Coal company CEO discusses global warming

The numbers aren't good

More people should listen to Robert E. Murray. Emphasis added.

"The science of global warming is speculative. But there's nothing speculative about the damage a C02 capture program will do to this country. I know the names of many of the thousands of people--American workers, their families--whose lives will be destroyed by what has become a deceitful and hysterical campaign, perpetrated by fear-mongers in our society and by corporate executives intent on their own profits or competitive advantage. I can't stand by and watch.

Tough words, and unusually brash ones for a respected CEO, though Mr. Murray is uniquely situated to deliver them. Unlike other energy executives--at industrial firms such as GE that make millions on wind turbines, or utilities such as Duke or Exelon who are making big financial bets on "clean energy"--coal CEOs such as Mr. Murray are the bad boys on the global-warming scene, and will see zero upside in a global-warming program. While the industry has certainly made advances on the real pollution front (sulfur dioxide/nitrogen oxide), coal still accounts for the vast majority of all electricity-related C02 emissions.

The only way to really cut carbon emissions would be to severely limit the use of coal-fired power plants and manufacturing facilities, which is exactly what environmentalists have wanted for years. "We're one of the targets of this campaign," says Mr. Murray. "Putting in place a global warming program is about putting limits on the coal business and low-cost energy." The Ohio coal miner therefore has nothing to lose by speaking hard truths.

Whatever your position on global warming, I'm pretty sure you don't want to pay much more for electricity. If 52% of the electricity in the United States comes from coal, it's pretty easy to run the numbers. Adding another third to the cost of coal will add approximately 19% to the cost of electricity nationally (costs will vary regionally). Doubling the cost of coal adds more than 28% to the cost of electricity nationally.

Remember even if your area isn't affected by higher coal prices, that increased cost will be added to prices of goods and services from areas that are.

Something you should ask yourself is why the global warming apologists find it necessary to dismiss Robert E. Murray and will only listen to those CEOs who support their position.

And then you should ask why the CEOs support the global warming arguments. I can promise you that it is not out of the goodness of their hearts.

Follow the money.

— NeoWayland

Posted: Sat - May 19, 2007 at 06:11 AM  Tag

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