Media double standard

Why aren't liberals held to the same standards the mainstream media holds conservatives and libertarians to?

Gay Patriot rips Michael Moore and the mainstream media.

For those of who want to speak out on politics, movies and whatever, it’s sad to see the success of someone who has based his entire career on distorting the facts, pulling quotes out of context and otherwise misrepresenting his adversaries. But, then again, what he does is little different from what many left-wing bloggers (and even some on the right) do every day. Indeed, we see it frequently in the comments section of this blog, coming from both sides, but more often from our critics than our supporters.

If the MSM were truly devoted to portraying things as they are, instead of heralding Michael Moore, they would treat him as they do right-wing propagandists. They would note his many deceptions and wonder at his success.

It’s a sad sign for our country that such a hateful and dishonest man has achieved such prominence. But, then again, his success gives his critics the opportunity to take issue with his lies and address the real issues at hand.

That pretty much sums up my feelings, and not just with Michael Moore. If CNN went after Al Gore they way that they constantly go after Dick Cheney, people could judge the better judge Al Gore's claims. Instead, there are just a few voices that say Al Gore distorts the truth and people buy into the lie.

Why is it okay for modern liberals to bend the facts if it is for the right cause?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sun - July 1, 2007 at 01:45 PM  Morality & Modern Life Tag

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