The RIAA is up to it's old tricks

At this point I am beginning to wonder if they just randomly pick names out of the phone book

I still think the RIAA is just extorting people.

In a news release sent to the university Tuesday night, the RIAA announced that 400 pre-litigation settlement letters are on their way to 13 universities across the country. The letters identify Internet provider addresses of file sharers, and the RIAA is asking that schools forward the letters to computer owners.

Students must commit to settle the claim within 20 days to avoid further litigation, said Jenni Engebretsen, an RIAA spokeswoman. Neither Engebretsen nor RIAA executives, who released a recorded conference call about the notices, would say how much the settlements would be.

“We view this as a win, win, win that advances everybody’s interests,” said Steve Marks, RIAA executive vice president, during the conference call. The RIAA, universities and students all benefit from the pre-litigation notices, which reduce the time and cost of lawsuits, he said.

Is it any less extortion if the weapon of choice is a law firm rather than a gun?

And how in the world did the RIAA arrive at that magic number of 400 per month?

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - March 2, 2007 at 05:23 AM  Tag

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