Hollywood warms up again to global warming - updatedAnother propaganda film that we aren't
supposed to question
No matter what Leonardo diCaprio says, it's still more belief
than science. Emphasis
What was the most difficult thing for you in making this film? DiCaprio: Trying to condense the vision of what these scientific experts are saying (about global warming) and trying to make it as clear and as emotionally moving as possible. Trying to condense a world of issues into an hour-and-a-half format in this film was the biggest challenge. But it was about giving them a platform where they didn't have to argue about the science. Because, and I keep stressing this, this is the overwhelming majority of the scientific community that believes in this. Not to have to be challenged about the science, about if their opinions were correct or if their opinions were valid. It was about them being able to express ideas and being able to give us, the public. Listen to the scientists and give us, the public, solutions for the future. Here's what I keep stressing. Science is not about what people believe, it's about what can be proven. Yet almost every time lately I see an argument claiming human caused global warming, they always bring up something like "this is what most scientists believe." By some counts, approximately 75% of Americans are Christian. Certainly an "overwhelming majority," but in and of itself that's hardly proof that Jesus Christ existed. Christianity only comprises about 33% of the world population, which means that an "overwhelming majority" doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, but that is not definitive proof he didn't exist. Belief does not equal fact. Proven science means that the theory must not only account for past and present observations, but can predict future conditions. Here's where the global warming theories fall down. No one can take the numbers from five years ago and produce numbers that show what is happening now. That means that future conditions can't be predicted from the theory, which in turn means that there is no science behind the theories of human-caused global warming. Unless and until global warming can be verified, it is a belief system that must be taken on faith. In other words, a religion. It doesn't matter what films come out. It doesn't matter what people say about it. The only thing that makes it science is what can be proven. And just as most Hindus aren't particularly interested in Christianity, most people who don't believe in global warming don't really care about the arguments "proving" global warming because the "proof" is all emotional appeal and very little science. The only reason I make so much noise about it is because the global warming apologists want their beliefs to be given the force of law. This will have drastic economic consequences which I do care about. Not to mention that pesky little detail of expanding the power of the state and destroying freedom. I won't stand for it with Islamic fundamentalists, I won't stand for it from Christian fundamentalists, and I won't stand for it from those who claim that humans caused devastating global warming. It's a belief system trying to wrap itself in science, but it can't be proved. Quit trying to short circuit the debate and present the evidence. Posted: Sat - May 19, 2007 at 11:43 PM
Pagan Vigil
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