Sandy Berger, thief and vandal

Call a stone a stone already

Imagine what the reaction would have been if someone from the Reagan or first Bush Administration had done this.

Berger pleaded guilty to unlawfully removing and retaining classified documents. He was fined $50,000, ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and was barred from access to classified material for three years.

Inspector General Paul Brachfeld reported that National Archives employees spotted Berger bending down and fiddling with something white around his ankles.

The employees did not feel at the time there was enough information to confront someone of Berger's stature, the report said.

Later, when Berger was confronted by Archives officials about the missing documents, he lied by saying he did not take them, the report said.

Bad enough that Berger pulled this stunt. But the documents he took and destroyed almost certainly would have told of the Clinton Administration's response to Islamist terrorism.

Valerie Plame is "outed" by Who's Who and the Democrats insist on going after Dick Cheney despite there being no link. But let a former Democrat official steal and destroy documents from the National Archives and no one is interested.

Partisanship trumps the law and the public interest.

That's why I do not place great faith in the Democrats "fixing" Congress or Washington. They are just as eager to hide their dirty laundry as the Republicans.

Give me "None of the Above."

— NeoWayland

Posted: Thu - December 21, 2006 at 05:28 PM  Morality & Modern Life Tag

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