Radio waves or aether, to the layman it's all the same

Modifying and tweaking my wireless network

Outdoor humor writer Pat McManus wrote about the "situational vortex." It's one job that leads to several other jobs, each of which has several prerequisite jobs, and so on. So by trying to do one thing, you suddenly have a whole list of things that all have to be done before you have what you need to do the original job.

I put in a more recent model of an Apple Air Port Extreme (wireless router) so the connection speed on my iPad would be higher. But the Air Port Express that used to be in the library was slaved to the old WiFi network, and besides it was going to go in my living room for an Air Tunes (wireless speaker) set up.

MaKai, my trusty iMac, lives in the sanctum. Without the Air Port Express to extend the signal, the connection dropped to barely there at all. I had to move the old Air Port Extreme to the library and set it up to extend the network. Not a biggie, just a little time consuming. Have to move this, reroute the cable to the other thing, and I really should put a GFCI plug on that, and so on.

Now I have a strong signal again, and I should be able to post. Besides telling you about it, this is a test to make sure.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Mon - April 19, 2010 at 12:09 PM  Tag

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