Rewarding welfare and dependency - Updated


Here's one I want to get out of my stack just because.

I am not sure what to say except if you are going to give away a "free lunch," you can always expect a long line, even as some of those waiting want seconds and thirds. Make "charity" a function of government and soon enough the benefits are a "right."

The real question here is not if the family gamed the system, but if the system supports the welfare game.

Update - I got some criticism for linking to this one.

Let me see if I can't make it more clear.

We can agree that this particular family is "milking" the system. The estimate is that they receive about £44,000 per year in benefits.

At what point aren't they "milking" the system?

Forty-three thousand?

Twenty-one thousand?

Ten thousand?

Somewhere in there is a magic number that defines what benefits it is okay to take.

But that is only the first of the magic numbers.

There is also a number that defines when someone has to give money to support others.

Is that number more than ten thousand?

Twenty-one thousand?

Forty-three thousand?

At what point does it become okay for government to take money from one person, convert it at a loss to benefits, and give it to someone else?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sun - July 29, 2007 at 07:07 AM  Tag

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