The "Church of the Left"A two-part essay on the web ALMOST gets
it right
I have to give Saint Che And The Religion Of The Left mixed
On the one hand, the essay has several good points like this. In fact, anti-Americanism has evolved from the minor religion of has-been Marxists, professional victims, Islamo-fascists and Third World tinpot dictators playing to the cameras, into what can best be described as new found religious status, elevated to unimaginable heights. Che Gueverra, Uday and Qusei Hussein, Mao, and Ho Chi Minh are a few of the new saints (Castro will be canonized immediately upon death) with the Rosenbergs, Uday and Qusay Hussein, to name a few, are the angels over our shoulders, all blessed and ordained by Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and the religious orders of MoveOn and TruthOut. The objective of the new religion is to put the US into the worst possible light- and ignore those things that the US does well. The MSM had virtually nothing to say when US soldiers were brutally murdered along with Iraqi children, as the soldiers were passing out gifts. In fact, the story was almost immediately forgotten. Contrast that with pretend Quran desecration story, that went on for weeks. America is the hell and Mr Bush is the devil in this new religion. Of course, there can be no heaven or God- anti American ideology of the left precludes the need for a deity. Of course, if you are an anti- American Islamofascist, you can impose your beliefs at will. What the anti American religion offers it’s millions, if not billions, of adherents, is the same as any other faith- meaning. Of course it is really no more than an illusion, a mirage, to mitigate an otherwise useless existence (When anti-Americanism is the focus of your life, that life is indeed meaningless). What the anti-American religion would have you believe is that no matter how hypocritical, backward, bigoted, ignorant, corrupt, evil, murderous or cruel you or the regime you pledge allegiance to, you are better than the disgusting Americans. There is no doubt that anti-Americanism is increasingly visible and vocal. And yes, internationally there are some very solid reasons for this, starting with constant American interventionism and American guilt. To oversimplify, it's power over vs. power with again, but that assumes everyone is willing to play by common rules for the long term. If one side won't, well, that changes the game. I will go one step further and say that the real root problem lies with imposing ideology and overlooking history. And sure enough, that is what we get with Part Two of the essay. It starts right. Religious adherents hope to be imbued with a ‘holy spirit,’ elevating themselves into a kind of nirvana-like state. In the religion of the left, adherents hope to be blessed with a different kind of frenzy, one that closely resembles a kind of transference. It is also true that the catechism of the left is strange collection of eclectic ideas and ideologies, none of which address reality in a meaningful way. Like the radical Islamists, the Church of the Left usually assigns the worst of it’s own characteristics to those it finds itself in disagreement with- the US and anyone who disagrees with them. Adherents of the Church of the Left will side with anyone, no matter who they are or what they represent, if the agenda is anti-American enough. But then the essay does it's own history twist. When you get right down to it, the Church of the Left is not unlike the pagan religions of the dark ages, forcing itself upon an often unwilling population, demanding tributes and sacrifices, with no regard to the truth or reality. Hate America- that is enough. Hate freedom- well, even better. Hate those who would bring freedom to the multitudes, well, that is best of all. All the while, the Church of the Left fuels that agenda with bigotry, hate and intimidation. That is not an exaggeration. Disagree with the catechism of the left and you are evil, to be eliminated. The Church of the Left elevates itself by tearing down the beliefs of others. Is it any wonder that they have found a temporary kinship with Islamists? Long story short, it wasn't pagan faiths that forced themselves on an unwilling population. It was the early forms of Pauline Christianity backed up by the heirs of Constantine (except Julian) and Imperial Rome. It was this melding of monotheistic religion and government that ushered in the Dark Ages. That is the lesson that we should be taking from this essay. The rise of the "Church of the Left" isn't dangerous because of their belief or their intolerance, but because of the push for political power to suppress dissent. None of this can possibly be a threat unless it is backed up with force. Posted: Thu - July 12, 2007 at 08:59 AM
Pagan Vigil
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, using only extremes just increases the problems. My Thinking Blogger Nominees
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