Police and pain guns

Non-lethal energy weapons

So the question is why is a gadget geek (and reluctant gun advocate) like me concerned over this clipping?

The Department of Justice is working on two new weapons descended from the Air Force's "pain beam" Active Denial System—and wants to put them in the hands of your local boys in blue.

One is a backpack-sized portable ADS that uses microwaves to roast your skin, creating what the Pentagon gingerly calls a "repel response"—in other words, OWOWITBURNSOWOWTURNITOFF. They say it causes no permanent damage, but there haven been cases of second-degree burns.

Part of it is because the Taser is still being marketed as a "non-lethal" gun alternative even after there have been multiple deaths, especially with the police models.

Part of it is because the current SWAT mania sweeping the nation's police forces was largely made possible by the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice making "surplus" military gear available at deep, deep discounts, but only if you were a "legitimate" police force.

Part of it is because many of the state and Federal gun laws are specifically written to keep "military weapons" out of the hands of civilians.

Part of it is because the various local police forces are increasingly unanswerable to anyone, especially local citizens.

Prepare to be caught in the crossfire. And prepare to thank the police for the "privilege."

— NeoWayland

Posted: Fri - December 26, 2008 at 01:01 PM  Tag

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