Australian follow-upTrying to get the straight
Good information is a little confused right now,
but here is what I have learned.
First, there have been ongoing problems between the immigrant population and the native born for years. Just before the riots, three Pakistani Muslims were sentenced for rape. An Australian court dismissed appeals on Friday from three Pakistani brothers convicted of gang rape, with a judge describing a defence claim that their Muslim background contributed to the crime as insulting. New South Wales state appeal court judge Michael Grove refused to reduce the sentences of the three brothers over the July 2002 rapes of two teenage girls at the family home in Sydney’s suburbs. Appeal lawyers for 27-year-old MSK, one of the brothers, argued that their client’s strict Muslim upbringing in Pakistan meant he had traditional views about women that made him a “cultural time bomb” in Australia and contributed to the rapes. The judge said it was an inappropriate argument. “It was intended to suggest that differences might be observed in behaviour in the respective cultures of Pakistan and Australia. There was and is not the slightest basis for concluding other than that in both places, all women are entitled to respect and safety from sexual assault,” he told the court. “The expression ‘cultural time bomb’ was to say the least inappropriate and inapt - it would understandably be regarded as offensive by those who fell within the scope of its insult.” This has been another ongoing problem. A Muslim sheik told followers at a public meeting in Bankstown that women who were raped had incited men's lust by dressing immodestly and only had themselves to blame. Sydney-born Sheik Faiz Mohamad, 34, a former boxer who teaches at the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, made the comments during a lecture for more than 1000 people at Bankstown Town Hall. The Sun-Herald has a recording of the March 18 speech in which Sheik Faiz said: "A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world . . . "Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature." He compared a woman dressed in such a way to a sheep. "Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No . . . It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves. What is the consequence? Catastrophic devastation, sexual harassment, perversion, promiscuity." At this point, I can't seem to get the direct numbers from anywhere but extreme right wing websites, but it seems that there is a huge rape problem in Western Europe as well, and the majority of the rapists are either Muslim immigrants or the first Muslim generation born in that country. This doesn't excuse the riots in Australia. It does seem that a number of racist groups capitalized on events that were taking place. But it also seems that many in Australia were tired of being "good neighbors" when certain visitors didn't want to play by the rules. Gods, what a mess. I can't get a straight answer out of anyone. Posted: Thu - December 15, 2005 at 05:22 AM Morality & Modern Life
Pagan Vigil "Because LIBERTY demands more than just black or white"
Pagan Vigil
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