A matter of speech

In a free nation, even words from a vile man can't threaten our liberty. Especially when he won't reciprocate in his own country.

Yep, I am still having logic board problems. Which means that even surfing the net is problematic.

I'm not one of those outraged by Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia or the U.N.

No, the thing that annoys me is that six years after the fact, Ground Zero isn't much more than a hole in the ground. It should have been rebuilt already, higher and better than before.

That would have said more than all the indignant pontifications. It would have been a testimony to the American spirit, something that can't be suppressed for long. It's one of our best features.

As it is, the construction site is just a monument to bureaucracy and political infighting and form over substance. Good intentions but very little in the way of actual results.

What the Iranian President might say won't threaten the roots of the nation.

To me, it's more telling that he and his fellow Islamist despots would not dare allow to allow the American President to speak at one of their universities. This is the strength from diversity that they dare not acknowledge because it would undermine their own power.

As for the rest, well, his words condemn him. I'm still amazed that anyone can say his name and "human rights" in the same sentence.

He may not have actually said the "anymore," but then, he didn't really need to, did he?

Behold the fear of a radical Islamic fanatic.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - September 25, 2007 at 02:41 PM  Tag

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