Relative morality

Political correctness doesn't work

Evan Coyne Maloney makes some great points about multiculturalism at Brain Terminal.

It isn't politically correct to recognize that there are cultures where sawing people's heads off is considered an appropriate response to an inflammatory film or cartoon. To recognize that such cultures exist requires us to make moral judgments about those cultures. It demands that we say, "You know, maybe it isn't right to execute people in some excruciatingly grizzly fashion over mere drawings or books." But the politically correct West is a post-moral society. We're not allowed to judge the behavior of other cultures; multiculturalism forbids it.

The way the game is rigged, you're a racist if you don't adhere to the mantra that all cultures are morally equal. So if you can blame the behavior of Jihadists on Western imperialism, then you can acknowledge that behavior without judging it. You avoid being thought of a racist, and you can still be a concerned and caring multiculturalist in good standing. Political correctness requires that we always point the finger at ourselves. By definition, you can't be politically correct and assign blame anywhere else.

That's why at this stage of the game, negotiation isn't an option.

The Islamists are working in absolutes. They are going to hate us no matter what we do, and if we try to "respect" their beliefs, they will see it as a sign of weakness and an invitation for force.

Not all Muslims are like that. But the Islamists are, and until we deal with them, there will be no peace.

And if you think I am being needlessly harsh, ask why we did not go after the murderers of Ambassador Cleo Allen Noel, Jr.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - June 19, 2006 at 04:48 AM  Tag

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