Liquid assetts

NonEntity gets right to the point

Sunni and the Conspirators is one of my favorite sites (and not just because Sunni has put up a quote from me from Technopagan Yearnings), I really like the sense of community there, and I am a regular even if I don't always comment.

Well, I can't do this one justice without quoting most of it. It's good, and I will be watching NonEntity closely.

You remember when you would replace all of that great alcohol that you stole from your parents' liquor bottles with water, carefully marking the side of the bottle first, so as to remember how much it took you to get wasted? Well, I don't either because I never could stand alcohol until I turned about 40 or so, and my parents didn't smoke pot, so I had to... well, I'm getting off track here.

The point is, that every time I hear one of those yo-yo brained idiots on the propaganda network babbling about how this or that entity added "liquidity" to this or that economic vacuum cleaning device, all I can think of is the bottle of Vodka which in actuality is about 2 parts Vodka and 98 parts tap water...

That has to be the best explanation I've seen. They can add more liquid but they can't add more value. That's exactly right.

Oh, and I didn't quite quote it all. I wouldn't want to spoil the funny...

— NeoWayland

Posted: Tue - October 14, 2008 at 07:33 AM  Tag

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