What do you do when your car doesn't trust you?

Toyota will add a "feature" that promises to make car owners lives more difficult

Bad enough we get paternalistic governments. But a paternalistic car manufacturer?

Although Nissan has already considered an add-on option that would prevent inebriated individuals from motoring around on a whim, it looks like Toyota is following suit with its own anti-drunk driving approach. Reportedly, the automaker is developing a "fail-safe system for cars that detects drunken drivers and automatically shuts the vehicle down if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohol consumption." Utilizing "sweat detectors," the steering wheel automatically sniffs out the driver's BAC and can restrict the car from cranking if it deems necessary; additionally, it can recognize "abnormal steering" or take advantage of the "special camera installed to monitor your pupils" in order to slow your vehicle to a halt if you're smart aware enough to wear gloves when taking the wheel.

Given the questionable accuracy of breathalyzer tests and the number of things that can cause false positives in various drug tests, I think I want an guaranteed accuracy before I even think about buying a Toyota. Or renting one for that matter.

If someone manages to defeat all the safeguards, it seems to me that Toyota would be liable for any damage.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - January 4, 2007 at 07:25 PM  Tag

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