What's the crime?

Another piece demanding that we protect the children, this time from "furry porn"

You know, I keep reading this article and I can't see what the guy is guilty of. Except maybe trademark infringement.

Julio Quevedo, 43, faces jail time for peddling bogus costumes of popular cartoon characters to undercover investigators who told him they would be used for a triple-X fetish called "furry porn," cops said yesterday.

Now, Mr. Quevedo didn't produce the porn. He didn't dress up in the costumes and act in the porn. Even if he had, there is nothing illegal in that.

No children were exposed to unwanted cartoon sex.

He sold knockoff costumes. Last I heard, that is a growth industry in New York City.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Wed - February 28, 2007 at 01:49 PM  Morality & Modern Life Tag

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