"What kind of parent brings his kid to the Amazon so that yetis can throw boulders at him?"

Looking closely at some earlier assumptions of pop culture and how they shaped us today

Jason Weigal at ReasonOnline interviews Jackson Publick of The Venture Brothers.

Superscience, the hubris of the Boomer Generation, superheros, and "self-righteousness that pretends to be patriotism" all come in for a through skewering.

That's the deeper thing behind it -- it's me voicing my disappointment that we don't have that kind of magic going on any more, that level of enthusiasm and hope. That extends to the kind of cultural stuff that was going on in the 60s, a youthful generation thinking they could change the world. I'm voicing my displeasure at having been born in a time when some of that magic, for lack of a better word, is gone, and some of those promises that were made in all of our pop culture were never met. My laptop is the coolest thing that's come out of that. I'm still waiting on my jet pack.

So am I.

The interview is worth reading.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - April 20, 2007 at 05:30 AM  Tag

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