Islamaphobia overhyped

"Hate crimes" against Muslims in the U.S. are way down

Investor's Business Daily runs the FBI numbers on hate crimes.

Not only are anti-Islamic hate crimes way down, but they're a fraction of overall religious hate crimes. The overwhelming majority of such crimes target Jews, something CAIR and other Muslim groups don't seem all that concerned about.

In 2006, a whopping 66% of religiously motivated attacks were on Jews, while just 11% targeted Muslims, even though the Jewish and Muslim populations are similar in size. Catholics and Protestants, who together account for 9% of victims, are subject to almost as much abuse as Muslims in this country.

Last year's anti-Islamic hate crimes totaled 156. While just one hate crime is one too many, that's a 68% drop from 2001.

The FBI report gives lie to CAIR's alarmist narrative of "Islamophobic" lynch mobs marching on mosques across America. In reality, Americans have been remarkably, and admirably, tolerant and respectful of Muslims and their institutions since 9/11.

It's plain that CAIR, which claims to be the "Muslim NAACP," has been hyping tensions.

I abhor that phrase "hate crime." But if you are going to claim it, at least make sure the numbers back you up. As it is, this is just another reason to question ANYTHING and everything that CAIR claims.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sun - December 9, 2007 at 08:06 PM  Morality & Modern Life Tag

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