Obama blames Christian Right for religious division in politics

He should look in a mirror

I am not sure what to laugh at first, Senator Obama's presumption to speak for all of the United States or his ignorance of history.

Sen. Barack Obama told a church convention Saturday that some right- wing evangelical leaders have exploited and politicized religious beliefs in an effort to sow division.

"Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked," the Democratic presidential candidate said in remarks prepared for delivery before the national meeting of the United Church of Christ.

"Part of it's because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who've been all too eager to exploit what divides us," the Illinois senator said.

Monotheistic faiths have always been divisive, going clear back to Egypt. Sort of the nature of the beast so to speak. You can't claim to have the exclusive line to the "one and only" Divine and not separate people in Chosen and Not-Chosen. Look at the Old Testament. Centuries spent fighting over who really was doing a Deity's will. Christianity? Same thing. Look at all those letters that Paul supposedly wrote, not to mention a few more centuries spent destroying heresy. And do I really have to go into the history of Islam?

But the really funny bit here is how the Senator instantly draws lines between "Us" and "Them" without ever realizing that he is doing the exact same thing he is accusing the Christian Right of doing.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - June 25, 2007 at 02:37 PM  Tag

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