"Peace, Justice, and Violence"

Unique and moral perspective

Fiacharrey has a great piece up at Cypress Nemeton. I've been debating if I should link to it on my political or Pagan blog. Politics won out.

Violence is a universal constant. The survival of any species, any life form throughout the universe, depends upon its ability to survive violent attacks. If aliens were to land on Earth, they may or may not be benevolent, but one thing is for sure - they will understand how to wage war and defend themselves from the same. Why am I so sure? Because those aliens don’t know what is out there. The are wandering into unexplored territory and must be prepared for whatever comes their way. They must expect that they may run into other aliens who might want to kill them. Therefore, they must be prepared to fight.

I do not believe, then, that our ability to wage war or to kill marks us as somehow unnatural, or un-evolved. There is no “higher” level of evolution of the human species at which violence will be some distant, historical anomaly. Violence is simply a fact of life, and our ability to deal it out is a necessity.

However, I am a Druid. I pray for peace and actively work for peace. Why? Because that, too, is a necessary part of life. According to the Gaia theory, the Earth itself is one large organism. I would add that communities, states, and nations, are also organisms. Even corporations, much to my chagrin, are organisms. In the definition of what life is, it is said that living organisms tend toward homeostasis, or an equilibrium of parameters that define their internal environment. Violence is anything that abruptly disrupts that homeostasis. As living organisms, we naturally tend to avoid violence and seek peace. Peace is safer. Peace supports our homeostasis.

Fantastic stuff. You should give him a try.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - October 16, 2006 at 04:29 AM  Tag

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