 at 02:55 PM  Tag

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